Iraq war

Stories 681 - 700 | << Prev   Next >>

Bush Hails 'Noble' Iraq War
 Bush Hails 'Noble' Iraq War

Bush Hails 'Noble' Iraq War

President marks Veterans Day in Texas

(Newser) - President Bush marked the fifth Veterans Day since the beginning of the war in Iraq at an emotional ceremony at an American Legion Post in Texas where four fallen servicemen were honored. Bush was expected to use the opportunity to scold Congress for not sending him a veterans spending bill,...

Congress Defies Bush on Funds
Congress Defies Bush on Funds

Congress Defies Bush on Funds

House votes $10 billion for domestic programs White house seeks to ax

(Newser) - The Democratic-controlled Congress has approved an extra $10 billion for education and health care, daring the White House to veto the extra funding for popular domestic programs that President Bush seeks to cut. The vote came as the Senate dealt the White House its first veto override on a water...

25% of US Homeless Are Vets
25% of US Homeless
Are Vets

25% of US Homeless Are Vets

Many rocked by 'mental health toll' of service in Iraq, Afghanistan

(Newser) - Though they constitute only 11% of the population, veterans make up 25% of homeless people in the US, according to a new study by The Alliance to End Homelessness. The problem is not limited to older vets—former soldiers from the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts are increasingly showing up at...

Americans Down on Feds, Poll Says
Americans Down on Feds, Poll Says

Americans Down on Feds, Poll Says

Approval ratings hit 10-year low, but Hillary's no shoo-in

(Newser) - Americans are down on the feds these days, a new poll shows. Only 24% give them thumbs up, while 75% want White House policy change—the worst ratings in a decade, the Washington Post reports. Dems can best capitalize on discontent in 2008, numbers say, but Hillary's leads against Giuliani...

Mideast War to Defeat Dems? Worked Once, Could Again

Frank Rich: Iran bluster really about '08 election

(Newser) - Bush's rumblings about bombing Iran look like a strategic dead end: With the military stretched thin and Iraq a debacle, what does a lame-duck president stand to gain from a full-scale regional war? The answer, Frank Rich argues in his New York Times column, is a proven election-year tactic of...

Photographer Haunted by Iraq Death
Photographer Haunted by Iraq Death

Photographer Haunted by Iraq Death

Did a soldier die so he could get a picture, he wonders in talk about book

(Newser) - Photographer Ashley Gilbertson tried to be as emotionally removed as possible while working in Iraq, but once he let soldiers protect him as he ran to get a close-up. There was a shot, Gilbertson felt blood; one of the men protecting him was killed. It's something he has deeply regretted...

Hollywood Grows Skittish About Iraq Films

Nation's volatile mood has producers wary of adapting war books

(Newser) - Iraq war books are hitting stores in droves—with some 40 titles coming out this fall—but Hollywood isn't lining up to adapt them like before. A dicey political mood, huge war flick budgets, and fears of bleak, box office clunkers like Rendition all have producers scared, the Los Angeles ...

Rumsfeld Memos: 'Keep Elevating the Threat'

'Snowflakes' urge linking Iraq and Iran

(Newser) - During his six years as defense secretary, Donald Rumsfeld told staffers to “keep elevating the threat” and develop “bumper sticker statements” to sell administration war policies. Internal memos obtained by the Washington Post depict a media- and politics-obsessed Rumsfeld who instructed staffers to link Iraq and Iran, contemplated...

Anti-Gay Church Ordered to Pay Dead Marine's Family $11M

Jury says protests violate privacy

(Newser) - A fundamentalist Kansas church has been ordered to pay $11 million to the father of a Marine killed in Iraq after a jury decided that anti-gay church protesters violated the family's privacy. Members of Westboro Baptist Church routinely wave anti-gay posters at soldiers' funerals because they claim the war is...

Kentucky Dems Hope to Ride Blue Wave

Backlash may win them governor's office, Senate seat

(Newser) - Kentucky Dems are confident that they'll win the governor's office next week and grab a Senate seat in 2008, the Guardian reports. Polls put Steve Beshear up by 11 points in next week's gubernatorial contest, and Dems say Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is now beatable. "We are going...

Progress in Sudan Has Eluded Prez
Progress in Sudan Has Eluded Prez

Progress in Sudan Has Eluded Prez

Why Bush passion hasn't translated into effective policy

(Newser) - President Bush has such a personal passion for Darfur that he’s been nicknamed the “Sudan desk officer”, but his zeal hasn't translated to results, reports the Washington Post. He’s insisted on consequences for genocide both publicly and among his aides, but has been unable to mobilize support...

If Turks Cross Border, It's War: Kurdish Prez

Says Turkiey is trying to undermine Kurdish prosperity in Iraq

(Newser) - Kurdish President Massoud Barzani has warned the Turkish government that any move into his territory will be considered a declaration of war. The warning came yesterday as Turkish troops attacked separatist PKK guerrillas inside Turkey, killing 20, reports the London Times. Turkish officials have charged that the largely autonomous Kurdish...

National Protests Target Iraq War
National Protests Target Iraq War

National Protests Target Iraq War

'National day of action' coordinates protests in cities across America

(Newser) - On the fifth anniversary of Congress' vote to authorize invading Iraq, demonstrators thronged the streets in a dozen US cities yesterday, calling on Congress to cut off war funding and focus on domestic issues. The "national day of action" brought protesters out nationwide, including Boston, LA, New York and...

US Forces Hunt Down Iraqi Rackets
US Forces
Hunt Down
Iraqi Rackets

US Forces Hunt Down Iraqi Rackets

Illegal schemes funnel key money to insurgents

(Newser) - Iraq's mafia-style rackets are funneling big money to insurgents, making them key targets for US commanders. Corruption and kickbacks in real estate, soft drinks, cement—even the extortion of US contractors—are fueling what Maliki calls a “second war” in Iraq. "We have got to attack the insurgency...

Iran Looms Large in Campaign
Iran Looms Large in Campaign

Iran Looms Large in Campaign

Iran is the new Iraq on the stump

(Newser) - Iran is beginning to dominate the campaign rhetoric of White house hopefuls of both parties as Iraq once did, reports CNN. Tough US sanctions against Tehran and growing indications of some kind of military intervention to halt the development of nuclear weapons are being compared with the steps taken in...

Clinton, Pelosi May Divide Dems
Clinton, Pelosi May Divide Dems

Clinton, Pelosi May Divide Dems

One is genuine hawk, the other authentic dove

(Newser) - They may have a lot in common on the surface, but Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi differ vastly when it comes to foreign policy, Politico says. With votes to authorize the Iraq war and designate Iran’s Revolutionary Guard as terrorists, Clinton is an honest-to-goodness, unapologetic hawk, while Pelosi is...

What Price War? Try $2.4T
What Price War? Try $2.4T

What Price War? Try $2.4T

Figure much higher than previous estimates for Iraq, Afghanistan

(Newser) - Americans will have to pony up $8,000 apiece to fund the Iraq and Afghanistan wars through the next decade—a total that could top $2.4 trillion—according to a projection by the Congressional Budget Office released today. The figure dwarfs previous CBO estimates because it factors in $705...

Turkey Upsets the West's Cozy 'War on Terror'

For Slavoj Zizek, the crisis is about who's allowed to use force

(Newser) - Why is Turkey's possible incursion into northern Iraq so unsettling for the West? For Slavoj Zizek, writing in the Guardian today, it's not just that it might upset Iraqi stability—things are pretty bad already—but that it disturbs our notion of who is allowed to make war to prevent...

Bush Asks $46B More for Wars
Bush Asks $46B More for Wars

Bush Asks $46B More for Wars

Request brings the total to $196.4 billion this year

(Newser) - Citing the need to "provide our troops with the support they need to get the job done," President Bush asked Congress today for $46 billion more to fund wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the AP reports. Not so fast, said congressional Democrats, who vowed not to act until...

US Forces Kill 49 in Sadr City
US Forces Kill 49 in Sadr City

US Forces Kill 49 in Sadr City

Iraqi witnesses claim women, children among the dead

(Newser) - The US military said it killed 49 gunmen today in a Sadr City raid aimed at capturing an Iranian-linked rebel leader suspected of kidnapping coalition members and foreigners. But Iraqi witnesses pin the death toll at 13, including two toddlers, Reuters reports. Military officials were mum on whether the rogue...

Stories 681 - 700 | << Prev   Next >>