George W. Bush

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Democrats Are Lost Without Bush
Are Lost 
Without Bush

Democrats Are Lost Without Bush

Party needs to stop feuding and find a direction

(Newser) - George Bush was the best unifier the Democrats ever had, and now that he's out of the picture, they're collapsing into infighting, writes EJ Dionne. The party has to govern America through this difficult time, but they "are being held hostage by political narcissists and narrow slivers of their...

Record Drop in Poll for Tiger
 Record Drop in Poll for Tiger 

Record Drop in Poll for Tiger

52-point falloff in favorability is the biggest for anyone, ever

(Newser) - Tiger Woods’ favorable rating in a weekend poll is just 33%, down from 85% the last time he was rated—June 2005—in the most precipitous decline since Gallup began tracking the metric in 1992. “The drop is definitely unprecedented,” a Gallup editor tells USA Today , particularly considering...

Only 50% Prefer Obama to Bush

 Only 50% Prefer 
 Obama to Bush 
Poll Numbers

Only 50% Prefer Obama to Bush

Latest numbers show steady decline for president

(Newser) - Only 50% of respondents to a recent poll say they prefer Barack Obama to George W. Bush, with 44% saying they’d like Dubya back. Given Bush’s vast unpopularity at the end of his term, that’s probably the most troubling number for the president in the latest Public...

Purges Threaten to Leave GOP Weak, Lost
Purges Threaten to Leave GOP Weak, Lost
Thomas Frank

Purges Threaten to Leave GOP Weak, Lost

Paranoid purity test will also leave right wing with no scapegoats

(Newser) - The new 10-point RNC purity test intended to purge Republicans who aren't conservative enough makes about as much sense as hacking off your own limbs to cure a weak pulse, Thomas Frank writes in the Wall Street Journal . And after the "coming period of inquisition and excommunication," says...

Iraqi Shoe Thrower Has to Dodge One Himself

Another man fires footwear of his own at Bush critic

(Newser) - The Iraqi journalist who famously chucked his shoes at George Bush got a taste of what it's like to be on the receiving end today. During a press conference in Paris to push his campaign for "victims of the US occupation," Muntadhar al-Zeidi had to duck when a...

Obama Sounding a Lot Like Bush
 Obama Sounding 
 a Lot Like Bush 

Obama Sounding a Lot Like Bush

Rationale for troop surge is the same that Bush used for Iraq

(Newser) - Glenn Greenwald finds the rationale for the Afghan troop surge President Obama will announce tonight to be "remarkably similar" to that used by George W. Bush when he argued for more troops in Iraq in 2007. The speech hasn’t been given yet, but the administration has been leaking...

Dem: Bush Let Bin Laden Escape ... on Purpose

Needed to justify Iraq war, Hinchey says

(Newser) - A Democratic congressman today accused President Bush of purposely letting Osama bin Laden escape capture in order to justify the Iraq war—and, when given an out by MSNBC’s David Shuster, Rep. Maurice Hinchey reiterated, “I don’t think it’ll will strike a lot of people as...

Pundits Lie, Numbers Don't: Women Despise Palin

Frum: So stop telling us how popular she is with 'the people'

(Newser) - Former Bush speechwriter David Frum is sick and tired of hearing the punditocracy gush over how much everyone loves Sarah Palin, and, armed with fistfuls of polls, reminds us: Her fan club is conservative men, and women of all stripes despise her. “If you like Palin,” he writes...

The Decade's Best Quotes
 The Decade's Best Quotes 

The Decade's Best Quotes

(Newser) - With the end of the decade near, Newsweek has rounded up the top 10 most important quotes from 2000 to 2009. A selection:
  • "Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job": President George W. Bush, Sept. 2, 2005. In one line to then-FEMA director Michael Brown, Bush summed

India Miffed By Obama's Bond With Beijing

Perceived slights complicate PM Singh's DC visit next week

(Newser) - President Obama might find Indian PM Manmohan Singh a bit prickly when he arrives in Washington this weekend, after Obama gave India short shrift during his recent Asia trip. Obama didn’t mention India at all in his speech on US relations with Asia, and caused further offense in a...

We Need an Institute to Study Sarah Palin
We Need an Institute to Study Sarah Palin
Richard Cohen

We Need an Institute to Study Sarah Palin

And George W. Bush should be the one to build it

(Newser) - Dear George W. Bush: Instead of setting up some boring policy institute—there are already about 3,000 of them—why not spend your money on something important, like studying Sarah Palin. Set up the Institute for the Study of Sarah Palin, and “my check is in the mail,...

Bush Warns of 'Too Much' Government

But he doesn't mention Obama by name

(Newser) - George Bush has promised to steer clear of criticizing his successor's policies, but he seemed to come awfully close yesterday during a speech at SMU. "As the world recovers, we will face a temptation to replace the risk-and-reward model of the private sector with the blunt instruments of government...

Obama: Forget Bush's Playbook

Obama: Forget Bush's Playbook

Making 2010 a referendum on prez won't work for Dems

(Newser) - Karl Rove is flattered that President Obama appears to be borrowing the strategy he devised for President Bush in the 2002 midterm elections, but he warns it won't work for the Democrats next year. Making the midterms a referendum on the White House worked in 2002 because national security...

AARP Will Endorse House Dems' Health Bill

Seniors group helped Bush get drug plan through Congress

(Newser) - In a coup for House Democrats, AARP will endorse sweeping health-care overhaul legislation, officials said today. An endorsement from the seniors' lobby was crucial when then-President Bush pushed the Medicare prescription drug benefit through a closely divided Congress in 2003. House Democrats are hoping it will work the same political...

Clinton-Bush Debate Canceled: Too Much Hype

Ex-presidents criticize 'overeager promoter'

(Newser) - A heavily hyped "debate" that was to feature Bill Clinton and George W. Bush has been canceled because the promoter aggressively pushed it as a showdown between the two men. It “was supposed to be a discussion between the two former presidents, and has been canceled because it...

Clinton, Bush to Debate
 Clinton, Bush to Debate  
radio city showdown

Clinton, Bush to Debate

Radio City Music hall will host February event

(Newser) - Bill Clinton and George W. Bush will debate at Radio City Music Hall early next year. The two former presidents will square off as part of MSG Entertainment’s "Minds That Move the World" series. Topics will include the economy, foreign policy, and the current administration. Tickets start at...

Conservatives Aren't Crazy, They Just Want Their Turn
Conservatives Aren't Crazy, They Just Want
Their Turn
Jonah Goldberg

Conservatives Aren't Crazy, They Just Want Their Turn

8 years of Bush didn't count

(Newser) - Don’t listen to the liberals telling you the right is crazy and going to heck in a handbasket. The reality is far simpler: “After 15 or 20 years of steady moderation, many conservatives think it might be time to give their ideas a try,” writes Jonah Goldberg...

Obama Lifts HIV+ Travel Ban
 Obama Lifts HIV+ Travel Ban 

Obama Lifts HIV+ Travel Ban

President extends bill funding care for low-income HIV/AIDS patients

(Newser) - HIV-positive individuals will no longer be banned from visiting or immigrating to the US, President Obama announced today. The president discussed the revocation of the ban, which has stood since 1987, at today's signing of an extension of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS bill. That bill provides funding for HIV/AIDS testing...

100 Defining Moments of the '00s

 100 Defining 
 of the '00s 

pop culture

100 Defining Moments of the '00s

The iPod, Guitar Hero, Twitter—and some serious moments, too

(Newser) - From the tragic (World Trade Center attacks, Hurricane Katrina) to the seemingly trivial (Stephen Fry's first Tweet), the Telegraph lists the top 100 defining cultural moments of the decade so far:
  • April 2000: Metallica sues music-sharing service Napster.
  • October 2001: The iPod is released.
  • February 2003: Sacha Baron Cohen hits

Time to Act Presidential on Afghanistan
Time to Act Presidential on Afghanistan
Charles Krauthammer

Time to Act Presidential on Afghanistan

After 'yearlong drift,' Obama can't keep passing buck to Bush

(Newser) - President Obama loves to blame things on George W. Bush, and on Monday he did it again, referring to the “long years of drift in Afghanistan.” He must be trying to “explain away his own, well, yearlong drift on Afghanistan,” writes Charles Krauthammer . In March, Obama...

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