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ACORN Sting Duo Says Nobody Put Them Up to It

Call themselves 'concerned citizens'

(Newser) - James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles say there's no conservative conspiracy behind their decision to dress up as a pimp and prostitute and walk into ACORN offices with a hidden camera. They’re just a pair of concerned citizens, who’ve managed to wound the mighty activist group on a...

House Votes to Cut Off ACORN
 House Votes to Cut Off ACORN 

House Votes to Cut Off ACORN

Republicans lead charge against scandal-ridden community organizers

(Newser) - The House voted tonight to deny all federal funds for ACORN in a Republican-led strike against the scandal-tainted community organizing group that comes just three days after the Senate took similar action. "ACORN has violated serious federal laws, and today the House voted to ensure that taxpayer dollars would...

Obama Adviser Van Jones Resigns Amid Controversy

(Newser) - Obama environmental adviser Van Jones is resigning amid controversy over past inflammatory statements. The so-called green jobs czar got into hot water this week when two things surfaced: He called Republicans "assholes" in a video made before he joined the administration, and he signed a petition supporting the "...

Andrews Back on Sidelines for ESPN

(Newser) - Reporter Erin Andrews put the summer’s naked-video scandal behind her tonight, returning to the sidelines for ESPN’s first college football telecast of the season. David Whitley was observing her every move during the South Carolina-North Carolina State tilt for AOL’s Fanhouse blog, and notes, “She appears...

Despite Sex and Scandal, Madoff Books Are a Bust

(Newser) - Sex and scandal have not been enough to make major sellers out of books about Bernard Madoff. According to Nielsen BookScan, neither a much-discussed tell-all by alleged ex-mistress Sheryl Weinstein nor a recent wave of biographies about the imprisoned financier have caught on with the public. Weinstein's Madoff's Other Secret,...

Upset by Andrews Vid, Ladies? Stop Watching Sports

(Newser) - The Erin Andrews video scandal is just another sick symptom of “male sports culture,” Bonnie Erbe writes in US News & World Report, but the fairer sex does have recourse. “If women didn’t attend NFL games or NBA games, or even watch them on TV to...

Top Aides Leaving Ensign
Top Aides Leaving Ensign 

Top Aides Leaving Ensign

(Newser) - More trouble for John Ensign in Nevada. The Republican senator has lost two senior aides in as many days, reports the Las Vegas Sun. The developments follow Ensign's admission that he had an affair with a former staffer and that his wealthy parents then paid her $100,000. What's worse,...

Ethics Scandal Is No Waterloo for Palin
Ethics Scandal Is No Waterloo for Palin

Ethics Scandal Is No Waterloo for Palin

Gov will skate past latest allegations unscathed: Nate Silver

(Newser) - The latest ethics complaint against Sarah Palin—investigators believe she misused her position to solicit personal legal donations—won’t leave a scratch, writes Nate Silver of Here’s how to predict which scandals will make it big:
  • Can it be reduced to a sound bite? Nope. Heck,

Italian Paper Releases 'Tapes' of Berlusconi Escort Tryst

Man instructs woman to wait 'in Putin's bed'

(Newser) - Silvio Berlusconi’s prostitution scandal flared anew today as Italian newspaper L’Espresso released audio recordings made by the woman who claims she was paid to attend a party with the Italian PM, the BBC reports. On the recordings, a voice said to be Berlusconi’s says: “I’m...

Media Sucked Up to Sanford to Get Access, Emails Show

News outlets offered aides a 'friendly' ear

(Newser) - No surprise that a lot of media outlets tried to butter up Mark Sanford’s aides in order to win interviews with the governor when he was AWOL in Argentina. But their emails, obtained by the State, show the lengths they were willing to go to, some coming about as...

Ensign Facing an Ethical Hot Potato, but no Legal Case (Yet)

Ex-lover would have to make accusation

(Newser) - The husband of John Ensign’s ex-mistress has accused the Republican senator of sexual harassment and wrongful termination—but there can be no legal case unless Cindy Hampton herself accuses Ensign of unwanted advances or creating a hostile work environment, experts tell Politico. Thus far, she’s the only one...

Ensign: I Won't Quit, and I'll Run Again

Disgraced senator says supporters don't want him to resign

(Newser) - Sen. John Ensign says he’ll stick with his job and run for reelection despite news of his affair and his parents’ $96,000 payment to his mistress’ family, the Las Vegas Sun reports. The Republican says his supporters are telling him he shouldn’t resign, and “I fully...

Ensign's Parents Gave Mistress' Family $96K

(Newser) - Yet another twist in the John Ensign scandal: The Nevada senator's parents gave his mistress and her family nearly $100,000 when their son's affair came to light, reports the Las Vegas Sun. The Ensigns gave the money to the Hamptons in the form of gifts under $12,000 each...

Did Looming Building Scandal Spur Palin to Quit?

Sudden announcement puts Palins' ties to building firm in the spotlight

(Newser) - With the search on for budding scandals that might have prompted Sarah Palin's sudden resignation, her ties to a building company seem the likeliest prospect, writes Max Blumenthal at the Daily Beast. Rumors are flying in Alaska that investigators have seized paperwork to look for evidence that Spenard Building Supplies...

Sanford Digs In as Calls for Resignation Escalate

(Newser) - The vise is tightening around Mark Sanford's political career. South Carolina officials, including fellow Republicans, are lining up to urge the governor to resign, reports the State. The pressure has ramped up considerably since Sanford's admission yesterday that he'd "crossed lines" with other women besides his Argentine mistress. The...

Sanford Will Reimburse State for Trip Last Year

(Newser) - Mark Sanford acknowledged today that he met with his Argentine mistress while on a state-funded trip last year and promised to reimburse South Carolina's coffers, the State reports. The state paid $8,000 for the governor to travel on business to Brazil and Argentina last June, and he met with...

Thune Takes Ensign's GOP Leadership Post

Policy Committee slot is No. 4 in party's Senate hierarchy

(Newser) - Republicans today elected Sen. John Thune to the leadership post vacated by Sen. John Ensign, who stepped down after admitting last week to an extramarital affair with a campaign aide. Thune will lead the Senate Republican Policy Committee, the No. 4 position in the leadership, and play a role in...

Sanford Meltdown Mortifying&mdash;but Real
 Sanford Meltdown 
 Mortifying—but Real 

Sanford Meltdown Mortifying—but Real

(Newser) - Mark Sanford went before the cameras to confess and apologize yesterday, a ritual that is typically “a schtick, a plastic act of absolution performed by men who are just as plastic,” writes Gary Kamiya of Salon. But not this time. Sanford “got all weird and human on...

Sanford Email: I Love Your 'Magnificent Gentle Kisses'

(Newser) - Mark Sanford's hometown paper in South Carolina is revealing cringe-worthy emails between the governor and the woman identified only as Maria in Argentina. In one obtained by the State, Sanford writes in July 2008, "I could digress and say that you have the ability to give magnificent gentle kisses,...

Aide's Salary Doubled During Affair With Senator

Woman's husband, son were also on senator's payroll

(Newser) - Campaign treasurer Cynthia Hampton's salary doubled after she began an affair with her boss, Sen. John Ensign, the Las Vegas Sun reports. Federal election documents show that pay for Hampton—whose husband and son also worked for Ensign—jumped from around $1400 to $2800 a month early last year.

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