George W. Bush

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Bush United Nation, But Not the Way He Planned

Americans brought together by 'desire to see him gone'

(Newser) - President Bush brought the nation together, all right—it united against him, Rosa Brooks writes in the Los Angeles Times. It's easy to feel disdain for the guy responsible for the war and the economy, the guy who said our enemies "never stop thinking about new ways to harm...

Obama Staffers Stocking Up on Midnight Oil

President may encourage having families to White House for evening meals

(Newser) - The early-bird White House of the Bush administration is almost history, Politico reports. Unlike President Bush, who was usually out the door by 6pm, President-elect Obama’s staffers are expecting long, late hours to match their heavy workload. The Obama team is already working on ways to keep workers in...

Biden Plans to Shrink VP Power
 Biden Plans to Shrink VP Power 

Biden Plans to Shrink VP Power

But he'll be 'the guy in the room'

(Newser) - Most vice presidents enter office wanting to grab power and make a name for themselves. Not Joe Biden. The VP-elect is determined to roll back Dick Cheney’s massive power grab, he tells the New York Times. Will that make him less effective? “The only value of power is...

Bush Can Teach Obama What Not to Do: Woodward

Woodward has seen all the mistakes and lived to tell about it

(Newser) - George W. Bush’s presidency could teach Barack Obama many lessons—about what not to do. Bob Woodward lays out 10 of them in today’s Washington Post:
  • "Presidents need to draw people out and make sure bad news makes it to the Oval Office": Bush went into Iraq

Chinese Sad to See Bush Go
 Chinese Sad to See Bush Go 

Chinese Sad to See Bush Go

President's free-trade, Taiwan policies get thumbs-up

(Newser) - George Bush is leaving office with rock-bottom ratings in the US but he'll be missed by his many Chinese fans, reports the Los Angeles Times. The president—affectionately called Xiao Bush, or "Young Bush"—is credited with helping China's economy blossom with his free-trade policies. Many fear his...

Bush's Failures Show the Need for Pragmatic Prez

Like Hoover, Dubya stuck to his principles rather than compromise

(Newser) - What exactly made George W. Bush such a terrible president? His unwavering commitment to his principles, Alan Brinkley argues in the New Republic. Most Americans favor idealists over realists, in theory, so the criticism might seem strange. But the presidents we remember for their lofty goals and convictions—such as...

White House Ordered to Find Missing Emails

Judge issues last-minute bid to archive Iraq letters

(Newser) - As current White House employees pack their bags, a federal judge today ordered the president's executive office to find and properly archive missing e-mails written by senior Bush appointees. At issue are communications that date to the period between 2003 and 2005, specifically documents that relate to the invasion of...

Libby Hasn't Asked to Be Pardoned
Libby Hasn't Asked to Be Pardoned

Libby Hasn't Asked to Be Pardoned

Supporters look to Cheney to sway Bush in final week

(Newser) - President Bush has less than a week to pardon Lewis “Scooter” Libby for his role in the CIA leak case, and at this point it’s unclear if he will, writes Byron York for the National Review. Dick Cheney's former chief of staff hasn't applied for one through the...

With Obama, Introspection Makes a Comeback

President-elect is pragmatic, but his thinking is mysterious

(Newser) - Looking at President Bush gets John Dickerson wondering, in Slate, if anything complex is going on behind the simple facade (Answer: Probably not). President-elect Obama prompts a different question: “How much of his true thinking is he actually sharing with us?” Obama, unlike Bush, is deeply self-reflective, and seems...

Interns Filled Out Seats for Bush Press Conference

(Newser) - When President Bush called a press conference yesterday to defend his legacy, he apparently overestimated the interest. Dana Milbank of the Washington Post notes that the White House had strict rules in place restricting news organizations to one seat each. Extras would have to stand. "But when the appointed...

Bush's Top 10 Successes
 Bush's Top 10 Successes 

Bush's Top 10 Successes

From rejecting the Kyoto Protocol to the surge

(Newser) - Forget what you’ve heard about W’s presidency, writes Fred Barnes in the Weekly Standard. His decisive courage gave his term many successes:
  • Rejecting the Kyoto Protocol: The treaty was broken—it exempted India and China from carbon emissions responsibility—but only Bush had the courage to say so.

Olmert: I Made Condi Abstain on Gaza Vote

Israel PM claims he 'embarrassed' Rice in urgent call to Bush

(Newser) - Israel’s prime minister says an urgent call to President Bush last week resulted in Condoleezza Rice changing her vote on a UN Gaza resolution, the New York Times reports, with Ehud Olmert adding that the secretary of State “was left pretty embarrassed.” Rice helped draft the measure...

Bush to Give Farewell Address, Obama Welcome

(Newser) - President Bush will take the spotlight one last time in a farewell address Thursday that the administration is billing as a chance to reflect on his presidency and pass the torch to Barack Obama. Bush will deliver the speech, expected to run 10-15 minutes, from the ornate East Room of...

The Best Bushisms, Never to Be 'Misunderestimated'

British paper offers random presidential pearls of wisdom

(Newser) - Will any future leader wreak linguistic havoc with the creative fervor of President Bush? The Guardian bids his presidency adieu with a list of its favorite Bushisms, including:
  • "I’m honored to shake the hand of a brave Iraqi citizen who had his hand cut off by Saddam Hussein.

Bush Years Were Dark for US Economy
Bush Years Were Dark for US Economy

Bush Years Were Dark for US Economy

'We really went nowhere for almost 10 years,' says economist

(Newser) - The Bush years have not been good ones for the economy, the Washington Post reports, based on an analysis of economic data and discussions with economists of all stripes. Job growth for Bush’s tenure amounts to just 2%, the smallest 8-year gain on record, and GDP grew at its...

Bush, Obama Call for 2nd TARP $350B

(Newser) - President Bush and Barack Obama asked Congress today to release the remaining $350 billion in TARP funds to prop up the troubled US financial system. The White House said Bush acted on a request from the president-elect, who takes office next week. Congress may vote on the request as early...

In Last Presser, Bush Hotly Defends Record, Owns Regrets

President doesn't indulge in self-pity in final news conference

(Newser) - In what he called the “ultimate exit interview,” President Bush defended his record and the talents of his team, dismissed his critics, acknowledged some mistakes, and had words of advice for his successor. In a wide-ranging, emotional, and occasionally poignant farewell press conference, Bush said it wasn’t...

Obama Signals End of Boomers' DC Reign

But at 47 he's too old for Gen X; seen as more of a bridge

(Newser) - Baby boomers will lose Washington next week to a new, more pragmatic generation. But which one that is seems up for debate, reports the AP. At 47, Barack Obama is a tad too young for boomers—whose partisan politics are informed by civil-rights marches and sexual liberation—but too old...

Obama Not Looking Back on Torture
Obama Not Looking Back
on Torture

Obama Not Looking Back on Torture

Bush says GOP 'got whipped;' Burris claims seat, 'no question'

(Newser) - Saying his administration will be “looking forward,” Barack Obama suggested he won’t pursue criminal charges against national security officials accused of committing crimes in President Bush’s war on terror. The president-elect also told ABC’s This Week that closing Guantanamo Bay—a key tenet of his...

Cheney Deserves Kick in the Shins: Dowd
Cheney Deserves
Kick in the Shins: Dowd


Cheney Deserves Kick in the Shins: Dowd

'Vice is still on top'

(Newser) - Vice President Dick Cheney's guiding principle was "a theory of constitutional thuggishness" that set the tone for the administration's agenda—but he's refusing to take the blame for anything, writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times. His insistence that he never called the shots, despite his "Darth...

Stories 561 - 580 | << Prev   Next >>