Sarah Palin

Stories 661 - 680 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama Still a Safe Bet to Win Re-Election

Don't let the midterms or his ups and downs fool you

(Newser) - Much hay has been made over President Obama’s supposed vulnerability in 2012, Mark Halperin writes, but when you look at his probable challengers and his formidable political skills, his prospects seem positively rosy. Two legit Republican contenders exist at the moment: Mitt Romney “remains unexpectedly unfamiliar” (Halperin says...

Harry Reid Pokes Fun at Sarah Palin
 Harry Reid Pokes Fun 
 at Sarah Palin 

Harry Reid Pokes Fun at Sarah Palin

Senate majority leader sort of has a sense of humor!

(Newser) - Believe it or not, Harry Reid has a sense of humor, reports Mediaite . In his latest campaign stop, Reid took a moment to aim some snark at the tea party express event that swept into Nevada last week. “I was going to give a few remarks on the people...

In Primary Battle, McCain Rejects 'Maverick' Label

Senator must choose between moderation and partisanship

(Newser) - For the first time since 1982, John McCain must fight to retain his US Senate seat. But the challenge is less about the viability of rival JD Hayworth—McCain has much more money and influence—than about which John McCain will prevail. Will it be the storied "maverick" who...

Palin Fizzles in Fox Debut
 Palin Fizzles in Fox Debut 

Palin Fizzles in Fox Debut

'Real American Stories' is one big snore platitude

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's new television show is like Sarah Palin—fuzzy on the details—but this time really dull, notes reviewer Hank Stuever. Real American Stories, which debuted last night, is a montage of college-aspiring poor kids, loyal dogs and soldiers whose plucky triumphs are meant to "reaffirm" what it...

Obama Doesn't Really Want to Drill, Baby, Drill
Obama Doesn't Really Want to Drill, Baby, Drill
Sarah Palin

Obama Doesn't Really Want to Drill, Baby, Drill

Democrats' energy plans amount to a stalling tactic

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s new energy proposal is less “drill, baby, drill,” and more “stall, baby, stall,” Sarah Palin complains in a blog post on the National Review . Obama today said he’d “consider potential areas for development” while “studying protecting sensitive areas in the...

Toby Keith Also Complains About Palin Show
 Toby Keith 
 Also Complains 
 About Palin Show  

Toby Keith Also Complains About Palin Show

Toby Keith: No, Palin didn't interview me

(Newser) - It looks like Fox News was at least two-thirds wrong when they said LL Cool J, Toby Keith, and Jack Welch "will speak to" Sarah Palin "for her inaugural episode of American Stories on April 1st.” Toby Keith has joined LL Cool J in denying that Palin...

Sarah Palin Ditches RNC Fundraiser

Ex-governor wants name taken off 'invited' speakers list

(Newser) - Don't believe the hype—Sarah Palin won't be attending an upcoming RNC fundraiser in New Orleans, even though the invite lists her as an "invited" speaker. Invited or not, the former gov won't be showing, and her team has twice asked the RNC to take her name off the...

Targeted Dems Using Palin Hate as Fundraising Lure

Pols in her crosshairs twist it to their advantage

(Newser) - House Democrats in Sarah Palin's crosshairs are using the controversial Alaskan to raise cash. At least four of the 20 lawmakers targeted by Palin because of their votes on health care reform have sent out fundraising appeals naming the former governor. Palin "has literally put my congressional district in...

Fox Cuts LL Cool J From Sarah Palin Show

Move comes after he complained it's an old interview

(Newser) - Twitter fight, over: LL Cool J won't appear on Sarah Palin's Fox News interview show. The network says it cut his recorded segment from tomorrow night's Real American Stories after he complained the show was simply recycling an interview from 2008. Earlier, the rapper blasted Fox on his Twitter page...

Palin to Fans: Stop Cars With Obama Bumper Stickers

Palin still opposed to 'hopey changey stuff'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin gave a Nevada Tea Party Express rally some curious marching orders on Saturday, telling them to stop and harass anyone with an Obama bumper sticker. After quoting a common conservative sticker (“Government: If you think our problems are bad, wait until you see our solutions”) she...

LL Cool J, Sarah Palin in 'Rap Battle' Over Fox Show

But really, LL, you might be overreacting a bit

(Newser) - LL Cool J is in the unlikeliest of “rap battles” with Sarah Palin over his appearance on her new Fox show. The rapper apparently gave an interview to Real American Stories , a website owned by Fox News, in 2008. That interview will now be featured on the premiere episode...

Conservatives Can't Stop Playing the Victim
Conservatives Can't Stop Playing the Victim

Conservatives Can't Stop Playing the Victim

Bullies claim they're being martyred by the elite, writes Thomas Frank

(Newser) - Republicans and tea partiers whine that the threats, violence, and slurs directed at Democrats over health care reform are being used by their opponents to score political points and smear the right. And in doing so, they're just demonstrating modern conservatism's "cult of victimhood," in which even the...

Sarah Palin Hosts First Fox Show Thursday

Guests include LL Cool J, Toby Keith, and Jack Welch

(Newser) - Sarah Palin begins her career as broadcast interviewer Thursday night on Fox when she hosts the premiere of a new series, Real American Stories. She's got an eclectic lineup of guests to work with: Toby Keith, LL Cool J, and GE's Jack Welch, among others. The show airs at 10pm...

Daily Show Proposes Two-State Solution—for US

It's the only way to stop this health care violence

(Newser) - The spate of violence and death threats that erupted in the wake of the health care bill’s passage have left us with only one choice: Let’s just split the country in two, India-Pakistan style. At least, that’s the satirical solution Aasif Mandvi put forth last night, in...

Levi: Watch My Reality Show, Not Sarah's

Johnston's will give you a better idea of Alaska...and him

(Newser) - If Levi Johnston's reality show gets picked up...and said genius network decides to air it at the same time as Sarah Palin’s series…you’ll be faced with a veritable Sophie’s Choice. But Levi thinks you should pick his show, because “mine is the real Alaska,...

GOP Hopefuls Embrace Pledge to 'Repeal It'
GOP Hopefuls Embrace Pledge to 'Repeal It'
health care reform

GOP Hopefuls Embrace Pledge to 'Repeal It'

Health care reform law opposition becomes Republican litmus test

(Newser) - The push to repeal health care reform has become a rallying cry for GOP candidates pushing for big congressional victories this year and eager to show their willingness to take on the Democratic agenda. In Florida, Gov. Charlie Crist and conservative upstart Marco Rubio agreed on little else in a...

The Race to Be the Next Oprah
 The Race to Be the Next Oprah 
Casting call!

The Race to Be the Next Oprah

Conan, Ellen, Sarah all deserve a look

(Newser) - \With Oprah leaving her show in the all-too-near future, people have been clamoring to find the heir to her daytime throne. The Boston Globe offers a few outside-the-box suggestions.

Palin's Just Like That 'Airhead' Reagan
 Palin's Just 
 Like That 
Norman Podhoretz

Palin's Just Like That 'Airhead' Reagan

Intellectuals on both sides weren't exactly crazy about the Gipper

(Newser) - It’s easy to see why liberal intellectuals hate Sarah Palin—she represents the “retrograde elements of American society” that have “stolen the country from its rightful (liberal) rulers,” writes Norman Podhoretz in the Wall Street Journal . But conservative intellectuals have come to deride her as well,...

Levi Shops 'Pimped Out' Reality Show
 Levi Shops 
 'Pimped Out' 
 Reality Show 
'entourage on ice'

Levi Shops 'Pimped Out' Reality Show

Johnston's hypothetical series will involve 'lots of women'

(Newser) - Levi Johnston is planning a reality show, and it sounds exactly as hilarious as one would assume: The teen dad will ride “pimped out snow machines with jet fuel in them,” and the show will include “lots and lots of women,” says a source. The best...

Sarah Palin: We Won't 'Sit Down, Shut Up'

She says to Obama, Reid, and Pelosi: 'You're fired'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin told thousands of tea party activists assembled in the Nevada desert today that Harry Reid will have to explain his votes when he comes back to his hometown to campaign. Reid is "gambling away our future," she said, and "someone needs to tell him this...

Stories 661 - 680 | << Prev   Next >>