Sarah Palin

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Palin Backs Anti-Masturbation Candidate

Christine O'Donnell now a force in Delaware primary

(Newser) - The Delaware Senate candidate who has spoken out against masturbation has become the latest object of Sarah Palin's affection. Palin has officially endorsed Christine O'Donnell in her primary race against long-time GOP congressman Mike Castle, Slate reports. Palin met with O'Donnell last month after critics viciously attacked the candidate for...

Sarah Palin: 'Pastor Jones, Please Stand Down'

She asks him to stop the Koran-burning

(Newser) - He's ignored the general, Hillary, and all forms of international condemnation. Now can Florida's loopy Koran-hating pastor withstand Sarah Palin? She's entered the fray with a Facebook post headlined "Koran Burning Is Insensitive, Unnecessary; Pastor Jones, Please Stand Down." Palin writes that she hopes "Terry Jones and...

Meghan McCain: I Cried When Dad Picked Palin

'I hope she doesn't have any skeletons,' she worried

(Newser) - Meghan McCain cried when she found out Sarah Palin was going to be her dad's running mate—and they weren't tears of joy, she told Jay Leno last night. "My initial reaction was, 'Who the hell is Sarah Palin?" McCain told the Tonight Show host. "Like the rest...

Joe McGinniss Spills on Summer in Wasilla

An 'undercurrent of fear' grips Palin's town

(Newser) - When Joe McGinniss moved in next door to the Palins on Wasilla's Lake Lucille, "Mama Grizzly" was furious . But, McGinniss claims, the rest of the town welcomed him. He's heading home to Massachusetts today to write his book, and talks to the AP about Palin's politics and the "...

Sarah Palin Slams 'Impotent, Limp, Gutless' Reporters

She's especially annoyed at anonymous sources

(Newser) - Here's a quote from Sarah Palin you're likely to hear replayed more than a few times. It's on press coverage of her: “I don't read some of it because I know that those who are impotent and limp and gutless, and then they go on, they're anonymous, they're sources...

Here's Another Error in the Sarah Palin Profile

Media too willing to print thinly sourced 'nonsense' about her

(Newser) - Ben Smith continues to pick apart the Sarah Palin profile in Vanity Fair that's causing such a fuss. At his Politico blog , he lays out another inaccuracy—an anecdote about Palin using her kids as political props that places Trig at an event he never attended—and calls it "...

Palin's Takedown of Murkowskis Is Complete

Murkowski-Palin feud goes back many years

(Newser) - Back in 2002, a certain mayor of Wasilla interviewed with Alaskan Gov. Frank Murkowski to fill the Senate seat he had vacated to run for governor. His ultimate pick? Daughter Lisa Murkowski, not Sarah Palin. Four years later, Palin walloped the elder Murkowski by a 30-point margin in the gubernatorial...

Hmmm, Sarah Palin Is Going to Iowa
 Hmmm, Sarah Palin 
 Is Going to Iowa 
opinion roundup

Hmmm, Sarah Palin Is Going to Iowa

Her aides say it's just a speech, but not everyone agrees

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has confirmed that she's going to Iowa later this month to headline a major GOP fundraiser. Her aides say it's a mistake to read anything more into it, though the move has set off the expected chatter. Highlights:
  • Matt Drudge: As of this afternoon, he was leading his

The Secret Wrath of Sarah Palin

People around ex-governor describe hot-tempered madwoman

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has her folksy, hockey mom image down pat, but Michael Joseph Gross of Vanity Fair spent the spring and summer following her and asking anyone who crossed paths with her about their experience. He found that Palin’s “on-the-record statements about herself amount to a litany of...

Murkowski Concedes Alaska GOP Primary

Incumbent loses to Palin-backed newcomer Joe Miller

(Newser) - In what could be America's biggest political upset of the year, Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski has been booted from office in the Republican primary by a little-known, Sarah Palin-backed conservative lawyer. Murkowski—who was 1,668 votes behind after last week's primary—conceded defeat to Joe Miller last night after...

Meghan McCain: Sarah Palin Brought 'Drama, Stress'

But insists she wasn't reason campaign lost

(Newser) - Meghan McCain was not a fan of Sarah Palin during her father’s presidential campaign. In her new book, Dirty Sexy Politics, McCain writes that Palin brought “drama, stress, complications, panic and loads of uncertainty,” to her father’s operation. “I’m speaking out now because I...

Scott Brown Shrugs Off Palin Attack

'I don't know what the surprise is' Massachusetts Senator says

(Newser) - Don’t look now, but a feud is brewing between Sarah Palin and Scott Brown. The conservative it-girl slammed the GOP’s golden boy last week for not being conservative enough. Liberal Massachusetts might “put up with Scott Brown and some of the antics there,” she told Fox...

Beck Rally Is Warning to All
 Beck Rally Is Warning to All 

Beck Rally Is Warning to All

Many hate Dems ... and GOP

(Newser) - The anti-Washington energy at Glenn Beck's rally Saturday is a warning not only to the incumbent party but also to the GOP. Many at the DC event, which "carried the tone of a religious revival," according to the Wall Street Journal , said in interviews that GOP politicians shouldn't...

Beck: No Palin-Beck 2012
 Beck: No Palin-Beck 2012 

Beck: No Palin-Beck 2012

Of course that's what everyone's talking about

(Newser) - The star of yesterday's show at the Lincoln Memorial was the star of the Sunday dial, with none other than Glenn Beck taking a seat opposite fellow Fox Newser Chris Wallace for an interview that Politico notes was at times overly adulatory with the occasional hardball. Highlights:
  • On Palin-Beck 2012:

Billionaires Bankroll the Tea Party
 Bankroll the 
 Tea Party 
Frank Rich

Billionaires Bankroll the Tea Party

The Koch Brothers and Murdoch pay for 'populist' uprising

(Newser) - This weekend, "real" mad-as-hell Americans gathered in Washington to "reclaim" America. But, writes Frank Rich for the New York Times , there's something missing from this picture of leaderless populism: "The sugar daddies who are bankrolling it." Said daddies are none other than Rupert Murdoch and the...

Beck: America Returning to God

Thousands attend his rally in Washington

(Newser) - Some highlights from the Glenn Beck rally, as rounded up by the Times , Post , Politico , and AP :
  • Beck: "For too long, this country has wandered in darkness. ... We have had moments of brilliance and moments of darkness. But this country has spent far too long worried about scars and

Poll: 29% Support Tea Party
 Poll: 29% Support Tea Party 

Poll: 29% Support Tea Party

To 54% who do not

(Newser) - The Tea Party has gained ground with the public since April, with almost 3 out of every 10 Americans now supporting it, according to a new CBS News poll. Of course, that still leaves the other 7 in 10 Americans unconvinced—54% said they do not support the movement, while...

Levi Ashamed He Apologized to Palin

Wanna-be mayor 'recants'

(Newser) - Babydaddy Levi Johnston is ashamed he apologized to his almost-mother-in-law Sarah Palin. Johnston says he "never lied about anything" ... even though he apologized to the Palins early this summer for telling lies about the former Alaska guv. Now he wishes he had kept his mouth shut. "The only...

Levi Stumps at Gun Shop
 Levi Stumps at Gun Shop 

Levi Stumps at Gun Shop

Pulls out big guns in run for Wasilla mayor

(Newser) - Good ol' Alaska boy Levi Johnston launched his campaign for mayor of Wasilla totin' a rifle in a gun shop. Bristol Palin's babydaddy cavorted with customers at his fave trigger store, Chimo Gun, and apparently flirted with buying a $2,000 Weatherby Ultra Lightweight hunting rifle—but left empty-handed. The...

Alaska Primary Proves Palin Power
 Alaska Primary 
 Proves Palin Power  

Alaska Primary Proves Palin Power

Strong showing from Palin choice shows she's not a spent force

(Newser) - Alaska still hasn't got a result in its GOP primary for the US Senate but what it has got is a potent display of Sarah Palin's political power. Longshot candidate Joe Miller—currently in the lead, with many absentee ballots still to be counted—has made a surprisingly strong showing...

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