Sarah Palin

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Lie of the Year: 'Death Panels'
 Lie of the Year: 'Death Panels' 

Lie of the Year: 'Death Panels'

Palin's claim spread like wildfire through health debate

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's claim that health care reform would institute "death panels" to decide whether the elderly and disabled are worthy of treatment has been deemed the biggest lie of 2009 by the editors of PolitiFact . Palin appears to have coined the term in a July Facebook posting, and it...

Palin: Drop 'Greener Than Thou' Act, Arnold
 Palin: Drop 'Greener 
 Than Thou' Act, Arnold 

Palin: Drop 'Greener Than Thou' Act, Arnold

Feud erupts after Schwarzenegger questions climate stance

(Newser) - Two days after Arnold Schwarzenegger suggested her stance on climate change is based more on politics than scientific knowledge, Sarah Palin swung back, saying the California Republican should drop his “greener than thou” act. “Why is Governor Schwarzenegger pushing for the same sorts of policies in Copenhagen,”...

The Year's 10 Best Quotes
 The Year's 10 Best Quotes 
yale's annual list

The Year's 10 Best Quotes

Health care inspires top pick; iPhone slogan makes the list

(Newser) - Efforts at health care reform have produced some of the most memorable quotes of the year. The Yale Book of Quotations runs down the year's best, via AP :
  1. "Keep your government hands off my Medicare." Speaker at town hall meeting.
  2. "We're going to be in the Hudson.

Palin Stiffed Hairdresser on Book Tour

Ex-governor ran to signing without paying for new 'do

(Newser) - Hairdresser Rhonda Halliday doesn’t think Sarah Palin was out to screw her, but screw her she did. Halliday was asked to do Palin's hair at the ex-governor's hotel just before her book signing at a Utah Costco. Palin’s flak told her to rush over, and use the valet...

Palin's a Flip-Flopper on Climate Change
 Palin's a Flip-Flopper 
 on Climate Change 

Palin's a Flip-Flopper on Climate Change

She made sense while governor; now, not so much

(Newser) - Back when Sarah Palin was the governor of Alaska, she was pragmatic and forward-looking on climate change, Eugene Robinson writes, and not the shrill, nonsensical reactionary we now know. She toyed with “carbon-trading markets,” set up a high-level commission on climate change, and acknowledged that the problem affected...

Palin Turns Tables on Shatner
 Palin Turns Tables on Shatner 

Palin Turns Tables on Shatner

After he mockingly reads from her book, she returns favor

(Newser) - Sarah Palin made a surprise appearance on The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien tonight—and turned the tables on actor William Shatner. Shatner mockingly read passages from Palin's blockbuster Going Rogue—including ones about rapper Kid Rock and stalking sheep. Afterward, it was Palin's turn to read from Shatner's Up ...

Huckabee Tied With Obama in 2012 Poll

Fox host polls stronger than any other Republican hopeful

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee would give Barack Obama a run for his money if an election were held today; he’s just 1% behind the commander in chief in a new Public Policy Polling survey. Among the 1,253 surveyed, 46% said they’d back Obama, 45% Huckabee. Despite the heat he...

Sarah Palin, Newt Love Obama Speech
 Sarah Palin, Newt 
 Love Obama Speech 
rare praise

Sarah Palin, Newt Love Obama Speech

Conservatives like the tough talk from the president

(Newser) - Conservatives just love President Obama's Nobel speech today, at least the parts in which he talked about the US responsibility to fight "evil" in the world. “I liked what he said," Sarah Palin tells USA Today . "Of course, war is the last thing I believe any...

Palin: Gore's Wrong! I'm Not a Denier...
Palin: Gore's Wrong! I'm Not
a Denier...

Palin: Gore's Wrong! I'm Not a Denier...

...I just don't think humans are to blame for global warming

(Newser) - Sarah Palin says Al Gore was wrong to call her a climate change “denier,” even though she doesn’t think humans are “primarily responsible” for global warming. Asked about a Palin op-ed that called for President Obama to boycott the Copenhagen climate change summit, Gore replied, “...

Barbara Walters: Michelle Obama Is Most Fascinating

Barbara's top picks for 2009 also include Glenn Beck, Jenny Sanford

(Newser) - Barack Obama, Barbara Walters’ most fascinating person of 2008, was succeeded this year by…his wife, Michelle. Walters named the first lady her top pick during last night’s ABC special, which also included interviews with the rest of the top 10. Obama discussed the “amazing whirlwind” of life...

Post, Palin Skewered for Climate Op-Ed
 Post, Palin 
 Skewered for 
 Climate Op-Ed 

Post, Palin Skewered for Climate Op-Ed

'Climategate' piece slammed for dismissing science

(Newser) - The Washington Post's decision to run an op-ed piece by Sarah Palin on the "Climategate" emails is attracting almost as much derision as Palin's call for President Obama to boycott the Copenhagen conference, the Huffington Post notes. Here's an attitude roundup:
  • Palin was "looking for a way to

Palin's 'Boycott Copenhagen' Op-Ed, Annotated

Ambinder parses ex-gov's 'Climategate' rhetoric

(Newser) - Sarah Palin says President Obama should boycott Copenhagen because the Climategate emails cast doubt on climate change—and Marc Ambinder in the Atlantic shoots back at Palin's Washington Post editorial line by line. His translations of her key points:
  • Palin: "radical environmental movement." Ambinder: "overwhelming scientific consensus.

Palin to Obama: Boycott 'Politicized' Copenhagen

Climategate emails prove how flawed summit is

(Newser) - Contending that the so-called “Climategate” emails prove how politicized and flawed the ongoing summit is, Sarah Palin urges President Obama to boycott the Copenhagen gathering. “The agenda-driven policies being pushed in Copenhagen won’t change the weather,” she writes in the Washington Post , “but they would...

Overexposed in 2009
 Overexposed in 2009 

Overexposed in 2009

We'd like to see less of these people in 2010

(Newser) - Some of these people are great, some of them are scumbags, but all of them have one thing in common: we saw way too much of them this year. Michael Arceneaux of The Root thinks all of them should take a break in 2010.

Great Food-Throwing Moments
 Great Food-Throwing Moments 

Great Food-Throwing Moments

In honor of the tomato that almost hit Sarah Palin

(Newser) - Gawker is fully in favor of food-throwing, a la Sarah Palin’s tomato near-miss—and a host of other launched edibles that hit their targets. Noting that the long and storied history of people getting food tossed at them includes such luminaries as Richard Nixon and Ann Coulter, Adrian...

Foe Chucks Tomatoes at Palin, Hits Cop

Man busted after not-so-near miss at book signing

(Newser) - A Minnesota man is facing assault charges and taunts about his lousy aim after lobbing two tomatoes at Sarah Palin during a book signing yesterday. The man chucked the tomatoes from the second floor of the Mall of America in Bloomington as Palin signed autographs below. He missed by a...

Dad: Palin Left Hawaii Because of Minorities

Too many Asians, Pacific Islanders, he says in new book

(Newser) - In a new book, Sarah Palin’s father says one reason she cut short her college career in Hawaii was because the heavy minority population made her uncomfortable—and not, as she writes in her book, because “perpetual sunshine isn’t necessarily conducive to serious academics.” Lefty sites...

Palin: If I'd Won, Biden Would Be Going Rogaine
 Palin: If I'd Won, 
 Biden Would Be 
 Going Rogaine 

Palin: If I'd Won, Biden Would Be Going Rogaine

Would-be veep cracks on herself at journalists' dinner

(Newser) - Sarah Palin poked fun at herself in a speech to the Gridiron Club last night, drawing laughter when she announced she "came down from my hotel room and I could see the Russian Embassy." Other knee-slappers:
  • The 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate joked that she had originally thought

Palin Backs Off Birther Talk
 Palin Backs Off Birther Talk 

Palin Backs Off Birther Talk

Calls birth certificate hoopla 'stupid conspiracy' theory

(Newser) - Sarah Palin backpedaled mightily today on her comments that it was “fair” to question the legitimacy of President Obama’s birth certificate. On a radio show yesterday, Palin said voters were “rightfully making it an issue.” But at 1am today, a posting appeared on her Facebook page...

Sarah and Trig Emerge as Anti-Abortion Stars

Palin's Downs syndrome son a huge hit on the 'Going Rogue' tour

(Newser) - The anti-abortion movement has a new star, and his name is Trig. And, oh yeah, his mom Sarah Palin. While Palin has always been an abortion foe, her profile in the movement has soared since she left the Alaska governor's office, and especially since she started the Going Rogue tour....

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