imported food

15 Stories

We May Soon See a Spike in Avocado Prices
A Big Avocado Supply to
the US Just Got Shut Down
in case you missed it

A Big Avocado Supply to the US Just Got Shut Down

Imports of avocados, mangos from Michoacan, Mexico, halted after 'incident' with USDA inspectors

(Newser) - The US Department of Agriculture has indefinitely put the kibosh on inspections of avocados and mangos imported from Mexico, citing "security concerns" for USDA staff. Inspections of those food items "will remain paused until the security situation is reviewed and protocols and safeguards are in place," the...

Feds Find Goose Intestines Under Dead Rattlesnakes

Feds bust 6 for illegally importing gross stuff hidden under other gross stuff

(Newser) - Six people were arrested in New York on Tuesday on charges of illegally importing goose and duck intestines from China, in some cases by hiding them under packaged rattlesnakes or mislabeling them as pet grooming products on customs forms, federal officials announced. The scheme, which the AP reports also included...

There's a New Retail 'Crisis' Affecting Costco
There's a New Retail
'Crisis' Affecting Costco
in case you missed it

There's a New Retail 'Crisis' Affecting Costco

Imports delayed over apparent lack of shipping containers

(Newser) - There's a reason your local Costco may look barer than usual. Delays at ports are affecting supplies of imported goods, and imported cheeses in particular, USA Today reports. During an earnings call last week, CFO Richard Galanti explained Costco was seeing limited supplies of cheese, seafood, olive oil, furniture,...

The Premier Tried to Speak. Then Came the Pig Guts

'Disgusting' Taiwan protest was in response to allowance of US pork imports with ractopamine

(Newser) - It's not out of the ordinary for fights to break out in Taiwan's parliament, but Friday's brawl was more stomach-turning than usual. As Premier Su Tseng-chang tried to answer questions during a session of the Legislative Yuan, punches flew and members of the Kuomintang (KMT) opposition party...

Imported Chicken Wings Test Positive for COVID-19

A Chinese city finds COVID-19 on food from Brazil

(Newser) - If you're in Shenzhen, China, think twice about buying imported chicken wings—which might just contain the coronavirus, CNN reports. That's according to a municipal statement that a surface sample of frozen wings from Brazil tested positive Wednesday during a screening in the city's Longgang district. Health...

Critics Say eBay Founder's Hawaiian Plan Literally Stinks

Pierre Omidyar wants to build a dairy on Kauai

(Newser) - The smell of cow dung and the sting of biting flies—it's not exactly what one dreams of when dreaming of a Hawaiian getaway. But it's the reality eBay founder/Honolulu resident Pierre Omidyar is hoping to create on Kauai. With an eye toward sustainability, Omidyar is looking to...

Our Olive Oil Is Often Rancid, and We Don't Even Know It

'We call the US the world’s dumping ground for rancid and defective olive oil'

(Newser) - As consumers, we pay a price for extra virgin olive oil—and not just literally. The oil is extracted naturally from the first press of the olives, as opposed to using heat or chemicals. It's basically olive juice, reports Mother Nature News , and it must have zero defects. But...

Hundreds Sick From Cilantro Grown in Feces-Strewn Fields

Cyclospora cayetanensis is a single-celled parasite that causes the infection

(Newser) - The US is banning some Mexican cilantro thanks to the appalling conditions health officials recently found at multiple cilantro fields two hours southeast of Mexico City. Human feces and toilet paper have been found in the growing fields in Puebla, and the general lack of sanitation for workers has been...

Big Food Battles Big Sugar to Cut Import Prices

Food firms warn of shortages if cheap foreign sugar blocked

(Newser) - America could "virtually run out of sugar" if more cheap foreign imports aren't allowed in, some of the nation's biggest food companies warned Agriculture Secretary Thomas Vilsack in a recent letter. The firms—which pay around twice the world market price for sugar because of tariffs to protect...

Honey Packers Fail to Report Tainted Imports
 Honey Packers Fail to 
 Report Tainted Imports 

Honey Packers Fail to Report Tainted Imports

Companies often simply send honey back to importer

(Newser) - US honey packers often don’t tell authorities about imports contaminated with banned antibiotics or other chemicals, and instead simply send the products back, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports after a lengthy investigation. Importers can then get the tainted honey into the American market through another packer, as two Chicago businessmen...

Mexico Halts Shipments From Top US Meat Plants

Move is seen as retaliation for country-of-origin labeling initiative

(Newser) - Mexico has temporarily banned meat from 30 US plants run by some of the largest American meat companies, Reuters reports. The Mexican government says violations in standards of packaging, labeling, and transport conditions occasioned the ban, but many US analysts suspect Mexico is registering its dissatisfaction with an American law...

Feds Mandate Nation-of-Origin Labels for Meat, Produce

But new law covers as little as possible: critics

(Newser) - Grocery shoppers will soon be able to tell their Argentine steak from their Midwest chicken at a glance, as a new federal law mandating nation-of-origin labels kicks in Sept. 30. Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) will cover everything from fruit and nuts to beef, lamb, and chicken, reports the Chicago ...

US, S. Korea Reach Beef Deal
 US, S. Korea Reach Beef Deal 

US, S. Korea Reach Beef Deal

Imported US meat must come from cattle younger than 30 months

(Newser) - All US beef imported into South Korea will come from cattle less than 30 months old, officials said today, in a deal made to placate South Korean protesters worried about mad cow disease. Nonetheless, thousands of protesters returned to the streets of Seoul, calling for a complete renegotiation of an...

Prized Cheese in Italy at Risk
 Prized Cheese in Italy at Risk 

Prized Cheese in Italy at Risk

Toxins found in mozzarella after years of illegal trash dumping

(Newser) - More consumers are turning up their noses at Italy’s prized buffalo mozzarella, and not over its smell, the New York Times reports. Toxins have been found in samples of the delicacy, likely caused by illegal dumping of garbage around Naples. Sales are down 40%, and farmers and restaurateurs fear...

China Bristles at US' Olympic Food Snub

Beijing insists meat is safe, but Americans will brown-bag it

(Newser) - China says it's a "pity" that US athletes won't be joining their international counterparts at dinner tables during the Olympics this summer over worries about the safety of food and water. American athletes will ship in their own meat and eat at their own training center, and China is...

15 Stories