presidential election

Stories 181 - 196 | << Prev 

Neither NY Mayor Is White House Worthy

TNR questions both hizzoners' credentials

(Newser) - Deeming New York City "several light years away from the heart of America," New Republic writer Michelle Cottle assaults the qualifications of Mayors Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg to be president. Cottle calls Rudy's leadership style the "pugilistic, divisive, f-you approach" and Mike "the perfect presidential...

Edwards Org Tested Meaning of ‘Charity’

Nonprofit not just soapbox, but financial platform for '08 run

(Newser) - After the Kerry-Edwards loss in 2004, John Edwards launched two nonprofits, ostensibly to fight poverty—but one of  them was devoted primarily to keeping Edwards himself in the public eye. The New York Times asks whether Edwards crossed a legal line, using the foundation, the Center for Promise and Opportunity,...

'08 May Be 3-Way Subway Series
'08 May Be 3-Way Subway Series 

'08 May Be 3-Way Subway Series

Giuliani, Bloomberg, Clinton face-off possible

(Newser) - It's the political equivalent of a subway series—the remote but real possibility of a presidential election that pits Hillary Clinton against Rudy Giuliani against Mike Bloomberg. The Politico reports that New York State's power brokers are salivating over the prospect as much as the city's media outlets. "I...

Bloomberg Says He Won't Run
Bloomberg Says
He Won't Run

Bloomberg Says He Won't Run

'I’ve got the greatest job in the world and I’m going to keep doing it'

(Newser) - A day after sparking presidential hype with a shift out of the GOP, Mike Bloomberg says he won't run. "I said that my intention is to be mayor for the next 925 days and probably about 10 hours—whatever’s left, 11 hours? And that is my intention,"...

Clintons Score a Mafia Hit
Clintons Score a Mafia Hit

Clintons Score a Mafia Hit

Does she get whacked? You'll never find out!

(Newser) - A new Hillary 2008 viral ad is exploring the senator's Family ties. The Clinton campaign posted an already-ubiquitous video yesterday, starring Bill and Hillary and parodying the final scene of the Sopranos—down to the diner, the suspicious goon, and the sudden blackout. Hil seems determined lately to prove she...

Bloomberg's Billions Make Instant Player

GOP departure heats up speculation on presidential run

(Newser) - One day after Mike Bloomberg announced he's ditching the GOP, the will-he-or-won't-he titters are building to a roar. The Post reports that Bloomberg is prepared to spend at least half-a-billion dollars on an independent presidential run—ten times what Perot spent in '92—making him the "the billion-dollar elephant...

Paris Checks In at Concrete Hilton
Paris Checks In at Concrete Hilton

Paris Checks In at Concrete Hilton

Heiress skips from MTV Movie Awards to the prison ward

(Newser) - Socialite Paris Hilton checked out a new set of bars late Sunday, at the LA County Jail. The celebutante debuted there in her three-week sentence for violating probation last month. Paris chose the venue herself, passing up ritzier pay prisons to deflect media rebukes. "I'm going to do the...

Democrats Focus Intently on Iraq
Democrats Focus Intently on Iraq

Democrats Focus Intently on Iraq

Debate centers on single issue as frontrunners stake out their territory

(Newser) - The Democratic presidential field already has three leaders, and they're so eager to distinguish themselves by staking out their Iraq stances that the other five candidates can barely get a word in. The Politico looks at last night's debate in New Hampshire and finds Barack Obama, John Edwards, and Hillary...

Thompson to Enter '08 Race
Thompson to Enter '08 Race

Thompson to Enter '08 Race

Actor and ex-senator has GOP royalty in his camp, frontrunners in his sights

(Newser) - Fred Thompson will enter the 2008 presidential race in early July, the Politico reports, bolstered by millions of dollars in contributions and the support of key Republican insiders. The "Law & Order" star and former Tennessee senator, a hard-line conservative, will pitch himself as a steady, consistent presence who...

MySpace Opens Up to Donations
MySpace Opens Up to Donations

MySpace Opens Up to Donations

60 million users eying presidential hopefuls will raise News Corp.'s profile

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. is entering the online political scene in a very significant way with a tool that will allow 60 million MySpace users to donate up to $500 to the presidential candidate of their choice, reports the Financial Times. News Corp. has yet to make a decision, reports...

Right Wing Is Leaning Rudy-ward
Right Wing
Is Leaning Rudy-ward

Right Wing Is Leaning Rudy-ward

Religious cons sacrifice hot-button issues on altar of electability

(Newser) - The religious right is lining up behind Rudy Giuliani, Pew tells the Politico, despite the candidate's support for gay rights and abortion. Analysis of recent polls suggests that pragmatic social conservatives are so frightened of a Democrat in the White House they're passing over harder-line hopefuls like McCain, and buying...

Supporters Back Condi in '08
Supporters Back Condi in '08

Supporters Back Condi in '08

'We're going to draft her like Eisenhower,' enthusiasts say, despite her demurrals

(Newser) - Condoleeza Rice has a campaign manager and a campaign bus, even though she's not running for president, thanks to Crystal Drueker, a die-hard backer of the secretary of state who won't  take no for an answer. Based out of her mobile home—"The Condi Mobile"—Drueker launched the...

Rove Had Motive to Oust Attorneys
Rove Had Motive to Oust Attorneys

Rove Had Motive to Oust Attorneys

Fired attorneys ticked off Rove by being lax on voter fraud, says Dan Froomkin

(Newser) - Karl Rove's role in the US attorney firings wouldn't be atypical for the power broker, writes  the Post's Dan Froomkin. Bush's ballot-calculating mastermind has long been monomaniacal about prosecuting voter fraud, a move his critics decry as a tactic to "suppress poor and minority turnout."

Giuliani Will Come Out As Pro-Choice

No more vacillating: Rudy will test GOP will by backing abortion rights

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani will cut the embarrassing equivocation and declare himself  in favor of abortion rights in the coming days, reports the New York Times. The GOP frontrunner, who's drawn flak for trying to explain away his support for abortion in his mayoral days, will risk alienating the conservative portion of...

Dems Unite to Slam Iraq In First Debate

Candidates united to attack Bush for continuation of unpopular war

(Newser) - Eight Democrats butted heads last night in the first '08 debate, not so much with each other but with the president over the war in Iraq. Candidates at South Carolina State University  competed at panning the war for making the country less safe and Bush for ignoring the voters' will...

Obama as Jesus Stirs Some Ire
Obama as Jesus
Stirs Some Ire

Obama as Jesus Stirs Some Ire

Christ sculpture draws protest, but Barack turns the other cheek

(Newser) - Another sculpture of Jesus is stirring protest this Holy Week—this time a work portraying Barack Obama as the savior. The Art Institute of Chicago has gotten a flood of angry calls over the piece in an exhibition of student work, close on the heels of the chocolate Christ brouhaha...

Stories 181 - 196 | << Prev