Robert Mugabe

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Leaked Results Show Runoff Needed in Zimbabwe

Sources say Tsvangirai has 47%-43% edge

(Newser) - The opposition did indeed win last month’s presidential election in Zimbabwe, senior government sources tell Reuters, though not by enough to avoid a run-off second round. Morgan Tsvangirai won 47% of the vote to incumbent Robert Mugabe’s 43%, numbers that are in line with the claims by Mugabe's...

S. Africa Blocks Sending UN Envoy to Zimbabwe

Security Council hits stalemate

(Newser) - A closed-door session of the Security Council failed to make progress on Zimbabwe after South Africa led a successful effort to block a plan to send a UN envoy to Harare. The US, Britain, and France pushed for dispatching an observer—and for a moratorium on arms sales. UN Secretary-General...

Times Reporter Recounts Time Jailed in Zimbabwe

Journalist was detained by Mugabe regime for reporting on election

(Newser) - On April 3, Barry Bearak was arrested in Harare on charges of "committing journalism" and locked in a Zimbabwean prison. The New York Times reporter now tells the story of his imprisonment, which involved four days of negotiating the murky legal system with the help of one of the...

Opposition Holds Gains in Zimbabwe Recount

Overturned results now look unlikely

(Newser) - With recounts confirming results on seven more seats today, Zimbabwe’s opposition party seems less and less at risk of losing the new majority gained in parliamentary elections last month, the BBC reports. Ten seats remain in the recount, and Robert Mugabe’s Zanu-PF needs nine to regain power in...

Police Raid Zimbabwe Opposition HQ
Police Raid Zimbabwe Opposition HQ

Police Raid Zimbabwe Opposition HQ

MDC claims 100 arrested; witnesses describe violent scene

(Newser) - Zimbabwean police raided the headquarters of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change in Harare today. The MDC claims that around 100 party members were arrested, and a journalist on the site saw people "limping and in pain" being dragged away. Several of the arrested were recovering from earlier injuries...

US Envoy: 'Tsvangirai Won'
 US Envoy: 'Tsvangirai Won' 

US Envoy: 'Tsvangirai Won'

Diplomat condemns Zimbabwe violence, but hints at 'political solution'

(Newser) - After more than three weeks in which Robert Mugabe has failed to hand over results from Zimbabwe’s presidential election, a top US diplomat for Africa came out in support of his challenger today, the AP reports. “Morgan Tsvangirai won, and perhaps outright,” Jendayi Frazer said in South...

Zimbabwe Arms Ship Heads Back to China

South African dock workers refuse to unload Chinese tanker

(Newser) - A Chinese ship with a cargo of arms and ammunition bound for Zimbabwe will indeed head back to China, the Chinese foreign ministry confirmed today, after Zimbabwe's neighbors refused to let the vessel dock. The decision is a victory for the coalition of trade unionists, religious leaders, and Western diplomats...

Mugabe's Party Wins First Recount

Zanu-PF retains seat

(Newser) - Robert Mugabe’s Zanu-PF has won the first of the parliamentary recounts, the BBC reports, retaining a seat challenged by the MDC opposition party. The MDC says the partial recount, which mainly targets MDC seats, is an attempt to rig the election. Zanu-PF meanwhile tried to distance itself from an...

Zuma in London for Zimbabwe Talks
Zuma in London for Zimbabwe Talks

Zuma in London for Zimbabwe Talks

South African leader takes harder line on Mugabe

(Newser) - South African leader Jacob Zuma has arrived in London, where he'll meet with Prime Minister Gordon Brown to discuss the political deadlock in Zimbabwe, reports the BBC. Before the meeting, the head of the ruling African National Congress said that the delay in the release of last month's election results...

Chinese Weapons Ship May Head Home

Guns may not reach Zimbabwe

(Newser) - China may recall the ship carrying arms to Zimbabwe, thanks to stonewalling by its Southern African neighbors, the BBC reports. Coastal nations are refusing to allow the ship to dock, worried that the weapons will be used to escalate Zimbabwe’s tense post-election standoff. The ship may yet find harbor...

Zimbabwe's Opposition Pleads for Help

Leader tells UN that Mugabe's troops are 'terrorizing people'

(Newser) - Zimbabwe's opposition begged world leaders today for protection from post-election violence, Reuters reports. Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai said troops were "terrorizing people" and creating "a very serious humanitarian situation" in Zimbabwe, UN chief Ban Ki-moon said. Tsvangirai also told Ban that African leaders had failed to intervene after...

Zimbabwe Begins Recount; Opposition Rejects Move

Parliamentary results could be overturned

(Newser) - Zimbabwe began a partial recount today of votes from last month’s parliamentary elections despite objections from the opposition party and fears that the deadlock could turn violent. The recount in 23 of 210 constituencies is expected to last 3 days and could reverse the initial results that handed defeat...

Mugabe: Brit Bribes Swayed Election

'We are being bought like livestock,' Zimbabwean leader says

(Newser) - In his first speech since his maybe-final election defeat, Robert Mugabe accused Britain of bribing Zimbabwe’s voters, Reuters reports. “Down with the British. Down with the thieves who want to steal our country,” he told a cheering crowd of 15,000. Britain’s Gordon Brown has been...

China Ships Arms to Mugabe
 China Ships Arms to Mugabe 

China Ships Arms to Mugabe

Union refusing to unload dangerous cargo destined for tense Zimbabwe

(Newser) - As tensions rise in Zimbabwe, a Chinese ship has arrived in a South African port with arms bound for Harare. The ship put to sea with AK-47 rifles, mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and millions of rounds of ammunition, apparently to fortify President Robert Mugabe, who's not relinquishing power despite his suspected...

South Africa Calls for Results in Zimbabwe

Mbeki shifts position as world criticism of Mugabe mounts

(Newser) - South Africa shifted course today and for the first time called on Zimbabwe to release election results, Reuters reports. A spokesman for the government of Thabo Mbeki—an ally of Robert Mugabe who had previously downplayed the crisis—called the situation "dire." President Bush, meanwhile, criticized African leaders...

Mugabe Rival Accused of Treason

Dangerous new stakes in controversial election

(Newser) - Zimbabwe opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai, who is convinced he won last month's presidential election, has now been accused of treason by President Robert Mugabe's government. The accusation presents a dangerous new threat in the wake of the controversial elections, whose results have not yet been released. "There is no...

Mugabe Didn't Win: Brown
 Mugabe Didn't Win: Brown 

Mugabe Didn't Win: Brown

British PM says 'stolen election would not be an election at all' in Zimbabwe

(Newser) - Gordon Brown said today Robert Mugabe lost Zimbabwe’s March 29 election, implying that Mugabe means to change the results while delaying their release, the Guardian reports. "No one thinks, having seen the result at the polling stations, that President Mugabe has won. … A stolen election would not...

Zimbabwe Strike Fizzles
Strike Fizzles

Zimbabwe Strike Fizzles

Opposition party's 'stay away' strategy fails to force release of election results

(Newser) - A strike Zimbabwe's opposition party called in hopes of forcing the release of election results mostly fizzled today, reports the AFP. Businesses remained open, and the heavy security presence the government prepped in anticipation was eased during the day. Said a merchant who wants the results released but opened his...

Zimbabwe Braces for Strike
 Zimbabwe Braces for Strike 

Zimbabwe Braces for Strike

Opposition leader calls for 'mass stay-in' to shake loose election results

(Newser) - After a court yesterday refused to force the publication of general election results, Zimbabwe's opposition leader has once again called for a general strike. The party of Morgan Tsvangirai, who has declared victory over President Robert Mugabe, is advocating a "mass stay-in until the results are released." But...

Court Rejects Zimbabwe Poll Petition

Won't force Mugabe to release election results; recount stands

(Newser) - A Zimbabwean high court today rejected a petition to force President Robert Mugabe’s government to release its long-delayed election results, the BBC reports. Instead, the ruling party will be allowed to go through with its recounts, which the opposition believes are a ploy to rig the parliamentary election.

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>