
Stories 601 - 620 | << Prev   Next >>

Samsung Issues Single Sentence on Ban

Will do whatever it takes to keep its phones in your hands

(Newser) - Yesterday, Apple filed papers asking a court to extend a ban on US sales of Samsung's cell version of the Galaxy. Samsung's response, issued today, required only a single sheet. "We will take all necessary measures to ensure the availability of our products in the US market,...

Apple Demands Ban on US Sales of Galaxy

Tech giants continue to duke it out in court

(Newser) - As Samsung's stock plummeted crazily today, Apple was busy kicking its rival while it's down a billion dollars or so: The Cupertino tech giant today filed papers asking a court to extend a ban on US sales of Samsung's cell version of the Galaxy, reports Bloomberg , in...

In Wake of Big Court Win, Brace for 'Apple Tax'

If Samsung and others must pay for licenses, consumers could pay more, too

(Newser) - Apple's patent victory will cost more than just the $1.05 billion judgment against Samsung—expect non-Apple smartphones to cost more as manufacturers begin to pay Apple for a variety of new licenses, reports the Wall Street Journal . Samsung was found guilty of infringing on seven patents, including those...

Apple Wins $1B Verdict Over Samsung

Jury decides huge patent infringement case

(Newser) - After a year of scorched-earth litigation, a jury decided today that Samsung ripped off the innovative technology used by Apple to create its revolutionary iPhone and iPad. The San Jose jury ordered Samsung to pay Apple $1.05 billion in the latest skirmish of a global legal battle between the...

S. Korean Court to Apple, Samsung: You're Both Guilty

3-judge panel makes both companies pay minor fine

(Newser) - Samsung did indeed violate one of Apple's patents in making its Galaxy mobile devices—but Apple violated two of Samsung's patents right back, a South Korean court concluded today. A three-judge panel awarded both companies damages that were a lot lower than what they were asking for, and...

Foxconn Finally Improves Conditions

Audit finds progress at electronics giant

(Newser) - Life has become less stressful for the million or so people employed by electronics giant Foxconn, an audit from the Fair Labor Association has found. The company, which suffered a spate of suicides at its plant in southern China, has complied with most of the recommendations made after Apple opened...

For the Price of One Apple Share, You Can Buy...

The AP takes a quirky look at what you could get for $665.15

(Newser) - Apple became the world's most valuable company ever yesterday, after its stock jumped 2.6% to an all-time high of $665.15. If that seems like a lot for a single share of something, well, the AP doesn't exactly disagree. It rounds up six other ways you could...

Apple: Most Valuable Company Ever
Apple: Most Valuable Company Ever

Apple: Most Valuable Company Ever

Surging stock puts company value at $624B

(Newser) - Apple is Wall Street's all-time MVP—that's Most Valuable Property. Today, Apple's surging stock propelled the company's value to $624 billion, the world's highest, ever. It beat the record for market capitalization set by Microsoft Corp in the heady days of the Internet boom. After...

Clown Wound Up With Steve Jobs' Stolen iPad

He unwittingly received it from his burglar friend

(Newser) - When his buddy gave him a 64GB iPad, Kenny the Clown immediately began using it in his act. "I didn't notice anything special or anything like that. It was silver; it looked normal," he tells the San Jose Mercury News . He loaded it up with songs he'...

Apple Eyes Biggest TV Move Yet

Wants to sell set-top box that would carry live TV

(Newser) - Today's Apple TV box is mainly used to play Internet downloads and stream content—but the next Apple set-top box could play live television. Apple is currently in talks with top US cable providers to that end, insiders tell the Wall Street Journal . Customers would get to own the...

Burglar Hit Steve Jobs&#39; Home
 Burglar Hit Steve Jobs' Home 

Burglar Hit Steve Jobs' Home

Suspect Kariem McFarlin arrested this month

(Newser) - More than $60,000 worth of computers and other items were reportedly taken from Steve Jobs' Palo Alto home last month, a crime that is just now coming to light. Kariem McFarlin, 35, is suspected of stealing and then selling the property; he was arrested this month and faces nearly...

Apple Dumps YouTube App
 Apple Dumps YouTube App 

Apple Dumps YouTube App

iPhone's iOS 6 won't bundle it anymore

(Newser) - Looking forward to iOS 6 on your iPhone? Hope you don't love your YouTube app, because Apple announced today that it's ditching the pre-packaged app from its software, CNET reports. The official reason: "Our licensing to include the YouTube app in iOS has ended." That's...

Juicy Apple Details Emerge in Samsung Trial

Witnesses reveal inside info on Apple's product design, strategies

(Newser) - Tweeters, start your engines: Apple fans and foes are buzzing about some surprising revelations during the first days of the secretive tech giant's patent trial against competitor Samsung . Among the inside info provided by witnesses and court docs, per the Wall Street Journal : Apple considered releasing a 7-inch tablet,...

Apple TV Just Got Serious
 Apple TV Just Got Serious 

Apple TV Just Got Serious

Brian Barrett reads the tea leaves on a few recent Apple moves

(Newser) - Maybe it was a coincidence that in the span of two days Hulu Plus came to Apple TV, and Amazon Instant Video and Sky Now TV both came to iPad. But Brian Barrett of Gizmodo doesn't think so. "That makes three major content providers—read: competitors—that Apple'...

iPhone 5, iPad Mini to Debut Sept. 12
 iPhone 5, iPad Mini 
 to Debut Sept. 12 

insiders say

iPhone 5, iPad Mini to Debut Sept. 12

Phone will be released on 21st: report

(Newser) - Get ready for a big Apple event on Sept. 12: That's when the company will announce the iPhone 5 and iPad mini , sources tell iMore . The new iPhone will be available on Sept. 21, reports have said; it's not clear when the scaled-down tablet will be out. That...

Apple Considers Big Investment in Twitter

New York Times: Company is trying to catch up in social media

(Newser) - Google has Google Plus, Microsoft has a stake in Facebook, and Apple has ... Ping? OK, Ping has been mostly a disaster , which is why Apple is on the hunt for a new social network partner and it looks like Twitter might be its best bet, reports the New York Times...

One Dead in Gas Leak at Apple Supplier Factory

Four others injured at plant owned by Catcher Technology

(Newser) - Another tragedy at an Apple supplier : A worker was killed and four others hurt by a gas leak at a Chinese factory in Suzhou owned by Catcher Technology. Authorities say hydrogen sulfide gas leaked from a liquid-waste treatment workshop, the Wall Street Journal reports. Catcher Technology makes metal casings and...

Apple Earnings Disappoint

 Apple Earnings Disappoint 

Apple Earnings Disappoint

Company posts gains but fails to meet analyst expectations

(Newser) - Apple says its growth slowed in the most recent quarter, disappointing investors who thought its progress was unstoppable. In both revenue and net income, Apple posted the smallest increases in years for the April to June period, failing to meet analyst expectations.

Judge Hands Apple Really Embarrassing Punishment

Must run 'Samsung didn't copy us' ads in UK

(Newser) - It's the high-tech version of the old "carry an embarrassing sign around" punishment: A British judge yesterday ordered Apple to run notices on its UK website stating that Samsung didn't copy the iPad. The notices—which effectively act as ads for Samsung, points out a lawyer for...

Next iPhone to Have Thinner, Sharper Screen

Touch capabilities will be built in

(Newser) - The new iPhone rumored to be hitting this fall will employ a new screen technology that embeds the touch function into the screen itself, as opposed to the current method, which involves putting a "touch layer" over an LCD screen, the Wall Street Journal reports. The result: a screen...

Stories 601 - 620 | << Prev   Next >>