
Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>

Shocking Egg-Farm Film Reignites Animal Debate

Humane Society video sparks new battle with farmers

(Newser) - A video showing chickens being slammed into metal crates has reignited a battle between the Humane Society and farmers. The footage, shot by an undercover Humane Society volunteer, shows chickens held in battery cages over enormous manure pits and chickens being violently shoved into a euthanizing chamber. "We're asking...

Why I Hate Living in Japan
 Why I Hate Living in Japan 

Why I Hate Living in Japan

Everything's got meat in it, for one—bad news for vegetarian

(Newser) - Many years of life in Japan have thoroughly soured American expatriate Tim Rogers on the country, despite his long personal history of “tolerating the hell out of some world cultures.” Herewith, some reasons:
  • Animé sucks. Used to be fine, but now “it’s inbred trailer-trash in entertainment

Principal Quits Over Butchered Class Lamb

Shocked parents, Web campaign drive her out

(Newser) - A British headmistress has resigned after shocking parents and kids by sending a student-raised lamb to the butcher. Andrea Chapman quit the Lydd Primary School in Kent for "personal reasons" after an animal rights Internet campaign rallied support in a bid to save woolly Marcus. Despite school community and...

Meat Standards at McD's Loftier Than at Schools
Meat Standards at McD's Loftier Than at Schools

Meat Standards at McD's Loftier Than at Schools

Virtually any fast-food joint is choosier about what your kid eats

(Newser) - The millions of pounds of beef and chicken doled out by the National School Lunch program every year wouldn’t pass muster at KFC or McDonald's. Though the meat the USDA buys and then supplies to schools beats the bare minimums imposed on grocery store meat, it doesn’t live...

Were Dogs Domesticated as Dinner?

A look into the origins of the human-canine connection

(Newser) - Today, they’re man’s best friend, but dogs may have originally come to humans as their best bet for dinner. Researchers in Sweden examined the DNA of dogs around the world and found that they all seemed to be of the same lineage, pointing to “a single domestication...

Butchers: Sex Symbols of the Food World

A once dying art comes back with a vengeance

(Newser) - Butchering, once a dying art, is coming back thanks to the demand for local meat—and a new generation of butchers, full of machismo, is emerging. “Think about it. What’s sexy? Dangerous is sometimes sexy, and they are generally big guys with knives who are covered in blood,...

Chadian 'Vampire' Dish Gets Blood Boiling ... or Frying

(Newser) - There’s a vampire resurgence in Chad, and no, it’s not because Twilight has swept the African country. Cost-conscious residents have resurrected a dish slyly known as “vampire”: cooked animal blood, the BBC reports. With global food prices soaring and meat increasingly expensive, traditional vampire is “actually...

Belgian City Goes Vegetarian, Weekly

Ghent officials, schoolkids to observe "veggie day"

(Newser) - In good news for Belgian cows, the city of Ghent this week begins a weekly “veggie day,” on which officials will go vegetarian, the BBC reports. The move is an effort to cut greenhouse gases, almost a fifth of which come from livestock, the UN says; the city...

Wayward Bull Steers Into Supermarket

Where's the beef?

(Newser) - A wayward bull nearly locked horns with employees as it slipped through sliding glass doors and raced up aisles in a supermarket in Ireland, reports the Guardian. The animal, which escaped from a nearly outdoor market, butted a shopping cart that workers used to try to corral him, and chased...

Teens Hide Eating Disorders With Vegetarianism: Study

Veggie diets can mask unhealthy behaviors

(Newser) - Many teens dabble with vegetarianism, and the choice is usually accepted by parents as a mild form of rebellion. But a new study suggests some use vegetarianism to hide an eating disorder, Time reports. Researchers found that 20% to 25% of current and former vegetarians had engaged in binge eating...

Vegetarian Butchers Plug 'Clean' Meat

(Newser) - Former vegetarians are opening butcher shops and revolutionizing the US meat industry, educating buyers about humanely grown cattle on small farms, Gourmet reports. Their squeamish attitude toward steak—inspired by horror stories of mass-market meat production—is making them the most trustworthy sellers. “When we opened the butcher shop,...

Eating Red Meat Daily Raises Death Risk: Study

Experts say cutting red meat consumption could save many lives

(Newser) - Daily consumption of red meat has been linked to higher mortality rates in the most comprehensive study on the subject ever made, the Washington Post reports. Researchers studied more than 500,000 middle-aged and elderly Americans and found that those who consumed 4 ounces of red meat a day were...

PETA President Wills Body to Group
PETA President
Wills Body
to Group

PETA President Wills Body to Group

Newkirk suggests her flesh be barbecued, skin made into purse

(Newser) - The president of PETA has written a will donating her body to the organization along with suggestions about how best to use various body parts, TreeHugger reports. First on the list is the request that her “meat” be used as “human barbecue,” to remind the world “...

Britons Eat Gray Squirrels to Save Beloved Reds

Curiosity, drive to save indigenous species creates thriving market for critter's meat

(Newser) - Squirrel is quickly becoming a part of the British palate, as curiosity—and devotion to a native icon—drives Britons to try something new, the New York Times reports. The trend can be traced in part to the surging population of gray squirrels, a North American import. The grays have...

Mexico Halts Shipments From Top US Meat Plants

Move is seen as retaliation for country-of-origin labeling initiative

(Newser) - Mexico has temporarily banned meat from 30 US plants run by some of the largest American meat companies, Reuters reports. The Mexican government says violations in standards of packaging, labeling, and transport conditions occasioned the ban, but many US analysts suspect Mexico is registering its dissatisfaction with an American law...

Even Planes Are Greener Than This Guy

Rising meat consumption key concern at environment conference

(Newser) - This week ministers from 187 nations are gathering in Poland to discuss a new treaty on global warming, and one of the central issues will be not belching smokestacks but cows, pigs, and chickens. Rising global living standards have led to soaring meat consumption; emissions from livestock now generate 18%...

Kosher Meat Supply Crippled After Iowa Immigration Raid

Packing plant, now bankrupt, accounted 60% of US market

(Newser) - Kosher meat prices are skyrocketing after the Iowa packing plant that supplied about 60% of the US market declared bankruptcy, USA Today reports, in the wake of a May immigration raid. Agriprocessors, in trouble even before the raid, stopped operating last week. “Stores like mine are struggling all over,...

Animal Rights Lover Goes for the Throat

But Humane Society prez pushes a savvy, mainstream message

(Newser) - The Humane Society has turned into an aggressive political player with a mainstream message, the New York Times reports. The group's head, Wayne Pacelle, just shut down a $100 million slaughterhouse in Chino, Calif., and is pushing for a ballot measure that would require a certain amount of room for...

Western Diet Hits Heart Health Globally

Meat, fat, salt increase heart risk 35%

(Newser) - If you eat meat, fried foods, and salty snacks, you're at a significantly higher risk of heart attack regardless of where you live, according to a new Canadian study. The Western diet increases heart attack risk by 35%, while a diet rich in vegetables and fiber cuts that risk by...

Let's Chow Down on the Food System
Let's Chow Down on the Food System

Let's Chow Down on the Food System

Open letter to prez candidates calls for overhaul—now

(Newser) - Americans touch it everyday and it’s a matter of national security, but John McCain and Barack Obama haven’t raised the issue while campaigning: America’s food system is in dire need of an overhaul, Michael Pollan writes in an open letter to the candidates in the New York ...

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