
Stories 701 - 720 | << Prev   Next >>

Protests Head for Apple Stores Today

6 stores will be hit in protest of suppliers' treatment of workers

(Newser) - Consumers are planning to flock to one of a half-dozen Apple stores around the globe today—and not to wait in line for the latest gadget. Protests are set to hit "marquee locations" in Washington, DC; New York City, San Francisco, London, Sydney, and Bangalore. The gripe? The way...

Lawsuit: We Invented the Web, So Pay Up Google

Eolas Technologies patent claims interactive web is its brainchild

(Newser) - A case is being tried in Tyler, Texas, this week that could determine the future of the Internet. On one side: The world's top web companies, including Google, Amazon, Yahoo, and Apple. On the other: A tiny company called Eolas Technologies that claims it patented the "interactive web....

iPad, iPhone Ban Overturned

Motorola's patent infringement ruling in Germany doesn't last long

(Newser) - Apple's enormous profit machine stuttered momentarily in Germany today when Motorola enforced a patent infringement ruling against iPads and iPhones, banning their sale for a short time, the BBC reports. An appeals court yanked the ban after Apple made a new offer to license the patent. "A suspension...

Siri Is Great ... Unless You're Scottish

iPhone 4S virtual assistant has some trouble with Scottish brogue

(Newser) - Apple's Siri can help you order take-out, give you directions, or just make you laugh —but not if she can't understand you. Scottish iPhone 4S owners are finding that the voice-controlled digital assistant has a hard time deciphering their signature brogue, the Los Angeles Times reports. In...

Apple: We Don't Turn 'Blind Eye' to Factories

Cook rejects charges that company overlooks working conditions

(Newser) - Accusations that Apple overlooks serious safety issues with its suppliers are "patently false and offensive," said company CEO Tim Cook in an email to Apple employees, reports Reuters . Cook's email, excerpted at , came after a scathing article in the New York Times about factory working...

Apple's Own Reports Reveal Awful Working Conditions

Chinese suppliers are supposed to adhere to a code of conduct ... but most don't

(Newser) - The news that the Chinese workers who pump out Apple's iPads and iPhones suffer fairly awful working conditions gets a new and very long look in today's New York Times , in an article sourced from Apple's own audits of its suppliers, along with interviews with some 40...

Rumor: An iPhone 5 Summer
 Rumor: An iPhone 5 Summer 

Rumor: An iPhone 5 Summer

Next generation could feature 4-inch screen: 9to5Mac

(Newser) - A fresh new rumor declares an iPhone 5 launch this summer with a screen enlarged to at least 4 inches (compared to 3.5 inches on the iPhone 4S). Prototypes of the iPhone 5 are apparently "floating around," claims the Apple-centric blog 9to5Mac , which is getting its info...

Apple Earnings Soar on Huge iPhone Sales

Company sells 37M as earnings double

(Newser) - Apple's first quarter since the death of Steve Jobs went very, very well: The company reported that net income doubled to a record $13.1 billion from the same period last year, reports MarketWatch . That translates to $13.87 per share, beating by a mile analysts' estimates of about...

iBooks Author 'Mind-Bogglingly Greedy, Evil'

But some defend license, saying critics miss point

(Newser) - Thinking of using Apple's handy new iBooks Author program to publish your brilliant opus? You might want to think again: Apple's incredibly restrictive iBookstore licensing agreement gives the computer giant a 30% cut of anything you make, even outside of the store. Further, the format isn't compatible...

Apple Proves It: Jobs 'Aren't Coming Back' to America

Asia provides workers, flexibility that US can't match

(Newser) - Last year, President Obama asked Steve Jobs whether iPhones could be made in the US instead of Asia. Jobs was blunt: “Those jobs aren’t coming back." The New York Times takes a long look at why. In short, Asia has a surplus of engineers and factory workers...

Apple's Big Plan: Reinvent the Textbook

A move designed to lower prices ... and fuel interest in the iPad

(Newser) - The next industry Apple is looking to revolutionize: the textbook industry. The company introduced new tools today for both students and textbook publishers: iBooks 2, which will allow students to purchase and access books on their iPad, and iBooks Author, which will help to create textbooks. Both apps are free,...

Steve Jobs Action Figure Scrapped

Company received legal threats from Apple, Jobs family

(Newser) - The company behind the eerily lifelike Steve Jobs action figure has killed the project after receiving complaints and threats of legal action from Apple and the Jobs family. Officials from the Hong Kong firm In Icon say that while they believe the $100 doll does not violate copyright laws because...

Beijing Apple Store Egged After Botched iPhone Launch

Angry crowd is told 4S sale canceled

(Newser) - If notorious perfectionist Steve Jobs was still alive, today's bungled launch of the iPhone 4S in Beijing might have given him a heart attack. Would-be customers who waited all night in freezing temperatures became furious when Apple's flagship Beijing store abruptly announced that the phone would not go...

2011's Top-Paid CEO: Apple's Tim Cook*

*Assuming Jobs' successor sticks around 'til 2021, that is

(Newser) - The AP turned some heads yesterday when it reported that Tim Cook might have been the highest paid CEO in America in 2011, with total pay worth some $378 million. But the key word in that sentence is "might," notes Philip Elmer-DeWitt of Fortune . It's still not...

Is India Spying on US With Help From RIM, Apple?

Leaked memo from India’s Military Intelligence suggests so

(Newser) - An internal memo from India’s Military Intelligence posted online by hackers contains some disturbing allegations: It claims RIM, Nokia, and Apple provided the Indian government with backdoor access to their mobile devices in exchange for "Indian market presence." The story was initially picked up by Manan Kakkar,...

Apple May Try to Quash Steve Jobs Doll

But Hong Kong manufacturer is unfazed

(Newser) - Might Apple put the kibosh on a Hong Kong manufacturer's plan to sell $100 Steve Jobs action figures next month? Apple is "allegedly threatening to sue" and already has dispatched a letter of warning, reports the Telegraph . The report is a little thin, and there's no confirmation...

iPhone 4S to Be Launched in China Next Week
 iPhone's Siri Learning Chinese 

iPhone's Siri Learning Chinese

4s to be launched in China, 21 other countries

(Newser) - Apple is about to get more than a billion new potential customers for the iPhone 4s—but many of them may find it tricky communicating with Siri just yet. The smartphone will be launched in China and 21 other countries next week, and while its voice-activated virtual assistant currently only...

Yours for $100: Steve Jobs Action Figure

Comes complete with iPhone, iPad ... in miniature, of course

(Newser) - Sadly, this did not make it out in time for Christmas, but you can still buy your tech-loving boyfriend one for Valentine's Day: A 12-inch Steve Jobs action figure goes on sale in February … but you'll have to shell out $100 for it. The figurine comes with...

Apple's Siri Tells Boy to 'Shut the F*** Up'

iPhone voice system insults 12-year-old shopper

(Newser) - An eager 12-year-old experienced the techno-shock of a lifetime when Apple's Siri voice system told him to "shut the f*** up" the other day. His question: "How many people are there in the world?" The boy, Charlie Le Quesne, had grabbed a demo iPhone while shopping with...

Apple's Design Chief Is Now a Knight

British native Jonathan Ive earns honor in homeland

(Newser) - Apple's lead designer has a new title: Knight Commander of the British Empire. Or just Sir Jonathan if you like. Jonathan Ive has been awarded a knighthood in his native England, reports the BBC . The 44-year-old worked closely with Steve Jobs and has played a large role in creating...

Stories 701 - 720 | << Prev   Next >>