Iraq war

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One US Army Reservist Still Missing in Iraq

Iraqi-born Ahmed Kousay Altaie reportedly kidnapped in 2006

(Newser) - The end of the war in Iraq prompts the Army Times to note that one—and only one—American serviceman remains missing despite a five-year search. Ahmed Kousay Altaie was reportedly kidnapped in 2006, and the Pentagon says his case will remain open until he is found. Altaie's case...

US Hangs Iraqi Translators Out to Dry

With visa process slowed, many now fear for their lives

(Newser) - When the US signed up translators in Iraq, it promised them an inside track for a special visa to the US. But now that the war is over, the visa approval process has slowed to a crawl, leaving translators stuck in Iraq—where many want them dead for helping the...

63 Dead as Explosions Rip Baghdad

First major violence after US troop pullout rattles Iraq

(Newser) - At least 63 people have been killed as powerful explosions ripped Baghdad early today in the first major violence in Iraq since US troops left. Nearly 200 people were wounded as bombers believed linked to Al-Qaeda in Iraq targeted schools, grocery stores and government buildings, reports the New York Times...

In Memoriam: David Hickman, Last American Killed in Iraq War
 The Last American Killed in Iraq 
in memoriam

The Last American Killed in Iraq

David Hickman, 23, was last of some 4,500 to die

(Newser) - On Nov. 14, just a month before the final US troops left Iraq, a 23-year-old soldier lost his life to an improvised explosive device. David Emanuel Hickman was the last American to be killed in a war that cost some 4,500 Americans their lives, the AP reports. With the...

Last Troops Have Left Iraq
 Last Troops Have Left Iraq 

Last Troops Have Left Iraq

110 armored vehicles carry 500 troops out of the combat zone

(Newser) - Early this morning, 110 armored trucks and vehicles carrying 500 soldiers set off on the five-hour drive from Iraq to Kuwait, down the highway once called Main Supply Route Tampa, pulling the last US troops out of Iraq, reports CNN . They hailed from Camp Adder, which just one month ago...

Critics of Christopher Hitchens Assail His 'Hagiography'

 Get Their Day 
reality check?

Hitchens-Haters Get Their Day Online

Critics assail his atheism, pro-war stance, 'random bile'

(Newser) - Sure Christopher Hitchens was erudite, bold, and endowed with a stunning memory . But now that he's been dead for two days, the complaints are rolling in ... and they're none-too-pretty:
  • "His writing contained provocation aplenty, but far too much of it ... a few hundred words of dashed off

It&#39;s Over! Iraq War Ends Today
 It's Over: Iraq War Ends Today 

It's Over: Iraq War Ends Today

Leon Panetta shuts down operation in quiet ceremony

(Newser) - Today's the day. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta declared the Iraq War over in a quiet ceremony in Baghdad, saying the conflict was worth the cost because it set Iraq on a path to democracy. After speeches, the flag of United States Force-Iraq was "cased"—furled around a...

West Worried About Heavy-Handed Iraq PM

Maliki crackdown may herald return to authoritarian rule

(Newser) - As the US prepares to depart Iraq, some in the West see worrying signs that the country may be sliding back toward authoritarian rule. Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who met with President Obama in Washington yesterday, has been moving swiftly to consolidate power as the Americans head for the door....

Obama: 'Our War in Iraq Ends This Month'

President promises US will still have 'strong presence'

(Newser) - As the last 6,000 American troops prepare to leave Iraq by Dec. 31, President Obama today heralded the end of the divisive war—but issued a warning to the country's neighbors: The US will continue to have a "strong presence in the Middle East." He added,...

Drones and Cyberwar: Obama Doctrine Calls for Silent War, Writes Roger Cohen

 The Obama 
 Silent War 

The Obama Doctrine: Silent War

War on Terror has gone 'undercover': Roger Cohen

(Newser) - Make no mistake about it, there is an Obama Doctrine—but you won’t hear about it from the man himself. That’s because it’s a “doctrine of silence,” writes Roger Cohen in the New York Times . “America has decided that conventional wars of uncertain outcome...

Super Committee Wants to Count $700B War Savings

'Gimmick' would pay for things like payroll tax cut

(Newser) - The congressional super committee isn’t any closer to a deal, but consensus is growing around one thing: Counting the roughly $700 billion the country intends to stop spending in Iraq and Afghanistan toward its total. The idea has budget experts enraged—one member of a bipartisan group called it...

War Vet Injured in Occupy Protest Leaves Hospital

Scott Olsen still having trouble speaking

(Newser) - The Iraqi war vet critically injured last month at an Occupy Oakland protest is out of the hospital, reports Reuters . Scott Olsen "is still struggling with speech, but is attempting conversations without having the writing instrument out," wrote a friend at a blog post. Olsen, 24, apparently got...

US Cracking Down on War Zone Corruption

Prosecutions for bribery, theft in Iraq and Afghanistan rising

(Newser) - American prosecutors have been making it a lot more difficult for people involved in reconstruction work in Iraq and Afghanistan to line their pockets and get away with it. Prosecutions for bribery, theft, and other crimes have risen sharply this year, according to two government reports. Those convicted include a...

All US Troops Will Return From Iraq by End of the Year
 All US Troops Leaving Iraq 

All US Troops Leaving Iraq

They will be home by end of year, bringing end to 9-year war

(Newser) - A holiday present for families of soldiers serving in Iraq: Everybody's coming home by the end of the year, President Obama announced today. "After nearly nine years, America's war in Iraq will be over," said Obama, who had announced the end of the combat mission earlier...

Washington Drops Plan to Keep US Troops in Iraq

 Pentagon Denies 
 Jan. 1 Iraq 

Pentagon Denies Jan. 1 Iraq Pullout

Discussions with Baghdad 'are ongoing': spokesman

(Newser) - The Pentagon threw cold water on a story today that US troops are leaving Iraq by year's end, MSNBC reports. "Suggestions that a final decision has been reached about our training relationship with the Iraqi government are wrong," a Pentagon spokesman said. "Those discussions are ongoing....

Just 1 in 3 Vets Say Iraq, Afghanistan Wars 'Worth It'

Another 1 in 3 disagree: Pew Research Center poll

(Newser) - Friday marks the 10th anniversary of the US invasion of Afghanistan; with an eye on the decade-long effort, the Pew Research Center asks veterans: Were the Afghanistan and Iraq wars worth it? Just 34% of post-Sept. 11 veterans say yes, while another 33% say no (Afghanistan is considered slightly more...

Al-Sadr Tells Iraqi Militias to Stop Attacking US Troops

Because he wants troops to leave Iraq on time

(Newser) - Radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr has ordered his followers to stop attacking US troops—to make sure they get out of Iraq on time. “Out of my desire to complete Iraq’s independence … I am obliged to halt military operations of the honest Iraqi resistance until the withdrawal...

Iraqi Suicide Bombers Have Killed 12K Civilians: Study
 12K Iraqis Killed 
 by Suicide Bombs 
says study

12K Iraqis Killed by Suicide Bombs

Roughly 1K bombings also account for 30K civilian injuries

(Newser) - Suicide bombs have killed more than 12,000 Iraqi civilians and wounded another 30,000 since the war started in March of 2003, according to a new study. The numbers account for 11% of the 108,624 civilian deaths and 26% of the 117,165 civilian injuries, but aren't...

US Soldiers Executed Iraqi Toddlers: WikiLeaks

Cable from UN demanded answers, got no reply

(Newser) - In 2006, a group of US soldiers burst into a house in Ishaqi, Iraq, where they handcuffed and executed at least 10 people—including an infant and four other children, none older than five years old—then called an airstrike to cover up the evidence. Or at least that’s...

A First: No US Deaths in Iraq in August

Iraqi crackdown, US strikes helped

(Newser) - As the US approaches its end-of-year deadline for withdrawing all troops from Iraq, August saw a milestone: It was the first month since the US-led invasion began in March 2003 that saw no American military deaths. The previous record was one soldier death in December 2010, and a military spokesperson...

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