Sarah Palin

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Bristol Grinds, Writhes on DWTS

She also helps her partner get out of his pesky shirt

(Newser) - Bristol Palin is all for abstinence, but she seemed to have no problem grinding, writhing around on the ground, and ripping off her partner’s shirt—in front of her parents—last night on Dancing With the Stars. “It was spicy,” she tells OK! of her performance. Spicy...

Hot, Superficial GOPers Scorch Ugly, Old Dems

Americans don't want a 'no-drama' government

(Newser) - Christine O'Donnell, Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, and Nikki Haley: This is not your daddy's Republican party anymore—it's the party of the hot mama grizzly, writes Tom Junod for Esquire . It might be a rather superficial conclusion, but "the Democratic Party is boring. And its women are either old...

Todd Palin: Email Flap Just a Misunderstanding

Says he got his 'wires crossed' with Joe Miller

(Newser) - Todd Palin acknowledged today that he sent angry emails to Alaska Senate candidate Joe Miller, but he brushed it off as a misunderstanding being exaggerated by the media. "My family has worked hard in supporting Joe Miller, so when I heard he'd said something less than supportive of my...

Meghan McCain: Quit Asking Me About Sarah Palin!

The media seems to only care about her and her Sarahbots

(Newser) - Sarah Palin plays a relatively small role in Meghan McCain’s book—after all “I was on the road for 18 months as opposed to Sarah Palin’s 60 days,” she writes in the Daily Beast . Yet in every interview she gave, Palin was the No. 1 topic...

Todd Blasts Miller for Not Endorsing Palin for President

Leaked emails expose apparent feud with Alaska candidate

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's not running for president—yet—but Palin-backed candidates who don't endorse her for the job will have to answer to Todd and forget about having her support, judging by leaked emails obtained by Mudflats . Alaskan Senate candidate Joe Miller—who received Palin's endorsement earlier this year—told Fox...

Palin Policy Adviser Works for Foreign Governments

Orion Strategies a registered agent for Taiwan, Georgia

(Newser) - The company Sarah Palin is paying for foreign policy advice is also being paid to lobby lawmakers on behalf of Taiwan, Georgia, and Montenegro. Palin's political action committee isn't breaking any laws by hiring Orion Strategies, Reuters notes, but the firm's work on behalf of foreign governments raises questions about...

The Video That Broke Up Bristol and Levi

And, perhaps, launched Levi Johnston's acting career? Time will tell...

(Newser) - Bristol Palin made it clear that Levi Johnston's decision to star in a "music video mocking my family" was the final straw in her decision to dump him. Well, the wait is over: That video, for Brittani Senser's "After Love," is out, and it's just about as...

Palin vs. Romney: Class War Looms for GOP
Palin vs. Romney:
Class War Looms for GOP

Palin vs. Romney: Class War Looms for GOP

The two seem bound to divide Republicans

(Newser) - Remember how Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton divided Democrats along class and educational lines in the 2008 primary? Well, Republicans are about to provide their own rendition in the run up to 2012, observes Ronald Brownstein of the National Journal . A new Gallup Poll has Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin...

Palin Obtains Order Against Threatening Teen

'Bottom line is, he is crazy and could kill me'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has been granted a restraining order against a Pennsylvania man who sent her a gun receipt and told her he was buying a one-way ticket to Alaska. Shawn Christy, 18, has been banned from contacting Palin and her family and has been ordered to stay at least a...

Sarah Palin: Put Me on DWTS Next!

Bristol's mama had so much fun, she wants to compete

(Newser) - Sarah Palin had so much fun not getting booed at Dancing With the Stars, she wants to go on the show herself. “She mentioned to producers who greeted her that she would be open to competing herself next season,” a source tells PopEater .

Bolton Booted from DWTS
 Bolton Booted from DWTS 

Bolton Booted from DWTS

Show addresses alleged Palin-booing

(Newser) - Michael Bolton was voted off Dancing With the Stars the day after performing what judge Bruno Tonioli called the worst jive he'd seen in the show's 11 seasons. Bolton—who scored just 12 out of 30 points for the dance with partner Chelsie Hightower—called the judge's remarks "inappropriate...

ABC: Boos on DWTS Weren't for Palin

Network says audience was booing scores, not her

(Newser) - Sarah Palin made a front-row appearance in support of daughter Bristol on Dancing With the Stars last night, complete with a booing controversy. Just before she appeared on camera, as Jennifer Grey and Derek Hough were discussing their dance, boos could be heard from the hall, Mediaite notes. ABC says...

Fox Payroll Stocked With GOP 2012 Contenders

And that's making things kind of sticky

(Newser) - If you're a Republican 2012 hopeful, odds are you're getting paid by Fox News. The network has Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, and Mike Huckabee on its payroll (the only noticeably absent bigwig is Mitt Romney), and that raises two tough questions, Politico muses: How do you cover would-be...

Public Hates Democrats, Hates GOP Even More
Public Hates Democrats, Hates GOP Even More
Poll Numbers

Public Hates Democrats, Hates GOP Even More

But Republican backers are more likely to vote

(Newser) - It's good news/bad news time, Democrats. Bad news: The public doesn’t much like you. In fact, a whopping 60% disapprove of the job you’re doing in the latest AP poll. Good news: They dislike Republicans even more; 68% disapprove of them, and Sarah Palin and George W. Bush...

NFL Stars: Palin Better in Playboy Than White House

Oops, looks like more sensitivity training sessions needed

(Newser) - Sensitivity training for Jets players who ogled a Mexican reporter apparently hasn't had a ripple effect on other NFL athletes. Witness Bengals receivers Chad Ochocinco and Terrell Owens discussing Sarah Palin's body, and musing on whether she'd be better in the White House or ... Playboy. "I really don't want...

How Sarah Palin Is Like George McGovern
 How Sarah Palin Is 
 Like George McGovern 

How Sarah Palin Is Like George McGovern

Extremist opposition candidates are bound to lose

(Newser) - Sarah Palin and the Tea Party seem to have unrivaled influence in the GOP right now, but Palin better watch out: Pulling her party way to the right may yield short-term triumphs, but it will delay the Republicans' return to power, writes Peter Beinart in the Daily Beast . To understand...

Obama, Palin Team Up ... in Archie Comic

They even share a milkshake, you betcha

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Sarah Palin are finally coming together … in a comic book. The unlikely pair is shown sharing a milkshake on the cover of Archie ’s December issue, in which they find themselves on opposite sides of a contentious high school class president election. Obama, of...

Joe Miller: Jobless Benefits Unconstitutional

'Show me the enumerated power,' says Senate candidate

(Newser) - It seems Palin-backed GOP Alaska Senate hopeful Joe Miller is sticking with his anti-benefits stance, big time. The Tea Party favorite yesterday told Fox News' Chris Wallace that jobless benefits are unconstitutional, reports the Raw Story . "The Constitution provides enumerated powers," he said. "Show me the enumerated...

GOP Bluebloods Should Stop Bashing Tea Party

Classim isn't helping their case, Glenn Greenwald says

(Newser) - The Republican Old Guard should stop dissing less pedigreed newcomers who share their far-right views, argues Glenn Greenwald on Salon . The radical "commonsense conservatism" espoused by the likes of Sarah Palin and Christine O'Donnell is not much different than the Bush doctrine, yet Karl Rove feels it necessary to...

Sarah Palin Has an Esther Complex
 Sarah Palin Has 
 an Esther Complex 

Sarah Palin Has an Esther Complex

She and supporters like comparisons to the biblical figure

(Newser) - Read enough comments from Sarah Palin's supporters, and you're bound to come across some that compare her to the biblical figure of Esther, writes Michael Joseph Gross in Vanity Fair . Palin herself takes the analogy seriously, and suggests "her rise to power is divinely ordained." Today, Gross prints...

Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>