William Fallon

5 Stories

US Steps Up Covert Plots in Iran
US Steps Up Covert Plots
in Iran

US Steps Up Covert Plots in Iran

Critics view $400M program as prelude to war

(Newser) - Congress agreed to boost covert operations against Iran last year despite reservations by key officials, Seymour Hersh writes in the New Yorker. President Bush sought up to $400 million for the program, which supports dissidents intent on undermining Tehran and gathers data on its nuke plans. Some analysts believe the...

New US Mideast Commander Installed
New US Mideast Commander Installed

New US Mideast Commander Installed

Out with the Navy, in with the Army as head of CentCom

(Newser) - A new commander has taken temporary charge of US military operations in the Mideast, after a quiet ceremony at MacDill Air Force Base in Florida yesterday. Lt. Gen Martin Dempsey will run CentCom while the administration seeks a permanent replacement for Adm. William Fallon, who quit abruptly earlier this month...

As Bush Foe, Admiral's Days Were Numbered
As Bush Foe, Admiral's Days Were Numbered

As Bush Foe, Admiral's Days Were Numbered

What's truly amazing is that he held out as long as he did

(Newser) - It's amazing that Adm. William Fallon held on to his job as long as he did while openly disagreeing with the Bush administration on matters of military strategy, writes John Barry in Newsweek. Fallon's continued insistence that war with Iran is a lousy idea finally led to his resignation yesterday...

US Admiral in Charge of Mideast Quits

Move comes after article depicts him defying Bush on Iran

(Newser) - The top US military commander for the Middle East resigned today after the publication of a magazine profile that portrayed him as a vocal opponent of the Bush administration's Iran strategy, the AP reports. Adm. William Fallon, head of US Central Command, denied any rift and said he stepped down...

Iranian Prez Flies Into NY Storm
Iranian Prez Flies Into NY Storm

Iranian Prez Flies Into NY Storm

Ahmadinejad arrives in NY amid protests

(Newser) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrived in New York yesterday amid protests and rancor over his schedule of public appearances, including his planned address at Columbia University. In the first of a series of public relations efforts, Ahmadinejad claimed in a television interview that Iran is seeking neither nuclear weapons nor...

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