Iraq exit strategy

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GOP Senate Bigwigs Push for Iraq Shift

Lugar, Warner seek redeployment, want specifics by October

(Newser) - Two of the GOP's most respected foreign policy experts want troop realignment in Iraq, and they proposed Senate legislation yesterday that calls for the White House to have a plan in place by mid-October. The move by Richard Lugar and John Warner was the latest sign of disintegrating Republican support...

White House Iraq Report: Mixed Progress

Cites gains on military benchmarks, lack of progress on political goals

(Newser) - The White House's interim report on its progress in Iraq, to be released today, will cite "satisfactory" work on eight of 18  benchmarks set by Congress, insufficient improvement on eight more, and mixed results on the final two. Most of the positive movement  has been on the military front,...

Bush Appeals for Patience
Bush Appeals
for Patience

Bush Appeals for Patience

President reaffirms support for surge timetable as Congress readies for a fight

(Newser) - George Bush didn't want to be a "war president," he said today, but now that he is, he'll wait for a scheduled September update from the US commander in Iraq before planning "a way forward." Even as calls for policy change multiply, the Times reports, the...

Support for War Drops to Record Low
Support for War Drops
to Record Low

Support for War Drops to Record Low

CBS/NY Times poll suggests that fewer Americans than ever back the war in Iraq

(Newser) - Six out of 10 Americans say the US should have stayed out of Iraq, a new CBS News/New York Times poll reports. And an all-time high of 76%—including a majority of Republicans—say the war is going badly. Americans support get-tough measures tying funding to progress, including a timetable...

Democrats Move on to Benchmarks
Democrats Move on to Benchmarks

Democrats Move on to Benchmarks

Even some Republicans like them. But how would they be enforced?

(Newser) - Congressional Dems have dropped their demands for a timeline to bring home troops, after the House failed yesterday to override a Bush veto on their Iraq spending bill. Now the buzzword is benchmarks, and even some Republicans are signaling that they could get on board. But what, if any, muscle...

House Passes Pullout Bill
House Passes Pullout Bill

House Passes Pullout Bill

Petraeus briefing doesn't dissuade Dems; Senate votes today

(Newser) - Just hours after Gen. David Petraeus told lawmakers he needed more time to gage the success of the surge in Iraq, the House passed the funding bill requiring troops to begin withdrawing in October. President Bush has promised to veto the bill, which Majority Whip James Clyburn nonetheless called an...

The Capitol Arms For The War Over the War

(Newser) - With Congress and the president now officially at war over Iraq, all parties scrambled yesterday to gear up for the coming firefight. The President promised to veto the spending bill with troop withdrawal deadlines attached, seeming to relish the fight ahead. Tthe newly aggressive and unified Democrats, notes the New ...

Pentagon Exit Strategy Relies on Advisers

Hopes for surge waning, DoD plans to replace troops with teams of advisers

(Newser) - Pentagon top brass preparing an exit strategy for Iraq should the troop surge fail are following the outlines set by the Iraq Study Group, using a small team of military advisers to replace troops as they stand down. It mirrors the strategy the military used in El Salvador in the...

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