
Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>

Mugabe Faces Chilly Reception at African Summit

Zimbabwe prez faces pressure to negotiate

(Newser) - Newly reinaugurated  Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe arrived today at an African Union summit where he is expected to face pressure to negotiate with the country's opposition. Although Mugabe walked into the conference at an Egyptian resort alongside other leaders, he has faced unprecedented criticism from African governments to yield to...

Mugabe Is Sworn In
 Mugabe Is Sworn In 

Mugabe Is Sworn In

Won 85% of uncontested vote; Tsvangirai asks AU to denounce election

(Newser) - Robert Mugabe was sworn in today for another 5 years as president of Zimbabwe, after the electoral commission declared him the winner with 85% of the vote in an uncontested but controversial race. Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai, who withdrew his candidacy last week over concerns of increasing violence, says he...

Mugabe Declares Victory
 Mugabe Declares Victory 

Mugabe Declares Victory

But global leaders slam uncontested election

(Newser) - Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe has proudly claimed victory in a run-off vote in which he was the only candidate, CNN reports. Preparations were underway for a swearing-in ceremony, with invitations sent out hours after his declaration. But a party spokesman said the ceremony wouldn’t be held until after the...

Mugabe Targets Opposition— in Britain, Too

Zimbabwean agents harass dissidents raising funds

(Newser) - Robert Mugabe has agents in Britain harassing dissidents and disrupting opposition fundraising, the Independent reports. British security sources confirmed that Zimbabwean government supporters in England are terrorizing the nearly 4,000 supporters of opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai in the UK as Mugabe seeks to keep his grip on power. A...

Bush Demands Action Against Zimbabwe

Calls election a 'sham,' orders sanctions; Rice vows UN resolution

(Newser) - Washington is seeking ways to punish Robert Mugabe for his violent "sham" of an election, President Bush said today. Bush has ordered Condoleezza Rice and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson to work up sanctions against Zimbabwe, which ran a runoff ballot yesterday with Mugabe the sole candidate. Rice vowed to...

Mugabe Expected to Declare Landslide Victory Today

Ink stain sought as protection against ruling party 'punishment'

(Newser) - Robert Mugabe is wasting little time. Zimbabwe is expected to announce today that he will win in a landslide and be sworn in to a new term as early as tomorrow, Reuters reports. That would allow him to attend Monday's summit of African Union nations with the election wrapped up....

Low Turnout for Zimbabwe's 1-Man Poll

Citizens choose bread line over ballot box in meaningless vote

(Newser) - Polls are open in Zimbabwe's meaningless presidential runoff vote, with Robert Mugabe running uncontested. Reuters reports that turnout is low several hours into the vote—unlike March's elections, which saw voters wait for hours in snaking lines. Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai, who dropped out earlier this week to prevent further...

Tsvangirai: Save Yourselves, Vote Mugabe

Sham election gets underway today

(Newser) - As Zimbabwe's sham run-off election for president began to get underway, even opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai urged supporters to vote for Robert Mugabe to save themselves from the violent intimidation orchestrated by the government, the Guardian reports. Mugabe's militia has conducted a terror campaign of murder, abduction, imprisonment and rape...

Election Is On: Mugabe
 Election Is On: Mugabe 

Election Is On: Mugabe

International condemnation falls on deaf ears

(Newser) - Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe’s party maintains that tomorrow’s runoff election will go ahead as planned, despite international condemnation and the withdrawal of the opposition candidate, the New York Times reports. Former challenger Morgan Tsvangirai insists he wants negotiations between the two parties instead of polling. The president has...

Mandela Blasts Mugabe's 'Tragic Failure of Leadership'

Former South African leader makes his first public comments on Zimbabwe

(Newser) - Nelson Mandela broke his silence today and denounced the "tragic failure of leadership" of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe. The influential former South African leader had previously held back so he wouldn't undermine the authority of mediator Thabo Mbeki, the BBC reports. "The world remains beset by so much...

Revulsed, Queen Voids Mugabe Knighthood

'Abject disregard for the democratic process' in Zimbabwe leads to annulment of honor

(Newser) - Queen Elizabeth II stripped Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe of his honorary knighthood today, calling the move “a mark of revulsion at the abuse of human rights and abject disregard for the democratic process in Zimbabwe over which President Mugabe has presided," the Times of London reports. A run-off presidential...

Tsvangirai: Africa, UN Must Broker Deal

Seeks 'transitional period;' willing to negotiate before vote

(Newser) - Morgan Tsvangirai is calling for a “negotiated political settlement” to begin a period of “healing” for Zimbabwe, the BBC reports. Speaking at his home after leaving the Dutch embassy, the opposition leader called Friday’s election a sham, and asked the African Union and Southern African Development Community...

Tsvangirai: Why I Dropped Out
 Tsvangirai: Why I Dropped Out  

Tsvangirai: Why I Dropped Out

MDC leader explains refusal to contest Zimbabwe election

(Newser) - ZImbabwe's opposition leader tells the Guardian that he dropped out of Friday's run-off election because he "can no longer allow Zimbabwe's people to suffer this torture." Morgan Tsvangirai explains that ending his campaign was "not a political decision" but an attempt to stop the violence inflicted by...

Soccer Is Key to Get S. Africa to Play Ball on Zimbabwe

Use 2010 World Cup to pressure Mbeki: writer

(Newser) - The last few weeks have further exposed Robert Mugabe as a tyrant—and Thabo Mbeki, South Africa's president, as a "vacillating, dithering, morally compromised figure," writes Peter Godwin. In an op-ed for the New York Times, the Zimbabwe-born author says that the West must force Mbeki to act...

Zuma Calls for UN Intervention in Zimbabwe

South African leader blasts Mugabe, wants election canceled

(Newser) - Jacob Zuma, the leader of the African National Congress and the most powerful politician in South Africa, called today for the Zimbabwe election to be canceled, saying that the situation was "out of control" and that the UN must intervene. In the most forceful denunciation yet of Robert Mugabe...

South African Prez to Plead With Mugabe to Save Race

Results of uncontested race should be ignored, Britain insists

(Newser) - The president of South Africa is is flying today to Zimbabwe to plead with strongman Robert Mugabe to save this week's presidential election after Morgan Tsvangirai withdrew to protest government violence. Britain’s foreign secretary said an uncontested race would be “the most rigged election in African history" and...

Tsvangirai Hides Out in Dutch Consulate

UN Security Council condemns Zimbabwe violence, intimidation

(Newser) - Zimbabwe's opposition leader remained holed up in the Dutch embassy in Harare today as police stormed his party's headquarters, the New York Times reports. Officers detained at least 40 people who were there—many of them women and children—the day after Morgan Tsvangirai dropped out of the upcoming election...

UN Takes Up Zimbabwe Action Today
UN Takes Up Zimbabwe Action Today

UN Takes Up Zimbabwe Action Today

US, EU push penalties; eyes are on response of African nations

(Newser) - The UN Security Council today will address the struggle for power in Zimbabwe, one day after opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai dropped out of the presidential race because of violent intimidation, the Guardian reports. The US, Britain, and France hope to convince  China and Russia to condemn Robert Mugabe's government. The...

Tsvangirai Pulls Out of Zimbabwe Race

Cites escalating violence and intimidation

(Newser) - The opposition leader in Zimbabwe's presidential runoff election has dropped out of the race, citing escalating violence and intimidation against his party by President Robert Mugabe's government. Morgan Tsvangirai announced his decision to pull out of Friday's runoff election at a news conference today in Zimbabwe's capital, after thousands of...

Africa Braces for Zimbabwe Refugees

With Mugabe looking ready to hold on to power at all costs, exodus is expected

(Newser) - Zimbabwe's neighbors are preparing for a flood of refugees after next week's election, the London Times reports. About 3 million have already fled Robert Mugabe's regime to South Africa, Zambia, and Botswana. As it becomes increasingly clear that Mugabe will not give up power even if he loses the election,...

Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>