Iraq war

Stories 641 - 660 | << Prev   Next >>

Bush Defers on Troop Pullouts, Upbraids Iran

'It's fine with me' if general slows down US withdrawal

(Newser) - At a naval base in Kuwait today, President Bush praised the success of US forces in Iraq since the surge and said he would not pressure Gen. David Petraeus to continue troop drawdowns beyond the 30,000 scheduled to be pulled out by July. "My attitude is, if he...

Paul Revels in GOP Rebel Role
Paul Revels in GOP Rebel Role

Paul Revels in GOP Rebel Role

Debate underlines contrasts between firebrand and fellow candidates

(Newser) - Fox relented and let GOP maverick Ron Paul join in last night’s South Carolina presidential debate, and the excitable libertarian made the most of the opportunity, the Los Angeles Times notes. Paul provided his characteristic stark contrast with the mainstream candidates and several of the evening's high points, as...

Voters Sweat Economy, Slam Bush: Exit Polls

Voters share concerns about Bush, markets

(Newser) - New Hampshire exit polls picked the brains of yesterday’s voters, finding not only that women helped Hillary Clinton and independents boosted John McCain, but also that the economy was foremost in most voters’ minds—and Republicans weren’t giving Bush backers a free pass. While two-thirds of Granite State...

Big Mac Back From the Brink
Big Mac Back From the Brink

Big Mac Back From the Brink

Wheels are back on the 'Straight Talk Express'

(Newser) - After his national operation was dismantled last summer for lack of funds, John McCain's aides thought New Hampshire would be just a trip down memory lane before results drove the final nail in his campaign's coffin. Instead, the Arizona senator now finds himself arguably the GOP frontrunner after his big...

Romney on Attack in NH GOP Debate
Romney on Attack in NH GOP Debate

Romney on Attack in NH GOP Debate

Sudden underdog targets Huckabee, McCain on taxes, immigration

(Newser) - "You make up facts faster than you talk, and that's saying something,'' Mitt Romney told Mike Huckabee in a heated Fox News debate tonight, attacking the surging Huckabee on his tax policies in Arkansas and his populist assault on corporate earnings. Romney was less defensive than last night,...

McGovern: Oust Bush, Cheney
McGovern: Oust Bush, Cheney

McGovern: Oust Bush, Cheney

Former Dem. nominee rails against duo's 'high crimes and misdemeanors'

(Newser) - Now is the time to impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney, declares former Democratic nominee George McGovern in a passionate, if quixotic, plea in the Washington Post. The duo have committed a plethora of "high crimes and misdemeanors," says McGovern, including illegal wiretapping, systematic torture, and substantial...

GOP Debate in NH Has Romney on Defensive

In the first meeting since Iowa, candidates spar on Iraq, health care

(Newser) - Gathered around what Charles Gibson called a quasi-diningroom table, six GOP candidates met tonight for the first of two debates in New Hampshire before Tuesday's primary. Under less formal rules, they discussed Bush foreign policy, health care, immigration, and energy independence. Mitt Romney drew the most flak from other candidates,...

Hasselbeck Returning to 'The View'
Hasselbeck Returning
to 'The View'

Hasselbeck Returning to 'The View'

Rosie O'Donnell's right-wing rival back from maternity leave

(Newser) - Conservative TV co-host Elizabeth Hasselbeck will return to "The View" on Monday after a two-month maternity leave—and she'll be bringing her new son, Taylor Thomas, with her. Hasselbeck infamously had it out on the air with liberal co-host Rosie O'Donnell over the war in Iraq shortly before the...

Obama Stealing New Hampshire Independents From McCain

Bloc handed victory to GOP senator in 2000

(Newser) - They gave John McCain the margin of victory in 2000, but this time around New Hampshire Independents are breaking from the Republican and toward Democrat Barack Obama, according to a Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll. As the Jan. 8 primary approaches, 61% on Independents say they are voting Democratic and more...

Bin Laden: 'Blood for Blood'
Bin Laden: 'Blood for Blood'

Bin Laden: 'Blood for Blood'

Terror chief threatens Israel & Sunnis backing Iraqi government

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda terror chief Osama bin Laden denounced Sunnis supporting the US-backed Iraq government as “evil traitors,” and vowed to spread the group’s holy war to Israel, promising "blood for blood, destruction for destruction" in an online audiotape issued yesterday, AP reports. The message didn’t mention...

Bush Vetoes Defense Bill, Delays Troops' Pay Raise

Iraq lawsuit provision sidetracks measure

(Newser) - President Bush vetoed a wide-ranging defense-spending measure today after Iraqi politicians objected to a proviso buried in the bill enabling Iraqis to sue their government in US court over Saddam Hussein-era injuries. The bill does not fund the war in Iraq, the Chicago Tribune reports, but does contain a pay...

Suicide Attacks in Iraq Kill 34
Suicide Attacks in Iraq Kill 34

Suicide Attacks in Iraq Kill 34

Blasts in two cities underscore threat posed by insurgents

(Newser) - Two suicide attacks in big cities north of Baghdad today killed at least 34 and injured up to 100, underscoring the dangers still posed by insurgents, the Washington Post reports. A bomber killed 12 at a funeral in Baqubah, following an earlier car bomb explosion in Baiji that killed at...

Gates Predicts Steady Iraq Withdrawals

If security gains hold, defense chief predicts 100K troops by Jan '09

(Newser) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates said today the US is on track to have 100,000 troops, or 10 brigades, in Iraq by the end of the Bush administration, the Chicago Tribune reports. Recent security gains in Iraq have allowed Gen. David Petraeus to begin to enact his plan of removing...

US Hatred Fuels Iraq's Teen Fighters

One 16-year-old, a would-be bomber, tells his tale

(Newser) - US and Iraqi forces trying to regain control of the country face a particularly troublesome category of insurgents—teenagers fueled with hatred against America, Der Spiegel reports. The German newspaper interviewed one such teen whose botched plot to kill US soldiers resulted instead in his arrest. He not only led...

Congress Approves War Funds
Congress Approves War Funds

Congress Approves War Funds

House passes budget that includes money for Iraq

(Newser) - The House today approved a $556 billion spending bill that grants President Bush his wish for $70 billion in additional funds for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Reuters reports. The measure, which also funds most of the federal government through next September, marks another setback for Democrats looking to...

Iran Still Sliding Iraq Arms: US
Iran Still Sliding Iraq Arms: US

Iran Still Sliding Iraq Arms: US

Pentagon report says weapons, training still flowing across border

(Newser) - Stability in Iraq may be increasing, but the flow of arms and insurgents across its border with Iran has slowed little, reports the Wall Street Journal. A Pentagon report, to be presented to Congress tomorrow, will frame Iraq's overall security in a positive light, but again call into question how...

Iraq Pumping More Oil Than Before War

Increased security at northern pipeline credited with boost

(Newser) - Thanks largely to increased security, Iraq is now producing more oil than it was before the war began in 2003, according to the International Energy Agency. The output is up to 2.3 million barrels per day from 1.9 million barrels daily at the beginning of the year. Protecting...

Iran Prez: US Hurts World Peace
Iran Prez: US Hurts World Peace

Iran Prez: US Hurts World Peace

'Unilateralism' tarnishes American prestige, Ahmadinejad writes

(Newser) - Writing in Newsweek, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the US has forsaken its “proper role in eliminating tyranny and violence” in the international arena, instead acting unilaterally to disrupt a peaceful world. Ahmadinejad says Iran has every right to develop nuclear fuel “for peaceful purposes,” and the...

Iraq Splinters as Surge Quells Violence

Government holds no sway over 'highly decentralized situation'

(Newser) - The US troop surge has stemmed the bloodshed of Iraq's civil war but has failed in its other key objective of rebuilding the fragmented country into a cohesive nation. Ten months into the surge, Iraq has further splintered into sectarian strongholds run by warlords and militias, while the government's bickering...

Oprah Shines for Obama
Oprah Shines for Obama

Oprah Shines for Obama

Talk show host slams criticism that Obama lacks experience

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey made her debut in presidential politics today, challenging an electrified crowd of 18,500 in Des Moines to "think seriously" about Barack Obama, a candidate she said she supports not because he is a Democrat but for "very personal" reasons. “For the very first time...

Stories 641 - 660 | << Prev   Next >>