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Ex-Con Former Congressman 'Critical' After Tractor Mishap

James Traficant Jr. was a longtime Ohio rep

(Newser) - Former US Rep. James Traficant Jr., who did time in prison on corruption and racketeering charges, has been critically injured in a tractor accident at his northeast Ohio home. Traficant's wife, Tish, told the Vindicator that the 73-year-old former congressman was in "very critical condition" today following last...

Rookie Congressman Makes Big Gaffe at Hearing

Florida's Curt Clawson speaks to US officials as if they were foreigners

(Newser) - A newly elected congressman is making his first national headlines for all the wrong reasons. In a gaffe spotted by Foreign Policy , Florida Republican Curt Clawson spoke to two US officials testifying before a House panel as if they were foreigners. "I'm familiar with your country; I love...

Barney Frank Film Pairs Him With 'Gay Slur' Actor

Alec Baldwin produced new documentary on ex-lawmaker

(Newser) - Barney Frank may be retired, but a new documentary has him back in the spotlight—and pairs him with an actor some would call an unlikely ally, the Daily Beast reports. The gay, retired Massachusetts lawmaker will be interviewed at the Tribeca Film Festival premiere of Compared to What by...

Zimbabwe Busts Former US Rep on Porn Charge

Melvin Reynolds resigned in '95 over statutory rape conviction

(Newser) - A former US congressman was arrested in Zimbabwe yesterday on alleged porn possession and immigration violations, the AP reports. Melvin Jay Reynolds is an Illinois Democrat who resigned from his House of Representatives seat in 1995 after being convicted of 12 counts of statutory rape (specifically, NBC New York reports,...

Congressman Busted on Cocaine Charges

Republican Trey Radel represents Florida

(Newser) - A freshman Republican in the House now has much bigger worries than a re-election campaign. Rep. Trey Radel, who represents Florida's Fort Myers area, has been charged with misdemeanor cocaine possession in DC, reports Politico . The Miami Herald describes Radel as a "libertarian-leaning" Republican in line with the...

Jesse Jackson Jr., Wife Going to Prison

He gets 30 months, she gets 1 year in staggered sentences

(Newser) - Jesse Jackson Jr. wept in court today, apologized for using $750,000 in campaign funds as his personal piggy bank, and then took his lumps: 30 months in federal prison and three years' probation, reports the Chicago Tribune . “I am the example for the whole Congress,” he said....

Jesse Jackson Jr. Strikes Plea Deal, May Face Jail

Former congressman accused of misusing campaign funds

(Newser) - Jesse Jackson Jr. has struck a deal on federal charges that he used campaign contributions for personal expenses, reports NBC Chicago . He will have to repay hundreds of thousands of dollars, but the big question is whether Jackson is headed to jail. NBC says it's up to a federal...

Jesse Jackson Jr. Returning to Clinic

Sun-Times says he's going back to Mayo

(Newser) - If it looked like Jesse Jackson Jr. was on track to getting his bipolar depression under control and heading back to Congress, this might suggest otherwise: The Chicago-Sun Times says Jackson is returning to the Mayo Clinic for treatment because constant media scrutiny made progress in Chicago impossible. Despite his...

Tobacco Defender in Congress Now Paid Lobbyist
Defender in
Congress Now
Paid Lobbyist

Tobacco Defender in Congress Now Paid Lobbyist

Steve Buyer once compared it to lettuce

(Newser) - It takes a man of strong conviction to stand up in Congress and compare tobacco to lettuce—he was talking about the smokeless variety, but still. Well, Steve Buyer is no longer a congressman, and, hey, what do you know, he just landed a job as consultant and lobbyist for...

Jesse Jackson Jr. Home After Depression Treatment

It's not clear when congressman will return to work

(Newser) - Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. has returned to his home in Washington after treatment for depression at Mayo Clinic. "He's at home in Washington convalescing with his wife and children," said aide Rick Bryant. "Let's hope he returns to work on Monday." The congressman went...

Capitol Police, FBI Investigate Threats to Akin

Congressman and family under fire after his rape comments

(Newser) - Capitol Police and the FBI are looking into threats made against Missouri Congressman Todd Akin—and his family—in the wake of his "legitimate rape" comments, reports KSDK-TV . A police spokesperson says there is "an active, open investigation," though she declined to give details, reports AP . An...

Jesse Jackson Jr. Has Bipolar Disorder

Likely a result of his 2004 gastric bypass surgery

(Newser) - Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and is responding well to treatment, doctors at the Mayo Clinic say. The Illinois congressman, who has been absent from Congress since early June, is suffering from the milder and more easily treated version of the disorder, according to the...

Meet Paul Ryan
 Meet Paul Ryan 

Meet Paul Ryan

Wires flesh out VP candidate's personal, professional bio

(Newser) - Get ready for a stream of stories about Paul Davis Ryan. Some tidbits about the 42-year-old Republican congressman from Wisconsin who hopes to be vice president :
  • Family man: He and wife Janna have three kids, Charles, Samuel, and Elizabeth. He's a native of Janesville, Wisconsin.
  • Father: He died of

Jesse Jackson Jr at Mayo Clinic for Depression

Congressman releases statement on his absence

(Newser) - More than two weeks after Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. dropped out of sight, on medical leave for "exhaustion" and a "mood disorder," the congressman issued a statement saying he had checked into the Mayo Clinic “for extensive inpatient evaluation for depression and gastrointestinal issues,” reports...

Jackson Being Treated for 'Mood Disorder'

Congressman is at residential treatment facility, office says

(Newser) - Jesse Jackson Jr.'s office has denied reports that the congressman is being treated for alcoholism, saying he is "receiving intensive medical treatment at a residential treatment facility for a mood disorder." Jackson has been on medical leave since being hospitalized for exhaustion a month ago. His...

Rumors Swirling, Jesse Jackson Denies Son Tried Suicide

Democrats unsure when Jesse Jackson Jr. will return to Congress

(Newser) - It could be September by the time Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. returns to Congress, insiders tell Politico after the Illinois lawmaker was hospitalized for exhaustion . And that's "if he comes back at all," notes one Democrat. An Illinois radio station reported a rumor that the son of...

Congressman Sacks Staffers Over Insulting Tweets

Trio discussed drinking on the job and their 'idiot boss'

(Newser) - A word of advice to today's youth: It's not a good idea to tweet about your "idiot boss" and boozing at work. Even if you're doing so on a personal account. And especially if he's a public figure. Washington state Rep. Rick Larsen fired three...

Tea Party Congressman to Skip Obama's Jobs Speech

Joe Walsh of Illinois says he would just be a political 'prop'

(Newser) - Hoping today's dismal employment report will ignite a bipartisan fight to create jobs? Yeah, good luck with that. Tea Party congressman Joe Walsh of Illinois says he is skipping President Obama's joint session of Congress because it will be a waste of time, reports the Chicago Tribune . "...

Windows Shot at Congressman's Office

Texas Rep. Gene Green's office may not have been intended target

(Newser) - Shots were fired at the Houston office of Rep. Gene Green yesterday morning, but there were no injuries at the Democrat's office. Police suspect it may have been a random attack. The shots, which shattered a window and damaged nearby properties, probably came from a pellet gun, police say....

Political Rumor Mill: Ryan Still Might Run

A spokesman, however, tries to tamp down speculation

(Newser) - No sooner does Rick Perry join the GOP field than rumors surface of a potential Paul Ryan candidacy. He is "strongly considering a run," writes Stephen F. Hayes in the Weekly Standard , who quotes an insider as saying that Ryan is "coming around" and is discussing the...

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