
Stories 761 - 780 | << Prev   Next >>

iPhone 4S Pre-Orders Sell Out in 12 Hours

AT&T reports 200K orders, calls sales strong

(Newser) - The just-announced iPhone 4S may not be an iPhone 5 , but it is still another big hit for Apple, which sold out its pre-orders in just 12 hours, reports the International Business Times . AT&T alone reported more than 200,000 pre-orders, saying it was the most successful iPhone launch...

How Apple Will Go On Post-Jobs
 How Apple Will 
 Go On Post-Jobs 
Analysis Roundup

How Apple Will Go On Post-Jobs

What's next for America's top tech company

(Newser) - The death of Steve Jobs has everyone wondering: What’s next for Apple? Can it maintain its killer momentum without its visionary? Here’s what people are saying:
  • Don’t panic too much: Before dying, Jobs helped shape a product roadmap that covers at least the next three years, sources

Let&#39;s Calm Down About Steve Jobs
 Let's Calm Down 
 About Steve Jobs 

Let's Calm Down About Steve Jobs

He was a terrific tech guy, but this public grief is out of whack: Hamilton Nolan

(Newser) - The tributes to Steve Jobs have taken on a "quasi-religious tone," writes Hamilton Nolan, who suggests it's time to dial things back a notch or two. Jobs' death is "certainly a devastating loss" to his family, his friends, and his company, writes Nolan at Gawker . As...

Steve Jobs: A Legacy Like No Other
Steve Jobs: 
 A Legacy 
 Like No Other 

Steve Jobs: A Legacy Like No Other

His heirs may struggle as technology moves forward

(Newser) - Steve Jobs wasn't the Thomas Edison or Henry Ford of his time, but some future American business visionary may be known as the Steve Jobs of his time, writes Michael Hiltzik. Jobs—a "master of bare-knuckled business strategies from the old school"—wasn't known as an...

Westboro Announces Steve Jobs Protest— Via iPhone

Official says Steve Jobs targeted because he 'taught sin'

(Newser) - Westboro Baptist Church says it will picket Steve Jobs' funeral, but apparently God also hates irony: Leader Margie Phelps announced the protest via a Twitter announcement made on an iPhone. "The irony here is almost unbelievable," notes Josh Wolford on Web Pro News . Jobs' sin? Phelps tweeted...

Fans Worldwide Mourn Steve Jobs

From Beijing to New York, fans gather, leave flowers

(Newser) - Mac fans everywhere gathered online and at Apple stores offline last night, mourning the loss of Steve Jobs, reports the LA Times . There were flowers, memorabilia, and even a bagpipe player at the company headquarters in Cupertino, Calif., where the company flags flew at half-staff. At an Apple store in...

Obama on Steve Jobs: 'World Has Lost a Visionary'

Politicians mourn Apple founder

(Newser) - The death of Steve Jobs has brought tribute from politicians from across America, many of whom compare Jobs to the greatest geniuses in American history, Politico reports.
  • President Obama: "The world has lost a visionary. And there may be no greater tribute to Steve's success than the fact

Steve Jobs Dies at 56 of Pancreatic Cancer
 Steve Jobs Dead at 56 

Steve Jobs Dead at 56

Apple co-founder dies of pancreatic cancer

(Newser) - Steve Jobs is dead at 56 from pancreatic cancer. "Apple has lost a creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being," says the company, which is collecting remembrances here . A sense of how the early coverage is going:
  • Wall Street Journal : "Steven P.

New iPhone&#39;s Siri Shows Real Promise

 New iPhone's 
 Siri Shows 
 Real Promise

New iPhone's Siri Shows Real Promise

Bloggers seem to like the voice-recognition feature

(Newser) - Much of the buzz around the iPhone 4S centers on its Siri voice-recognition system that Apple says makes the phone a virtual personal assistant. Some takes today:
  • This could work: What's promising about Siri is that it addresses the long-running problems associated with voice recognition, writes Paul Miller at

Disappointed by New iPhone? You're 'Nuts'

It's not a '5,' but it's a much better phone: tech bloggers

(Newser) - Apple shares fell after today's unveiling of the new iPhone 4S , apparently because investors wanted an iPhone 5. "Apple Underwhelms With iPhone 4S" is the Wall Street Journal headline, which is typical fare in early coverage. Some dissenting views are emerging, though:
  • Dan Frommer, Splatf : Those disappointed are

I&#39;m Glad I Dumped My iPhone

 I'm Glad  
 I Dumped  
 My iPhone 

I'm Glad I Dumped My iPhone

Henry David Thoreau was right: Sam Graham-Felsen

(Newser) - If you need an antidote to the hype over Apple's new iPhone , Sam Graham-Felsen provides just the thing at Good . He used to be an iPhone fanatic, but no more, and he swears he's not going back. But this isn't an Android-is-better screed. His phone of a...

Apple Unveils iPhone 4S
 Apple Unveils iPhone 4S 

Apple Unveils iPhone 4S

It's available October 14 for $199 to $399

(Newser) - It's not an iPhone 5, but Apple unveiled a souped-up version of its current model called the iPhone 4S. It's available Oct. 14, with the 16GB version at $199, the 32GB at $299, and the 64GB at $399. It will be up to twice as fast, featuring the...

Sprint 'Betting the Company' on the iPhone

Carrier needs roster addition, but it's going to cost a fortune

(Newser) - Sprint may or may not be the exclusive carrier of the iPhone 5 until sometime in early 2012—but it’s betting massively that just adding Apple's beloved smartphone to its roster will be its salvation. Sprint has committed to buy 30.5 million iPhones over the next four...

What to Expect at Today's iPhone Event

Apple expected to announce faster, slimmer phone

(Newser) - It's a big day in the tech world as we await the 1pm EDT iPhone announcement from Apple HQ. What do we think we know?
  • It will be faster, slimmer, and have a larger screen: Pretty much everyone agrees on these points.
  • It will run on both GSM and

IBM Surpasses Microsoft, Claims No. 2 Tech Spot

Shift illustrates tech industry's move away from PCs

(Newser) - Microsoft, once the world’s most valuable tech company, has now fallen to third place. IBM surpassed Microsoft yesterday to take the second-place spot, as its market value rose to $214 billion and Microsoft’s fell to $213.2 billion. It marked the first time IBM’s closing prices exceeded...

41% Plan to Buy iPhone 5

 41% Plan to Buy iPhone 5 
Survey says...

41% Plan to Buy iPhone 5

Survey shows users clamoring for Apple's latest

(Newser) - Could the iPhone 5 be Apple’s biggest hit yet? Consumers still haven’t even seen the device— it’s set to be unveiled Tuesday —but a recent survey from the mobile ad network inMobi found that a whopping 41% of North American mobile users are already planning to...

6 Things Amazon's Tablet Has Over the iPad

Flash lovers, rejoice!

(Newser) - Surely you’ve heard by know that Amazon’s Kindle Fire tablet isn’t an iPad killer . But it does have a few desirable traits that the iPad doesn’t. The Huffington Post lists six of them:
  • It supports Flash: Many iPad and iPhone users wish that Apple would take

Amazon's Kindle Fire Won't Kill Apple's iPad
 New Kindle Can't Touch iPad 

New Kindle Can't Touch iPad

It'll be a competitor, but Apple has little to fear

(Newser) - Amazon’s new Kindle Fire has been getting a lot of hype as an “iPad killer,” but Apple shouldn’t exactly be quaking in its boots, opines John Paul Titlow of ReadWriteWeb . “As far as hardware is concerned, the Kindle Fire looks more like a cross between...

Shoppers Blast Retailers' Online Anti-Gay Ties

Petitions prompt Microsoft, Apple to cut connection to charity group

(Newser) - Apple, Microsoft, and an array of other online retailers have found themselves at the center of a gay-rights battle, the New York Times reports. The retailers have been tied to an Internet marketer, the Charity Giveback Group, that receives a commission when it sends the retailers an online customer. There'...

iPhone 5 Coming Oct. 4: Sources

This will be new CEO Tim Cook's first big unveiling

(Newser) - Cancel your plans for Oct. 4: That’s the day Apple will roll out the iPhone 5, sources tell AllThingsD . That website had previously reported an October unveiling, and Mashable’s prediction of Oct. 7 wasn’t too far off, either. Gizmodo notes that the date is a bit later...

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