Pacific Ocean

Stories 121 - 124 | << Prev 

Old Spy Satellite Falling to Earth
Old Spy Satellite Falling to Earth

Old Spy Satellite Falling to Earth

Inoperative device could hit in late February, March

(Newser) - A dead US spy satellite will likely tumble out of space and hit Earth late next month or early March, the AP reports. Unnamed officials admitted it may contain toxic material but refused to say where it might land or whether it could be shot from the sky. "We...

Deep, Dark Secrets Indeed
Deep, Dark Secrets Indeed

Deep, Dark Secrets Indeed

New books shed some light on immense, unexplored ocean depths

(Newser) - Though the first deep-sea expedition took place in 1931, humans still know little about what goes on miles below sea level. What we do know is startlingly strange, Tim Flannery writes in a look at two new volumes in the New York Review of Books—and a rising tide of...

Rower Launches Solo Pacific Trip
Rower Launches Solo Pacific Trip

Rower Launches Solo Pacific Trip

Brit woman leaves on historic 6,700-mile journey

(Newser) - A British woman yesterday launched a historic solo journey across the Pacific rowing a 24-foot-long boat. Roz Savage, 39, has already rowed twice across the Atlantic. She left Crescent City, California, for the first of three legs of the 6,700-mile odyssey to Australia. She plans to keep a blog...

Whales Head Home after 2-Week Stay
Whales Head Home after 2-Week Stay

Whales Head Home after 2-Week Stay

Officials think lost humpbacks have returned to the Pacific

(Newser) - Moby-Dick and Jonah can rest easy—the most overexposed whales in the world appear to have returned to the obscurity of the Pacific Ocean. The two humpbacks, who sparked an international media frenzy after getting stuck in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta 2 weeks ago, haven't been seen since late...

Stories 121 - 124 | << Prev