
Stories 2761 - 2780 | << Prev   Next >>

Supreme Court Takes Uighurs' Case

(Newser) - The Supreme Court will hear a new case about the rights of Guantanamo detainees, this time involving prisoners who remain in custody even after the Pentagon determines they're not a threat to the United States, the court said today. Last year, the court said in a 5-4 ruling that federal...

Bernanke: US Must Save More, Asia Spend More

Fed chief warns global imbalances could trigger new meltdown

(Newser) - The world economy is headed back down the drain if Asians don't start spending more and Americans don't start saving more, Ben Bernanke said at a conference yesterday. The Fed chief warned that unequal trade patterns were partly to blame for the financial crisis and that they are re-emerging as...

Obama Coming Up Short on Human Rights
Obama Coming Up Short
on Human Rights

Obama Coming Up Short on Human Rights

President's actions don't match the promises that wowed Berliners

(Newser) - President Obama's decision to skip the celebrations of the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall highlights the gap between his rhetoric on the campaign trail and the realities of his presidency, writes Bret Stephens. Obama hailed the "dream of freedom" in his big speech in Berlin last...

How Australia Dodged the Recession

How one country ducked the economic downturn

(Newser) - Australia has weathered the financial crisis better than any other developed country. Last week its central bank raised interest rates, indicating its primary concern is now inflation, not growth. What were the keys? Phil Dobbie of BNET explains:
  • Befriending China: Australia used to export much of what it made to

Struggling Gap Heads for China
 Struggling Gap Heads for China 

Struggling Gap Heads for China

Apparel company will open first store there next year

(Newser) - With its US business stagnating, Gap is hoping to find a few some new customers—1.3 billion of them. The largest American apparel company is opening its first store in China next year, alongside a new push in international online sales, reports the Wall Street Journal. After booming in...

World's Priciest Apartment Sells for $56M
 World's Priciest Apartment 
 Sells for $56M 

World's Priciest Apartment Sells for $56M

Hong Kong duplex goes to mainland Chinese buyer

(Newser) - A mainland Chinese buyer has purchased the most expensive apartment in the world, a duplex at the top of a Hong Kong highrise selling for $56.6 million. Hong Kong exited recession in the second quarter and its property market has rebounded strongly, although with prices up 30% this year...

China's Rise Threatens to Turn US Into Britain

America will end up as an also-ran if it can't reinvigorate its economy

(Newser) - America used its financial clout to knock the British Empire into second place last century and it's in danger of receiving the same treatment from China in the not-too-distant future, writes Zachary Karabell. China is the American government's biggest creditor, much as the US was to Britain in 1946, Karabell...

Chinese Court Sentences 6 to Death for Ethnic Riots

All the condemned appear to be Uighurs

(Newser) - A court in China's far western Xinjiang region sentenced six men to death today over riots between Muslim Uighurs and members of the Han Chinese majority that killed nearly 200 people in July. The sentences—the first for any of the scores of suspects arrested in the rioting—appeared aimed...

Hummer Sold to Chinese Firm
 Hummer Sold to Chinese Firm 

Hummer Sold to Chinese Firm

GM offloads brand to Chinese heavy-equipment maker

(Newser) - General Motors has finalized a deal to sell its iconic Hummer brand to Chinese heavy-equipment maker Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery Co. The deal will save 150 Hummer dealerships and 3,000 American jobs, execs say. The vehicles will be assembled at GM plants in the US until 2011 under...

Asia, UK Challenge US Supremacy in Higher Ed

US still has more universities in THE's top 200 than any other country—for now

(Newser) - The United States is home to more top-level universities than any other country in the world, this year’s survey by Times Higher Education confirms, but its advantage may not last forever. Although 54 of the top 200 schools are in the US, Asia is making remarkable progress: Japan has...

A Few Other Nobel Candidates

Tireless campaigners for human rights, long-suffering Chinese dissidents among those passed over

(Newser) - President Obama himself said he was not sure he deserved to win the Nobel Peace Prize, and the Weekly Standard seems to agree. Mary Katherine Ham invites you to consider some of the luminaries who were passed over:
  • Sima Samar: A Afghan women’s rights activist who kept her schools—

Blair: Give China's Leaders a Break
 Blair: Give China's 
 Leaders a Break 

Blair: Give China's Leaders a Break

'Second Cultural Revolution' is transforming Chinese society

(Newser) - Western democracies shouldn't stop asking China's leaders tough questions on human rights, but they also need to understand the huge task that lies before China and recognize the progress the nation has already made, writes Tony Blair. The number of Chinese below the World Bank poverty line has dropped 80%...

Tourists Seek Mythical Lesbian City in Sweden

Men looking for city of 25,000 women badger Swedish tourist authorities

(Newser) - Rumors of a city of 25,000 lesbians have led hordes of men to contact Swedish tourist authorities and swamp the nation's Internet providers. Chinese media especially have spread the tale of “Chako Paul City,” supposedly founded in 1820 in northern Sweden by a man-hating widow who banned...

Lawsuits Over Chinese Drywall Mounting

More homeowners cite damage, sickness, as feds finish inquiry

(Newser) - With the controversy over Chinese drywall about to come to a head, the New York Times checks in on the issue and finds hundreds of lawsuits piling up around the country. The imported material, which became common as builders scrambled for supplies during the housing boom, is said to be...

In Afghanistan, We Fight and Die, China Wins

In fact, Beijing comes out ahead whether we stay or go

(Newser) - American and Chinese interests seem to be conveniently aligned in Afghanistan, writes Robert D. Kaplan. By securing the country, NATO forces have allowed China access to vast mineral deposits and trade routes to the Indian Ocean. In turn, Chinese companies employ Afghan workers, stabilizing the economy and hence the nation....

Oil States Plot to Ditch Dollar

Gulf Arabs in talks to replace greenback with mix of currencies

(Newser) - The American dollar is dropping against the yen and euro amid reports that the Gulf states are planning to replace use of the greenback in oil trading in favor of a basket of mixed currencies. The Arab states are in advanced discussions with China, Russia, Japan and France to end...

North Korea Weighs Return to Nuke Talks

Depends on meeting with US, Kim Jong Il tells China premier

(Newser) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Il told China's premier today that the North was prepared to return to multi-nation disarmament talks depending on progress in its two-way negotiations with the US. Kim's comments were the clearest sign yet that Pyongyang was readying to resume the six-nation talks it withdrew from...

Obama Tells Lama to Stay Away
 Obama Tells Lama to Stay Away 

Obama Tells Lama to Stay Away

Move seen as an effort to avoid annoying the Chinese

(Newser) - In a move seemingly designed to appease China, US officials have asked the Dalai Lama not to meet with President Obama when he visits Washington this week. Typically, the Lama “drops in” on the White House whenever he’s in the capital, but Obama doesn’t want to meet...

Massive Parade Marks China's 60th Birthday

Huge festivities combine modern power with Communist kitsch

(Newser) - A massive procession of tanks, troops, and nuclear missile launchers paraded through Beijing today, 60 years after Mao Zedong stood in Tiananmen Square and proclaimed the founding of the People's Republic of China. The rigorously choreographed procession combined old-school Communist imagery—including tens of thousands of children flipping colored cards...

China Critics See Red as Empire State Changes Color

Building lit to mark 60th anniversary of Communist rule

(Newser) - Critics of the Chinese regime cried foul last night as the Empire State Building was illuminated with red and yellow lights to mark 60 years of Communist rule. The move is "outright, blatant approval for a communist totalitarian system," said a statement from Students for a Free Tibet,...

Stories 2761 - 2780 | << Prev   Next >>