Great Firewall of China

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Google All But Certain to Close China Site

Beijing won't bend censorship requirements

(Newser) - Having lost its showdown with the Chinese government, Google is poised to close its Chinese search site, rather than continue to censor results. The company will likely take action within weeks, a source familiar with the situation tells the Wall Street Journal . When it does, China will prevent local news...

Google, YouTube Knockoffs Hit China

Chinese government to face Google—and Goojje

(Newser) - In a country famous for fake name-brand products, Goojje and YouTubecn may be the highest-profile imitations yet. As China battles it out with the real Google, knockoffs of both Google and YouTube have emerged on China's Internet. There's been no official response yet to the sites, but experts don't expect...

In Battle With China, Google Stakes Out High Ground

Beijing can't fight openness forever: Roger Cohen

(Newser) - It's about time somebody took China to task for getting rich from globalization while resisting the openness that makes it possible, writes Roger Cohen. The confrontation between Google and China—"the behemoth of global connectedness and the behemoth of global growth"—exposes the paradox behind China's transformation, Cohen...

Chinese Web Users Hail Google With Flowers

Some plead for firm to stay

(Newser) - Chinese web users risked the wrath of the authorities by laying flowers outside Google's offices in Beijing and other cities yesterday. Some users expressed shock and disappointment over the company's threat to quit the country over cyberattacks on human rights activists, the Wall Street Journal reports. Others hailed the company's...

China Bans Personal Web Sites
China Bans
Personal Web Sites

China Bans Personal Web Sites

Only businesses may launch sites

(Newser) - China has banned individuals from registering personal domain names as part of its toughest crackdown yet on the Internet. Anyone seeking to register web sites must now supply a business license under the new regulations. Millions of existing web sites in China are being checked and will be taken offline...

Obama: I Don't Really Do Twitter

But the president wants the Chinese to be able to

(Newser) - If you’re one of Barack Obama’s 2.6 million Twitter followers, you’ve been suckered—the president says he’s never sent a tweet in his life. In a Q&A session in Shanghai, Obama was asked what he thought of China’s restriction of Twitter. “I...

China Scraps Web Filter Software Mandate—for Now

(Newser) - China is postponing enforcement of a new rule mandating that all new computers be sold with filtering software. The rule was to go into effect tomorrow, but the official Xinhua News Agency said in a brief report today that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology had decided to delay...

Tiananmen Sweeps Twitter as Chinese Thwart Ban

'Tiananmen' becomes one of site's most-discussed topics as users turn to proxies

(Newser) - China's blocking of Twitter ahead of the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre last week didn't foil the country's computer-savvy youth for very long, the BBC reports. Users swiftly shared information about visiting the site through proxies or software applications, and the subsequent twittering made Tiananmen one of Twitter's most-discussed...

China Orders PC Makers to Bundle Web Filters

Newly required software strengthens Beijing's controls on Internet

(Newser) - Starting next month all computers in China must ship with software to block certain websites, the Wall Street Journal reports. The government says the move is to block "harmful" content such as pornography from young web surfers, but it could also be used to filter politically sensitive material. The...

20 Years On, Chinese Youth Forget Tiananmen

Democracy recedes for today's student generation

(Newser) - It's now been 20 years since the Chinese army rolled into Tiananmen Square, killing hundreds of students in the final push to put down a growing democracy movement. Beijing is anxious as the June 4 anniversary of the massacre approaches; Google "Tiananmen" in Beijing and you'll likely find pages...

China Reportedly Blocks YouTube
China Reportedly Blocks YouTube

China Reportedly Blocks YouTube

Tibet-related videos bring Great Firewall down on video site

(Newser) - YouTube is suddenly inaccessible for most of China, the BBC reports. Chinese censors have reportedly blocked the site after finding videos of soldiers beating Tibetans, including monks. China wouldn’t confirm whether or not the site was blocked, saying only that it “is not afraid of the internet.”...

China Lashes Out at Search Engines Over Porn

Tries to crackdown on 'vulgar' content

(Newser) - China is accusing Google, local rival Baidu, and other top search engines and Web portals of threatening public morals by linking to porn and other “vulgar” content, the Financial Times reports. Such Web censorship campaigns aren’t uncommon in China, but this is the first time it’s gone...

China Cracks Down on Internet Cafes

Users must be photographed for national database of Web surfers

(Newser) - China has resumed a strict crackdown on Internet users less than two months after the Olympic Games, ending the more relaxed regulations that accompanied the international spotlight, reports the Times of London. All visitors to Internet cafes in Beijing will be required to have their photograph taken, reports the Times...

China's Great, Baffling Failure: Public Relations

Beijing completely misses 'crass value of cultivating the press'

(Newser) - It’s no secret that China is moving into position as a global superpower, writes James Fallows in the Atlantic, and this only further highlights its leaders’ baffling inability to understand how the country is viewed from the outside—and how to change those opinions for the better. Officials just...

China Lowers Internet Firewall
 China Lowers Internet Firewall

China Lowers Internet Firewall

Beijing allows access to certain sites to appease Olympics

(Newser) - Facing pressure from the Olympics, Beijing lowered its so-called Great Firewall today to allow access to some news and human rights websites, Time reports. But other sites—like those supporting Tibetan independence or the outlawed spiritual group Falun Gong—remain off-limits in China. And "everyone knows that the minute...

China Wikipedia Access Not So Impressive
China Wikipedia Access Not So Impressive

China Wikipedia Access Not So Impressive

Recent move isn't enough to meet IOC's request for openness

(Newser) - It's good for Chinese Internet users that the government has lifted bans on Wikipedia and Blogspot, but the move isn't the great breakthrough it may seem to be. If the policy change was intended to fulfill requests from the International Olympic Committee for an open internet, it falls well short...

Chinese Get No Independent News on Tibet

Official story of foreign-incited riots is playing well at home

(Newser) - China's media outlets have been getting their information about the recent unrest in Tibet solely from the state-controlled news agency, Xinhua. As a result, most Chinese citizens are buying the government's handling of what has been portrayed as mob violence plotted from abroad—when it's been covered at all, the...

EU May Name Censorship a Trade Barrier

Measure takes aim at the 'Great Firewall of China'; would inject web into trade talks

(Newser) - The EU is out to hack down the Great Firewall of China, Ars Technica reports. A new proposal would classify the web censorship China and other oppressive regimes employ as a trade barrier, an approach its creator calls “unusual, but effective.” The measure already sailed through the European...

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