Sarah Palin

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Rick Santorum Gripes About Fox News Suspension

He was never asked about 2012 plans, he tells CNN

(Newser) - Fox News suspended contributor Rick Santorum yesterday because he had "signaled" a possible 2012 run for the presidency, and Santorum has just one gripe with the matter: Fox never actually asked him if he was considering a 2012 run. Santorum revealed that yesterday on CNN 's John King USA—...

Dana Milbank: Sarah Palin Wasn't Missed in February
 Good News: 
 You Can Live 
 Without Palin! 
Dana Milbank

Good News: You Can Live Without Palin!

This woman will never make news, Dana Milbank says

(Newser) - As you might recall, Dana Milbank heroically confronted his Sarah Palin addiction last month, by swearing off mentioning everyone’s favorite maverick hockey mom for all of February. How did it go? “The tremors and sweats were manageable,” he reports in the Washington Post . "I used Michele...

Bristol's Memoir: Not Afraid of Life

How much will she spill?

(Newser) - Bristol Palin is writing a memoir after all—daringly called Not Afraid of Life—and besides some dope on her famous mom, the tome will include a bit of dish on Dancing With the Stars and two-time Bristol heartbreaker Levi Johnston. It looked for a time like Bristol's memoir, posted...

Palin Might Have Secret Twitter, Too

'mckinely777' follows—who else?—Sarah Palin

(Newser) - Remember Sarah Palin's (alleged) secret Facebook page ? Well, it turns out she may also have a secret Twitter account. And, seeing as the mysterious "Lou Sarah" Facebook page was used to "like" things on the official Sarah Palin Facebook page, it shouldn't come as much of a...

Herman Cain Wins Tea Party Straw Poll

Georgian wins conference vote, Ron Paul sweeps online poll

(Newser) - Herman Cain—currently the only declared GOP candidate for 2012—came in first in a straw poll of Tea Party supporters at an event in Phoenix yesterday. The conservative radio host from Georgia received 22% of the on-site ballots cast at the event organized by the Tea Party Patriots, the...

Jamie Oliver: Sarah Palin Is a 'Froot Loop'

The Michelle Obama-Sarah Palin food fight rages on

(Newser) - Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver has entered the Sarah Palin-Michelle Obama food fight , lobbing a sugary-but-not-so-sweet statement in Palin's direction: He called her a "Froot Loop" for criticizing the Obama administration's healthy eating initiatives. The US is in a "really dark moment" when it comes to children's health and...

Palin to Visit India in March

Will speak among dignitaries, entertainers

(Newser) - Sarah Palin will head to India next month to speak at a two-day conference. She’ll be the only US politician among political leaders and entertainers from India and Pakistan. It’s not known whether she’s getting paid her quote of $100,000 per appearance, but it looks like...

Sarah Palin Tell-All: Enemy Author Joe McGinniss Accused of Distributing Leaked Manuscript
 Who Leaked the Palin Tell-All? 

Who Leaked the Palin Tell-All?

Its authors allege it was Sarah's favorite neighbor, Joe McGinniss

(Newser) - Who is responsible for distributing the leaked Sarah Palin tell-all ? According to its authors, none other than Joe McGinniss, Palin’s former neighbor, who is also writing a book about her. A letter from the authors’ attorney to McGinniss calls the matter “no more than that of a...

Is This Sarah Palin's Secret Facebook Page?

If so, then she's using it to comment on her public Facebook page

(Newser) - Among the more interesting, if indirect, revelations from the leaked Sarah Palin tell-all : The former Alaska guv appears to have a secret personal Facebook account … which she has used to comment on her other, public Facebook page. Jack Stuef over at Wonkette discovered the page thanks to an apparent...

These 'Hard-Core Women' Are the New Feminists
 These 'Hard-Core 
 Women' Are the 
 New Feminists 
kathleen parker

These 'Hard-Core Women' Are the New Feminists

And they're 'annoying,' writes Kathleen Parker

(Newser) - There’s a new type of feminist taking Washington by storm, though these women would never stoop to the level of actually calling themselves feminists. These are the “gun-toting, breast-feeding” supermoms who “condemn government for being a ‘nanny’ and tell men to man up,” all while...

Rigged Polls, Broken Laws: Inside the Palin Tell-All

Former aide spills on Sarah

(Newser) - Frank Bailey was once one of Sarah Palin’s closest aides, but he turned on her and wrote a tell-all alleging, among other things, that Palin broke state election law in 2006. The 500-page manuscript, titled In Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin: A Memoir of our Tumultuous Years, was leaked...

Republicans in Iowa Aren't Wowed by the Idea of a Sarah Palin Run in 2012
 Iowa Could Be Palin's Waterloo 

Iowa Could Be Palin's Waterloo

She's 'combative,opportunistic,' says one GOP activist

(Newser) - The buzz on a Sarah Palin GOP run for the White House apparently isn't thrilling Iowans, whose critical caucuses have the power to scuttle infant campaigns. "I want to like her and want to support her desperately. And yet, you just can't quite do it," said a female...

Palin Hints at 2012 Run, Swipes at Michelle

Nobody's more qualified to be president than a mom, she says

(Newser) - Sarah Palin still won't commit, but she did drop some very pointed hints that she'll make a run for the White House during a Q&A session with a Long Island business group yesterday. She did make it clear that the decision must be made soon, the New York Times...

Sarah Palin's Latest Hire Suggests White House Run

She brings on veteran political adviser as chief of staff

(Newser) - Someone forgot to tell Politico and CNN this is supposed be a month free of Sarah Palin news . They're both reporting that Palin has hired a veteran operative to be her chief of staff, a development Politico reads as "one of the biggest indicators yet" she's serious about a...

Bristol Palin Going Rogue, Writing Book

304 pages of what, exactly?

(Newser) - It might be something like War & Peace or The Call of the Wild, except with more dancing and belated abstinence, but a new literary Wasillan has gone rogue. Amazon has a pre-order page for a 304-page Bristol Palin memoir, set to be released in September by HarperCollins. Gawker 's...

Palin: 3am Call 'Went Right to Answering Machine'

She's 'not real enthused' by Obama's handling of Egypt

(Newser) - Just after pronouncing America "on the road to ruin," Sarah Palin weighed in on the White House's handling of the chaos in Egypt and neighboring countries in an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network . "I'm not real enthused about what it is that that’s being done...

Palin: America on 'Road to Ruin'
 Palin: America on 'Road to Ruin' 

Palin: America on 'Road to Ruin'

Ex-gov kicks off centennial celebration of Ronald Reagan's birth

(Newser) - Sarah Palin thinks the nation's headed to hell in a handbasket, and the only way to save it is to get back in line with Ronald Reagan's policies, she said in a speech last night kicking off centennial celebrations of the Gipper's Feb. 6 birth. "This is insane,"...

Palins Trying to Trademark Names

Bristol, Sarah having some issues with their applications, though

(Newser) - Books, TV shows, radio gigs: The Palins are already a brand, so is it any surprise they're looking to trademark the family name? Applications were filed last year by the Palins' lawyer to trademark "Sarah Palin" and "Bristol Palin," reports Politics Daily , but there are a few...

Palin Still Urging Backers to 'Reload'

She's still shooting from the lip, insists spokeswoman

(Newser) - Not so fast, pardner. Sarah Palin is not backing off on her admonition to Tea Partiers to "reload" as they take on political battles—even though she came in for a fusillade of criticism for her word choice after the attack on Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Instead of urging...

GOP's Got Nobody for 2012

 GOP's Got 
 for 2012 

GOP's Got Nobody for 2012

Not one of the slate of hopefuls is electable, writes Chris Cillizza

(Newser) - The GOP's presidential 2012 field isn't pretty. "All—that's A-L-L—of the Republicans considering runs carry at least one major flaw," writes Chris Cillizza in the Washington Post . Mitt Romney signed a health care bill similar to President Obama’s. Mississippi governor Haley Barbour “virtually invented lobbying....

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