
Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

S. Korea Career Advice: Sex Harassment Is Cool, Ladies

This, courtesy of a government ministry

(Newser) - The country that brought us very wide and pink women-only parking spots is now offering up a little career advice for the ladies: As the Korea Herald reports, South Korea's Labor Ministry—yes, the government body tasked with matters pertaining to its workforce—offered up some presumably well-intentioned tips...

Foul-Mouthed Pastor: Women Are 'Penis Homes'

Mark Driscoll takes break as troubled megachurch shuts branches

(Newser) - Mark Driscoll routinely curses and makes biblical references to oral sex during his sermons at his Mars Hill megachurch—but the Seattle pastor’s controversial words may have finally done him in. A female blogger at Patheos dug up comments Driscoll made under a pseudonym on a church message board...

Gillibrand: Colleagues Called Me 'Fat,' 'Porky,' 'Chubby'

Your elected politicians behave badly in her book, 'Off the Sidelines'

(Newser) - New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand has a new book, Off the Sidelines , out next month, and it takes a frank look at the reality of being a woman on Capitol Hill. Among the more surprising and perhaps not-so-surprising tidbits:
  • Gillibrand reveals she had lost 50 pounds after giving birth when

OnePlus Urges Women to Enter 'Degrading' Contest

Smartphone company cans 'Ladies First' contest amid outcry

(Newser) - Promoting a new smartphone? Launching an online who's-the-hottest-babe contest may not play well with all consumers, as OnePlus discovered today. The company—which is selling its phones by invitation only due to production issues—started a "Ladies First" campaign that invited women to draw the OnePlus logo on...

Why Negotiators Lie to Women

 Why Women 
 Get Lied to 
 in Negotiations 
study says

Why Women Get Lied to in Negotiations

Confidence and perceived competence are key, study finds

(Newser) - Think women get cheated at the negotiating table? That painful cliché has found new life in a US study of MBA students who, true to form, cheated females more often than males, Jezebel reports. First, researchers at UPenn and UC Berkeley had prospective sellers—both male and female—negotiate with...

Official Says Women Shouldn't Laugh, Country Cracks Up

Turkey's deputy PM blasts 'moral collapse'

(Newser) - Turkey's deputy leader doesn't like it when women laugh in public, but he's caused plenty of hilarity across the country. In a widely mocked speech attacking "moral corruption," Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc slammed women for spending too much time talking on the phone, said...

Guy Who Coined 'Manic Pixie Dream Girl' Wishes He Hadn't

Phrase to call out sexism has become sexist: Nathan Rabin

(Newser) - Nathan Rabin invented the phrase "Manic Pixie Dream Girl" in 2007 after seeing the film Elizabethtown, starring Kirsten Dunst. His goal was to point out a "fundamentally sexist" film trope centering around a male fantasy "of being saved from depression and ennui by a fantasy woman who...

Coming Soon: Female Lego Scientists

Toy maker responds to criticism

(Newser) - Lego has apparently heard the criticism that its plastic universe is mostly a boys' club, and things will change this summer. A new line of figurines due out in August will feature a female chemist, paleontologist, and astronomer, reports Time . The set was suggested by a female geochemist in Sweden...

Putin on Clinton: Don’t Argue With Women

Tough rhetoric a sign of weakness, he says

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin managed to refrain from grunting and beating his chest during an interview this week in which he suggested that Hillary Clinton is "weak"—"not the worst quality for a woman"—and said, "It's better not to argue with women." The Russian...

Reviewer Wants Female Servers to 'Show Skin,' Owner Caves*

*By offering a very cheeky special

(Newser) - A West Virginia restaurateur digging through the pits of depravity, er, troves of wisdom, more commonly known as "online reviews" stumbled upon a charming little screed on UrbanSpoon demanding that his female servers "show some more skin." But instead of sending his thoughtful patron directions to Hooters,...

NYT Publisher: Abramson 'Could Not Win Back' Colleagues

Arthur Sulzberger Jr blames her for the debacle

(Newser) - Now, it's his turn: New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr responded yesterday to the wave of outrage over the firing of former executive editor Jill Abramson, saying "she had lost support of her masthead colleagues and could not win it back." In a statement, Sulzberger said...

Abramson&#39;s Firing at NYT Feels Likes Sexism
Abramson's Firing at NYT
Feels Like Sexism

Abramson's Firing at NYT Feels Like Sexism

Two female columnists weigh in on her abrupt dismissal

(Newser) - The New York Times didn't just fire Jill Abramson , its top honchos seemed to go out of their way to humiliate her, writes Megan McArdle at Bloomberg . We still don't know why, but the leading theories are that she tried to hire a managing editor without permission and...

Tokyo Women Vow Sex Strike Over Candidate

Gubernatorial hopeful once said women weren't fit to hold office

(Newser) - Tokyo elects a new governor this weekend, and one of the frontrunners is Yoichi Masuzoe, a former health minister backed by the establishment. The 65-year-old has 15 challengers to fend off and now a new group that calls itself "the association of women who will not have sex with...

'First Lady' Role: It's 'Sexist,' Needs to Go

It's outdated, and hurts women: Nabila Ramdani

(Newser) - It may be time to do away with the "feeble, sexist, and outdated" role of first lady, writes Nabila Ramdani in the Guardian . Look at Valérie Trierweiler: Upon learning that her partner, French President François Hollande, was having an affair, she spent eight nights in the hospital—...

GOP Coaching Candidates on How to Run Against Women

'Some of these guys have a lot to learn'

(Newser) - In the hopes of avoiding another "legitimate rape" incident , the National Republican Congressional Committee has been meeting with top aides to sitting GOP congressmen, coaching them on how they and their bosses should talk about social issues—particularly if they're running against a woman, Politico reports. "Let...

Sweden's New Rating System: Is the Movie Sexist?

Cinemas experiment with the 'Bechdel test'

(Newser) - A handful of movie theaters in Sweden have rolled out a new rating system to let viewers know whether a movie is sexist, reports the AP . The simple test: Does it have at least two female characters who talk to each other about something other than a man? If so,...

French MP 'Clucks' to Mock Female Colleague's Speech

Outraged critics calling it a sexist move

(Newser) - French MP Véronique Massonneau was addressing the National Assembly in Paris when she was interrupted by the sound of a colleague clucking like a chicken. Massonneau, a member of the green party Europe Ecology, eventually turned to conservative MP Philippe Le Ray and said, "That's enough. Stop...

Wendy Davis' Secret Weapon: GOP's Misogyny

Judith Warner thinks Texas candidate is a distinctly sexualized politician

(Newser) - Wendy Davis officially announced her candidacy for governor of Texas yesterday, and Judith Warner thinks she's exactly what Democrats need—and not just because of her filibuster-generated fame. "Blonde, strikingly pretty, outspoken, and female, Davis is, to put it bluntly, invaluable as bait," Warner writes at Time...

Women Make 77 Cents for Every Dollar a Man Makes

Census Bureau shows little change in recent years

(Newser) - The gap in pay between men and women seems officially stuck in place: New Census Bureau stats show that women earned 76.5 cents for every dollar that men made in 2012, an amount that hasn't changed much in a decade, reports the Wall Street Journal . Overall, men who...

Chinese Hospital's Request: Female Virgins' Blood

Researchers face backlash ahead of HPV study

(Newser) - A Chinese cancer hospital has sparked anger with a call for blood donations—specifically from 100 female virgins ages 18 to 24. The Peking University Cancer Hospital says it's planning a study on HPV and that virgins are less likely to have the virus. "It's in line...

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>