
Stories 1481 - 1491 | << Prev 

New Music Service Takes on iPhone
New Music Service Takes on iPhone

New Music Service Takes on iPhone

Wireless companies, music labels enter cell phone media market

(Newser) - Top music labels and wireless providers have launched a new service across the Atlantic, in a bid to undercut the momentously hyped iPhone, Apple's upcoming phone-cum-mp3. MusicStation will be available in Europe and Asia imminently, and lets users tap into a catalog of over a million songs from their cell...

Apple Wants to Send Windows Users on Safari

Jobs sees chance to grab larger share of browser market

(Newser) - Apple will venture into Microsoft's turf again, this time making a version of its web browser Safari compatible with Windows. Microsoft's Internet Explorer commands 78% of the browser market compared to Safari's 5%, reports the Wall Street Journal, but Apple's interest in expanding its share is only part of the...

Apple Courts Studios for Rental Rights

At $3 a pop, 30-day movie loans will pit computer giant against cable, satellite

(Newser) - Apple is buttering up top movie studios as it prepares to launch a video-on-demand service to contend with cable and satellite companies. Apple plans to offer each movie as a 30-day rental for $2.99, and it's telling studios the term of lease means they won't take a hit on...

iPhone Rings High Note for Apple
iPhone Rings High Note
for Apple

iPhone Rings High Note for Apple

Smartphone may surpass hype, drive stock up to $160

(Newser) - With buzz over Apple's new iPhone vibrating on high, investors are betting that Apple's stock—which has doubled in the past year to $122 per share—will climb to upwards of $160. The iPhone hits stores June 29, and is set to achieve Apple's once far-fetched goal of selling 10...

New iTunes Offerings Raise Privacy Worries

DRM-free tracks contain purchaser's name, email address

(Newser) - Apple's announcement that iTunes would make DRM-free music available omitted a significant detail: The personal information embedded in regular tracks is also in the non-privacy-protected tunes. That raises privacy concerns, the AP reports, including the possibility that the unencrypted information might make it easier for music companies to crack down...

iPhone Hits Stores June 29
iPhone Hits Stores June 29

iPhone Hits Stores June 29

Mac will release feverishly anticipated super-gadget—but will the hype ring hollow?

(Newser) - The wait will be over for millions of tech groupies on June 29—when the iPhone, the highly anticipated device that merges web browsing, music playing, and telephoning, will hit Apple and AT&T stores worldwide. But the hype over what some call "the God machine" has already reached...

Gates and Jobs Banter in Rare Face-to-Face

Tech gods praise each other, discuss the PC guy from the Mac ads

(Newser) - Long-time rivals Bill Gates and Steve Jobs quipped and reminisced their way through their first joint public appearance in two decades at last night's D: All Things Digital conference in San Diego. The two tech kings ditched their traditional rivalry for a cozy, back-and-forth love fest. We've been "secretly...

Amazon Sings New Tune for Online Music

Web giant will sell non-piracy-protected tracks in digital store

(Newser) - Amazon is going where Apple tried (and failed) to: a DRM-free online music store. Set to launch this year, Amazon’s venture won't sell tracks protected by digital rights management, the anti-copying technology that music labels have required Apple’s iTunes to use. To stay DRM-free, Amazon will partner with...

Tech Guru Takes Mass Approach
Tech Guru Takes Mass Approach

Tech Guru Takes Mass Approach

WSJ 's Walt Mossberg is the Everyman of high-tech—and the public is listening

(Newser) - The New Yorker profiles columnist and technology prophet Walt Mossberg, whose word has decided the fate of many a digital revolution. Mossberg's mantra is that technology should be easy and elegant, and he tells Ken Auletta that companies like Mac and Microsoft still have a ways to go in satisfying...

New OS Delay Shows Strains At Apple
New OS Delay Shows Strains At Apple

New OS Delay Shows Strains At Apple

"They've shaken people's confidence in their ability to execute," says analyst

(Newser) - The iPhone is coming on time, but at a price: Apple's new Leopard operating system is on hold until October. The decision reflects an overstretched company that's expanding faster than its small staff can handle, analysts say. Apple's talent for innovation, showcased by products like the iPod—and more recently,...

Apple: America's Best Retailer
Apple:  America's Best Retailer

Apple: America's Best Retailer

Steve Jobs Motto: "Ambush the Customer"

(Newser) - Jerry Useem summarizes Apple’s unlikely rise as a retailer for Fortune. With sales at its New York store running a staggering $4,000 per square foot (50% higher than Tiffany’s), Apple is the best retailer in America. 

Stories 1481 - 1491 | << Prev