
Stories 2521 - 2540 | << Prev   Next >>

China: Feeble Dollar Is Hurting Our Economy

'Out of control' printing of dollars is triggering inflation, says minister

(Newser) - China has countered American anger over its artificially low currency with a complaint of its own. America is printing dollars at an "out of control" rate, sending up commodity prices around the world and saddling China with "imported inflation," the country's commerce minister grouses. Inflation in China—...

China Snatches Woman in Middle of Night Over Tweet

She tweeted that she planned to march in support of Nobel winner Liu Xiabo

(Newser) - A young Chinese woman who tweeted that she planned to march with a banner honoring imprisoned Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiabo has been busted by police. Mou Yanxi was snatched from her house in the middle of the night as authorities stepped up a crackdown on Liu's friends and...

Hong Kong Is No. 1 in Trash
 Hong Kong Is No. 1 in Trash 

Hong Kong Is No. 1 in Trash

City produces 2,000 pounds per person per year

(Newser) - Hong Kong is now the trash capital of the world, producing more waste per capita than any other place, reports Time . The 7 million residents produce 6.45 million tons per year for the honor. The city's waste-heavy ways include a dependence on take-out food, along with all those plastic...

What If North Korea Collapses?
 What If North Korea Collapses? 
in case you missed it

What If North Korea Collapses?

That's a 'black swan' we should be prepared for, writes Fareed Zakaria

(Newser) - It’s entirely possible—if not likely—that the North Korean regime could collapse in the near future, “and at that point, unless there is careful planning among South Korea, China and the United States, all hell will break loose,” writes Fareed Zakaria in the Washington Post . Kim...

China: Those Weren't Our Bullets in Darfur

Beijing is trying to block UN report to the contrary

(Newser) - China is attempting to block publication of UN report stating that Chinese bullets were used in attacks against UN peacekeeping forces in Darfur, the Christian Science Monitor reports. The report states that 11 different kinds of Chinese-made bullet casings were found at sites where government-allied militia members attacked UN or...

China Braces for Super Typhoon

Megi has already devastated Philippines, killed 19

(Newser) - Southern China is preparing for “super typhoon” Megi, which killed 19 people in the Philippines and is expected to hit the coastline east of Hong Kong on Saturday. Ports and oil terminals have shut down, hundreds of thousands of people have been evacuated, and thousands of fishing vessels have...

Forced Abortions Continue in Parts of China

Regional officials reportedly disregard official national policy

(Newser) - China's one-child policy, long a staple of its public policy for urban, ethnic Han Chinese, officially exists on the national level as a series of monetary incentives for those who hold to it and monetary punishments for those who run afoul. Numerous interviews and investigations, however, consistently uncover the policy...

Trade War: China Withholds Rare Minerals From US
 China Withholds 
 Rare Minerals From US 

China Withholds Rare Minerals From US

And the US is 15 years away from having its own supply

(Newser) - Recent trade spats with the US have caused Chinese officials to block shipments of rare earth minerals, a key element of high-tech products ranging from hybrid cars to missiles. China controls production of 97% of so-called rare earth minerals, LiveScience reports, which really aren't so much rare as expensive and...

All 37 Chinese Miners Dead
 All 37 Chinese Miners Dead 

All 37 Chinese Miners Dead

Relatives slam safety standards in mine

(Newser) - Chinese officials have pulled the last five bodies of miners from the Yuzhou shaft that exploded Saturday , bringing the toll to 37. The outcome stands in sharp contrast to the rescue in Chile, reports the BBC, with little media attention paid to the latest accident in an industry that lost...

China Needs to Grow Up, US Needs to Wise Up

 China Needs to Grow Up, 
 US Needs to Wise Up 
paul krugman

China Needs to Grow Up, US Needs to Wise Up

The story of rare earth minerals has many lessons, writes Paul Krugman

(Newser) - When Japan detained a Chinese fishing boat captain whose vessel had collided with two of its Coast Guard ships, China cut off its access to rare earths, the essential minerals on which China has a near-monopoly. For Paul Krugman, this highlights two concerns: First, that the US let “unreliable”...

US Accuses Chinese Firms of Breaking Iran Sanctions

Gives Beijing a list of companies it's not happy with

(Newser) - The Obama administration believes that a number of Chinese businesses are violating UN sanctions and helping Iran improve its missile technology and build nuclear weapons, a senior US official tells the Washington Post . Last month, the State Department handed Beijing a “significant list’ of companies and banks it suspects...

Tigers Kill Zoo Gardener
 Tigers Kill 
 Zoo Gardener 

Tigers Kill Zoo Gardener

Worker climbed over barrier, fell to waiting animals

(Newser) - Siberian tigers killed a Chinese zoo gardener after he climbed over a barrier and toppled into their enclosure, the Daily Telegraph reports. The man appeared to have lifted himself onto the barrier, apparently to pull out weeds, before he dropped into a group of “four or five” animals gathered...

US Presses China to Release Nobel Winner's Wife

Liu Xia says jailed husband has asked her to collect peace prize

(Newser) - China should allow the wife of jailed Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiabo to "move freely and without harassment," American diplomatic officials in Beijing say. Liu Xia has been under house arrest since meeting with her husband Sunday. Chinese authorities, infuriated by the award, have cut off her...

Champagne Spill Lands Peace Prize Supporter in Jail

Hong Kong woman arrested for accidental splash at Nobel celebration

(Newser) - A woman was arrested in Hong Kong yesterday for accidentally splashing a guard while she commemorated Liu Xiaobo's Nobel Peace Prize win with some bubbly. Ip Ho-yee, 22, was celebrating outside China's main government office in Hong Kong when her celebratory champagne splashed an unsuspecting guard. "It was a...

New Midterm Campaign Strategy: Blame China!
New Midterm Campaign Strategy: Blame China!
elections 2010

New Midterm Campaign Strategy: Blame China!

Candidates on both sides accuse each other of letting jobs go overseas

(Newser) - As midterm election battles are waged, a new campaign strategy is emerging: Blame the lack of jobs in the US on … China! Or, in a few cases, India or Mexico. Over the past week or so, at least 29 candidates from both sides of the fence have run ads...

Wife Meets With Jailed Chinese Nobel Winner

Liu Xia under house arrest, but allowed to visit Liu Xiaobo

(Newser) - The wife of Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo was allowed to visit him in prison Sunday and talk to him about the honor. Liu Xia, who disappeared yesterday after Friday’s prize announcement , tweeted that her husband learned of the prize yesterday and that he told her during their...

Nobel Winner's Wife 'Disappeared'

Lawyer fears China has detained her

(Newser) - Liu Xiaobo still has yet to get the phonecall, and his wife, set to deliver the news of his Nobel Peace Prize to him in prison tomorrow, has "disappeared," according to her lawyer. The AP had earlier reported that Liu Xia's cell phone had been disconnected, but her...

Obama Calls on China to Free Nobel Winner

Pressure mounts on China to let Liu Xiaobo go

(Newser) - President Obama called on China to release Liu Xiaobo today, after the jailed dissident became the latest Nobel Peace Prize winner. “China has made dramatic progress in economic reform and improving the lives of its people,” Obama said, “but this award reminds us that political reform has...

Jailed Chinese Dissident Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Liu Xiabo praised for human rights struggle

(Newser) - Jailed Chinese dissident Liu Xiabo has been awarded this year's Nobel Peace Prize. Liu, China's best-known dissident, is serving an 11-year sentence for trying to subvert state power. He was detained in 2008 for co-authoring Charter 08, an open letter calling for democratic reforms. The Nobel committee praised Liu, who...

Rampant Plagiarism, Fraud Could Hold Back China

It's pervasive in academia and in the business world

(Newser) - China's stated goal of becoming a "research superpower" could be held back by one big problem, reports the New York Times : Its researchers keep making stuff up and plagiarizing each other. The newspaper finds that fraud is pervasive in education and scientific research as state universities pressure academics to...

Stories 2521 - 2540 | << Prev   Next >>