
Stories 1101 - 1120 | << Prev   Next >>

As Trade Talks Heat Up, China Makes an Offer

Country offers to buy $70B in US products in first year of deal

(Newser) - China is willing to buy up nearly $70 billion in US products like soybeans, corn, natural gas, crude oil, and coal in the first year of a deal if the Trump administration forgets about its threatened trade tariffs . Extending what Business Insider calls "a massive olive branch," Chinese...

Alleged US Double Agent Could Get Life in Prison

He's accused of accepting $800K to spy for China

(Newser) - A former Defense Intelligence Agency case officer who allegedly sought out a new career as a double agent working for Beijing didn't catch his flight from Seattle to China on Saturday. Ron Rockwell Hansen, 58, was arrested by the FBI as he attempted to leave the country, reports Reuters...

China Clears Over 9 Tons of Trash From Mt. Everest

The world's tallest mountain is covered in a lot of junk

(Newser) - The world's tallest mountain is covered in a whole heap of trash. That's why a Chinese team of 30 people has been tasked with hauling decades worth of climbers' garbage off Mt. Everest. Since April, they've managed to bring down over 9 tons of cast-off mountaineering gear...

Crayfish Severs Own Claw to Escape Pot, Wins Over Internet

This is determination

(Newser) - A crayfish that was to be boiled alive has instead survived and, thanks to its plucky determination, become something of an internet hero. It's all due to this 11-second video , which shows the crustacean on the edge of a steaming pot of soup. As the creature struggles to reverse...

Trump to China: We're Imposing Tariffs After All

White House plans to restrict Chinese investment and limit US exports to China

(Newser) - The Trump administration has renewed its threat to place 25 percent tariffs on $50 billion of Chinese goods in retaliation for what it says are China's unfair trade practices, the AP reports. The White House also said Tuesday that it would restrict Chinese investment into the United States and...

Ivanka Still Racking Up the Chinese Trademarks

First daughter has been granted 13 in last 3 months; several more could follow

(Newser) - Ivanka Trump's brand continues to win foreign trademarks in China and the Philippines, adding to questions about conflicts of interest at the White House, the AP has found. On Sunday, China granted the first daughter's company final approval for its 13th trademark in the last three months. Over...

After China Landed This Bomber, the US Made a Move

Its RIMPAC Exercise invite is no more

(Newser) - Every two years, the US holds what has become the world's largest maritime warfare exercise off Hawaii. The Rim of the Pacific Exercise, or RIMPAC Exercise, reached a zenith in 2016, with 26 countries and 25,000 personnel involved—a record. It was China's second time participating, having...

China, Japan Slam Trump Move on Auto Tariffs

Beijing will 'firmly defend' its rights

(Newser) - On Thursday, China and Japan both condemned the Trump administration's decision to launch an investigation into whether tariffs are needed on imports of vehicles and automotive parts into the United States. China's Commerce Ministry said Beijing would "firmly defend" its rights and interests against what it called...

American Sent Home From China After 'Abnormal Sensations'

No other cases known among the diplomatic community there

(Newser) - A weird and singular case in China, where a US government employee stationed in the city of Guangzhou returned to America in April after reporting "subtle and vague, but abnormal, sensations of sound and pressure." An evaluation suggested the employee, stationed at the US Consulate there, had a...

Airlines Apparently Caving to China's 'Orwellian Nonsense'

But major US airlines, including American, Delta, United, have not

(Newser) - International airlines are obeying Beijing's demands to refer to Taiwan as a part of China, despite the White House's call this month to stand firm against "Orwellian nonsense." The AP found 20 carriers, including Air Canada, British Airways, and Lufthansa, now refer to Taiwan as a...

China's Latest Move to Bring a Pink Floyd Song to Life

Launch of Queqiao satellite will set China up to send lunar probe to dark side of the moon

(Newser) - While China and the US go back and forth on tariffs here on Earth, the former is forging ahead with a more celestial grand plan. In what it hopes will eventually nab it a world first, China on Monday launched its Queqiao (aka "Magpie Bridge") satellite, per state...

Nuke-Capable Bombers Land on South China Sea Island

Long-range H-6K bombers train there for the first time

(Newser) - The Chinese air force has landed long-range, nuclear-capable bombers for the first time at an airport in the South China Sea, a state newspaper said Saturday, in a move likely to further fuel concerns about Beijing's expansive claims over the disputed region. The China Daily newspaper says that the...

China Cancels US Orders, Buys Russian Soy

Beijing calls off investigation of US sorghum

(Newser) - The US-China trade dispute is excellent news for farmers—in Russia. Amid uncertainty over future US tariffs, China has canceled several shipments from American soybean producers and tripled the amount it is buying from Russia, Bloomberg reports. According to the Russian government's latest statistics, Russia sold 850,000 metric...

Gap Destroys Shirts With 'Incorrect' Map of China

It omitted Taiwan, parts of Tibet

(Newser) - The clothing retailer Gap has apologized for selling T-shirts with what it says was an "erroneous" map of China, in what the AP calls the latest example of corporate kowtowing to Beijing. In a posting late Monday on China's Weibo microblogging platform, the company said it discovered that...

Trump Defends Move to Save Chinese Company

ZTE buys parts from US firms, he says

(Newser) - President Trump on Monday defended his e fforts to help a Chinese telecommunications company that violated US sanctions "get back into business, fast," despite criticism from Democrats and Republicans that the company poses a national security risk. "ZTE, the large Chinese phone company, buys a big percentage...

China Welcomes Trump's Move to Save Firm

Vice premier is visiting US to cool trade dispute

(Newser) - China said Monday it is sending an envoy to the United States this week for talks aimed at cooling a trade dispute that threatens to upend markets from soy beans to steel, and welcomed comments by President Trump hinting at a possible easing of sanctions on embattled Chinese telecommunications firm...

Trump Makes 'Extraordinary' Move to Save Chinese Firm

Economic about-face leaves many scratching their heads

(Newser) - President Trump surprised the business world Sunday by saying Washington would help keep the Chinese telecommunications giant ZTE alive—right after US sanctions had crippled it, the New York Times reports. "President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way...

People Told to Be 'Thankful' After Deadly Earthquake

'This is clearly a tragedy, and yet it’s made into a celebration'

(Newser) - Chinese government officials are calling the deadly Sichuan earthquake's 10-year anniversary "Thanksgiving Day," but critics don't seem too thankful for the new term, the New York Times reports. "Everyone knows that the earthquake killed tens of thousands of people on that day, and yet you...

White House to China: Cut the 'Orwellian Nonsense'

Squabble brewing over Beijing's demand that airlines zap Taiwan references on websites

(Newser) - The Trump administration is again throwing down with Beijing, this time after China's aviation bureau sent letters to 36 foreign airlines demanding that references to the sovereignty of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau be zapped from their websites. Those airlines included American carriers, and the White House response on...

US Spends More on War Than Next 7 Nations Combined

China is a distant 2nd

(Newser) - A "near-constant state of war" is just one of the reasons the US spends more than any other country in the world on its military—by a long shot. If the next seven major military spenders combined their funds, they still wouldn't measure up, according to a list...

Stories 1101 - 1120 | << Prev   Next >>