George W. Bush

Stories 1061 - 1080 | << Prev   Next >>

Bush Stepped In to Weaken Ozone Rules
Bush Stepped
In to Weaken Ozone Rules

Bush Stepped In to Weaken Ozone Rules

President overruled EPA scientists on pollution guidelines

(Newser) - President Bush personally intervened this week to loosen the EPA's new guidelines on pollution-causing ozone, the Washington Post reports. By law, separate ozone standards are mandated for protecting the "public health" and the "public welfare," which includes wildlife, parks, and farmland. According to EPA documents, Bush overruled...

US 'Buried' Tortured Yemeni in Jail for Years: Rights Group

Prisoner finally freed without charge was hung upside down, beaten

(Newser) - A Yemeni man was held by the US in secret prisons for nearly three years and subjected to torture after his capture in Iraq, a human rights group has charged in a condemnation of America's "cruel" defiance of international law. The man, Khaled al-Maqtari, was held in Baghdad's notorious...

Hotline for At-Risk Loans Not So Helpful

Subprime victims find Hope Now Alliance doesn't live up to billing

(Newser) - A hotline aimed at helping distressed mortgage borrowers is frequently overwhelmed by caller volume and rarely able to provide substantive aid, MSNBC reports. The Hope Now Alliance—a group of lenders and community groups heavily promoted by President Bush—is designed to improve lender-borrower communication and modify mortgages, most commonly...

Panel: US Math System 'Broken'
 Panel: US Math System 'Broken' 

Panel: US Math System 'Broken'

Group, worried about future competitive disadvantage, advises focus on basics

(Newser) - A presidential panel today called US math education “broken” and demanded greater focus on key skills ranging from preschool to middle school, the Washington Post reports. The National Mathematics Advisory Panel responded to concerns that Americans are growing less competitive in the realm, and pointed the way to better...

As Bush Foe, Admiral's Days Were Numbered
As Bush Foe, Admiral's Days Were Numbered

As Bush Foe, Admiral's Days Were Numbered

What's truly amazing is that he held out as long as he did

(Newser) - It's amazing that Adm. William Fallon held on to his job as long as he did while openly disagreeing with the Bush administration on matters of military strategy, writes John Barry in Newsweek. Fallon's continued insistence that war with Iran is a lousy idea finally led to his resignation yesterday...

US Admiral in Charge of Mideast Quits

Move comes after article depicts him defying Bush on Iran

(Newser) - The top US military commander for the Middle East resigned today after the publication of a magazine profile that portrayed him as a vocal opponent of the Bush administration's Iran strategy, the AP reports. Adm. William Fallon, head of US Central Command, denied any rift and said he stepped down...

Lame Duck Sings Swan Song for Press
Lame Duck Sings Swan Song for Press

Lame Duck Sings Swan Song for Press

See Bush croon 'Auld Lang Syne,' kiss Helen Thomas

(Newser) - Two years after Stephen Colbert stunned the Washington press corps by not just roasting but slamming the guest of honor at the Gridiron dinner, this year's dinner wasn't televised. But a bootleg of President Bush's swan song promptly appeared on YouTube. He performs “Auld Lang Syne” and joins hands...

War Architect Blasts CIA, State Dept. for Iraq Fumbles

Ex-defense official says his advice was ignored

(Newser) - A top Iraq war architect slams the CIA and State Department for flawed handling of the build-up and eventual invasion in a new book, the Washington Post reports. Douglas Feith, former undersecretary of defense, takes shots at Colin Powell, Tommy Franks, and ex-occupation chief Paul Bremer, among others, for brushing...

Bush Vetoes Ban on Waterboarding
Bush Vetoes Ban on Waterboarding

Bush Vetoes Ban on Waterboarding

He says terrorist threat remains; Dems don't have votes to override

(Newser) - President Bush today vetoed a bill that would have prevented the CIA from using harsh interrogation techniques such as waterboarding, the New York Times reports. "We need to ensure our intelligence officials have all the tools they need to stop the terrorists,” the president said. Democrats do not...

Karl Rove, Ken Mehlman Advise McCain Campaign

More Bush buddies work for senator

(Newser) - Major Bush pals Ken Mehlman and Karl Rove are jumping aboard the Straight Talk Express, both informally advising John McCain, a top aide to the GOP hopeful tells Politico. Mehlman, who ran Bush’s 2004 campaign, is an unpaid, outside adviser, while Rove recently donated to McCain and had a...

Blair to Take Yale Post This Fall
Blair to Take Yale Post This Fall

Blair to Take Yale Post This Fall

Former British PM will combine religion, politics classes with Middle East peace mission

(Newser) - Tony Blair’s ties to President Bush are getting thicker by the minute: The former British prime minister will take a teaching position at Yale, Dubya's alma mater, this fall, the Guardian reports; Blair's son Euan is a grad student at the university, the Yale Daily News reports. Blair, who's...

Bush: Mac Has 'Courage' to Lead
Bush: Mac Has 'Courage' to Lead

Bush: Mac Has 'Courage' to Lead

President endorses Arizona senator a day after GOP nomination assured

(Newser) - George Bush endorsed John McCain in a Rose Garden appearance today, saying his former foe has the “character, courage, and perseverance” to be president. One day after the Arizona senator clinched the Republican nomination, he said of Bush, “I appreciate his endorsement, and I appreciate his service to...

Vt. Towns Vote to Indict Bush, Cheney

'Crimes against the Constitution' make prez, veep wanted men

(Newser) - Two Vermont towns have voted to arrest President Bush and Vice President Cheney if they ever set foot within their boundaries, the AP reports. The measures, which also call for the pair to be extradited to face trial for unspecified "crimes against the Constitution," passed after a public...

Ecuador Wants Apology on FARC; US Backs Bogota

Bush to Colombia: We're with you

(Newser) - Ecuador's president, Rafael Correa, is in Brazil today, pushing for an apology from Colombia for its incursion into Ecuador to attack FARC guerrillas Saturday. While most Latin American nations, including Brazil, have condemned the cross-border attack, the White House yesterday unequivocally backed Colombia in the rapidly escalating crisis. Correa heads...

Who's Funding Bush's Library?
Who's Funding Bush's Library?

Who's Funding Bush's Library?

Money coming in during presidency raises concerns over quid pro quo

(Newser) - President Bush's coy refusal to name the mystery donors helping to erect his $200 million presidential library is problematic, writes David Corn in Mother Jones' MoJo blog. Though the law doesn't require him to reveal names, his actions raise serious ethical questions. "What's problematic is the prospect of a...

Abbas Freezes Peace Talks With Israel

Says negotiations won't resume until offensive on Palestinians ends

(Newser) - Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas halted peace talks with Israel today “until [Israeli] aggression is stopped,” Reuters reports. Abbas ordered the suspension of the US-brokered talks as Israel’s Gaza offensive continued and the Palestinian death toll topped 100. But Israeli PM Ehud Olmert showed no sign of relenting,...

Bush Aide Resigns Over Plagiarism
Bush Aide Resigns Over Plagiarism

Bush Aide Resigns Over Plagiarism

Point person on faith-based initiatives stole for his columns

(Newser) - A White House aide who helped establish President Bush’s faith-based community initiative resigned yesterday after admitting he plagiarized portions of columns he submitted to an Indiana newspaper, the Indianaopolis Star reports. The News-Sentinel of Fort Wayne found that 20 columns by Tim Goeglein, who had served in the White...

Mukasey Nixes Bush Aides Contempt Case

AG rejects House request, saying no crime was committed

(Newser) - A  showdown over executive privilege got more likely yesterday when Attorney General Michael Mukasey said he wouldn't pursue contempt charges against two Bush aides, Reuters reports. Mukasey rejected the request from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to refer the case to a grand jury, arguing that they had committed no crime...

Turkey Pulls Out of N. Iraq
Turkey Pulls Out of N. Iraq

Turkey Pulls Out of N. Iraq

Says it made its point to the PKK

(Newser) - Turkey pulled its troops out of northern Iraq today, ending a controversial offensive that had Washington and Baghdad on edge, Reuters reports. In a statement, Turkey said it had made its point. “There was no question of completely liquidating” the PKK, the military said, “but Turkey has shown...

Senate GOP Stymies Dem Housing Relief

Republicans say plan to aid homeowners would inflame crisis, hurt lenders

(Newser) - Capping a week of gridlock, GOP senators yesterday blocked consideration of a Democratic-backed housing-relief bill. The mortgage industry had fought hard against the proposal, which would allow judges to slash interest rates for low-income homeowners facing bankruptcy, the Washington Post reports. The bill also included billions of dollars for local...

Stories 1061 - 1080 | << Prev   Next >>