political scandal

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Why GOP Sees Hope for 2010
 Why GOP Sees Hope for 2010 

Why GOP Sees Hope for 2010

GOP could mount a comeback, if it plays smart

(Newser) - They got an electoral thumping in 2006 and did no better in 2008, but Republicans may be getting their groove back. The GOP is still polling at record lows, and the Ensign scandal won’t help the party buck its reputation for moral hypocrisy. Yet, Politico reports, the opposition is...

Berlusconi: I Don't Even Like Hookers

Italian PM denies scandal, says call girls aren't to his taste

(Newser) - Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has denied that he paid prostitutes who attended parties at his official residences, reports the BBC. Berlusconi told a gossip magazine that the call girl who alleged she was paid over $1000 to sleep with him was "extremely well paid" by a political opponent...

GOP Meets Ensign Apology With 'Love and Kindness'

(Newser) - Disgraced Sen. John Ensign gave Republican colleagues a well-received apology today for “embarrassing the Senate” by having an affair, the Hill reports. One colleague said the apology was “very contrite, very sincere.” Sen. Orrin Hatch pointed out that “everybody has flaws,” and said “all...

Berlusconi Hooker Probe to Quiz 30 Women

Italian PM allegedly told woman to 'wait for me in the big bed'

(Newser) - Italian prosecutors are preparing to question up to 30 women, including eastern European models, as part of a probe into the alleged procurement of prostitutes for Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. The sex scandal widened yesterday when a photo emerged of two young women in short dresses posing in what appears...

Berlusconi Gave Me $14K 'Present': Escort

Scandal ramps up as hostess also says PM had sex with hooker

(Newser) - Silvio Berlusconi is facing further pressure to resign after a 23-year-old revealed she had received a $14,000 "present" from the Italian PM after attending a party, reports the Times of London. The woman also says that Patrizia D'Addario, the escort at the center of the growing prostitution scandal,...

Aussie PM Refuses to Quit in Car Dealer Scandal

(Newser) - Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is refusing to resign in the first major crisis of his 19 months in office, the Sydney Morning Herald reports. Dubbed "Utegate"—after a popular SUV—the scandal centers on whether Rudd gave special treatment to a friend's car dealership. Critics say Rudd...

Berlusconi in 'Mock Marriage' With Villa Vixen: Photog

(Newser) - The paparazzo who snapped pics of nude guests at Silvio Berlusconi’s villa says another scandal is coming: the Italian prime minister in a "mock marriage" with a younger woman. Antonello Zappadu says he photographed Berlusconi in what "seemed to be a puerile game" at...

Blago to Appear in Rod Superstar Spoof

Ex-gov to take the stage to announce extension of musical mocking his career

(Newser) - The Second City revue's harshly critical musical send-up of Rod Blagojevich's rise and fall will have a special guest onstage Saturday: Rod Blagojevich. Producers of Rod Blagojevich Superstar say the impeached former Illinois governor will be on hand to announce the hit spoof's extension through August, and will join...

UK Home Secretary to Resign Amidst Expense Scandal

(Newser) - UK Home Secretary Jacqui Smith will resign her post, the Times of London reports, in an effort to hang onto her seat in parliament despite the expense scandal swirling around her. Smith has been badly embarrassed by revelations that she had charged taxpayers for her family home, several digital cameras,...

Former Iraqi Trade Minister Arrested on Graft Charges

Authorities order his plane to turn around

(Newser) - Iraq’s erstwhile trade minister has been arrested on charges of corruption, the BBC reports. Abdul Falah Sudani resigned his post earlier this month after allegations emerged that he and other officials in his department were embezzling government funds. The dramatic capture today occurred after police requested Sudani’s flight...

Pinning Burris for Perjury Difficult: Experts

Senator says he was just placating Blago brother in taped calls

(Newser) - Controversy surrounding Roland Burris' appointment to the Senate has heated up after the release of his conversations with Rod Blagojevich’s brother, taped by the FBI, but a criminal case against him is still iffy, Politico reports. The possibility of perjury charges over inconsistencies in Burris’ statements is slim, experts...

Blago Brother's Talk With Burris Fair Game for Inquiry

(Newser) - FBI recordings of a conversation between Sen. Roland Burris and the brother of disgraced former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich can be released to the Senate Ethics Committee, a judge ruled today. The committee is investigating Burris’ appointment by the now-impeached governor, made after Blagojevich was indicted, the Hill reports. The...

Forget Tea Parties: Irate Brits Talking 'Bout a Revolution

Decades-long tensions come to the fore over latest scandal

(Newser) - Britain’s embattled politicians may have another revolution on their hands, but this time one that’s brewing on their own soil. Citizens are fuming over outrageous personal expenditures—including a miniature “duck house” and the clearing of a moat—by members of Parliament, but tensions have been simmering...

'Showgirl' Crack Is Berlusconi's Latest Gaffe

Italian business leader disturbed at PM's characterization of her

(Newser) - Emma Marcegaglia runs Italy’s industrialist association and just might be the country’s most powerful woman. But that didn’t stop Silvio Berlusconi from likening her to a showgirl today, Reuters reports. Speaking to Marcegaglia’s organization, the gaffe-prone Italian premier recalled when “an usher told me a...

US Journo Exposed UK Expense Scandal

Freelancer's Freedom of Information Act query lifted lid on abuse of system

(Newser) - The scandal shaking Britain's Parliament to its core was set in motion by a simple request from a freelance American writer, the New York Times reports. Heather Brooke submitted a query about politicians' expenses under Britain's Freedom of Information Act after it came into effect, only to meet years of...

Stand By Your Man (So You Can Drag Him Through Mud)

Elizabeth Edwards exacted an 'exquisite' form of revenge against her cheating hubby

(Newser) - Veronica Lario, the scorned wife of Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi, has much to learn from Elizabeth Edwards about revenge American style, Alessandra Stanley writes in the New York Times. When Lario filed for divorce and publicly griped about his caddish ways, Berlusconi just turned the tables by demanding a public...

Spitzers Go Out, Holding Hands, No Less

First public appearance together since scandal lasts whole 30 minutes

(Newser) - Hooker? What hooker? Disgraced former governor Eliot Spitzer and wife Silda gave no indication they were ever involved in a prostitution scandal last night, the New York Daily News reports. The Spitzers went to an Education Through Music gala together—their first public outing since the ex-gov’s resignation. They...

Obama's Auto Boss Faces Charges of ... Nothing

Rattner's pay-to-play 'scandal' is common practice

(Newser) - The press is abuzz over Obama auto-recovery boss Steven Rattner’s ties to a pay-to-play scandal, but every story about Rattner mentions he’s not accused of anything. What he apparently did—paid to receive part of a public pension fund to manage—is “an open practice,” so...

Blago Can't Hit Costa Rica for Reality Show

NBC wanted ex-guv in Costa Rica for celeb program

(Newser) - A federal judge has barred Rod Blagojevich’s bid to leave the country to join a reality-show cast, the Chicago Tribune reports. The ex-governor’s lawyers hoped he’d get permission in court today to travel to Costa Rica for NBC’s I’m a Celebrity...Get Me Out of ...

Spitzer Walks Long Road to Redemption

Ex-guv working on normal life; his future is unclear

(Newser) - As he returns to the public eye, Eliot Spitzer is working on being a normal person—a daunting task for a man long accustomed to power, Jonathan Darman writes in a Newsweek cover story. He’s grown less image-conscious, often spotted jogging around New York in sweatpants. And he makes...

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