Sarah Palin

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Thank (or Blame) Bush for Dave's Left Turn

 Thank (or Blame) 
 Bush for Dave's 
 Left Turn 
political comedy

Thank (or Blame) Bush for Dave's Left Turn

Letterman veers from apolitical-leaning-right to full-on liberal

(Newser) - The most telling thing David Letterman has said in a while may have been a brief comment he made last Monday, as he wrapped up an hour with President Obama: "I can't tell you how satisfying it is to watch you work," the famously crotchety Late Night ...

Paper Sorry for Calling Palin a 'Broad'

Alaska newspaper editor admits it was a pun, not a typo

(Newser) - Alaska’s Fairbanks Daily News-Miner has apologized for Wednesday’s front-page headline about Sarah Palin. Above a small picture of the ex-governor, who had spoken at a Hong Kong investors conference, the paper ran the headline, “A Broad in Asia.” The paper’s managing editor says it was...

In Hong Kong, Palin Blames Big Gov't for Crisis

Former Alaska governor tries to burnish foreign credentials

(Newser) - The global financial crisis was the fault of governments, not corporations, Sarah Palin told investors today at a closed-door talk in Hong Kong. In her first speaking engagement outside North America, the former Alaska governor said that "we got into this mess because of government interference in the first...

Obama's Guest Spot Points to Newly Political Letterman

Lineup coup as Dave veers toward politics

(Newser) - With President Obama tonight and Bill Clinton tomorrow, David Letterman is starting his new season with a bang—and a marked shift toward politics, the New York Times reports. Letterman, who chose to lay low in repeats last week as NBC trotted out big guests for Jay Leno's primetime debut,...

Facebook Queen Palin Grabs Headlines, Ducks Press

Sarah avoids traditional media with social networking sites

(Newser) - By remaining at the forefront of various political arguments while avoiding interviews and traditional politicking, Sarah Palin has boldly mastered a new political trick, reports Politico. The former Alaskan governor has relied almost solely on social networking new media, such as Facebook, to spread her message about "death panels"...

Huckabee Wins Conservative Straw Poll

Palin lags behind with Pawlenty, Romney, Pence

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee easily won a presidential straw poll today at a conference for social conservatives, Politico reports. The former Arkansas governor garnered 28% of 597 votes at the annual Values Voter Summit in Washington, DC. Tying for second, each with about 12% of the vote, were former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt...

Palin Won't Dine With Journo— Even for $60,000

Ex-governor nixes critical writer's bid in charity auction

(Newser) - A journalist willing to fork over $60,000 for a dinner with Sarah Palin found himself frozen out of a charity auction at the last minute, the Huffington Post reports. Joe McGinnis, a Palin critic who wrote a piece last fall slamming her handling of Alaska's gasline, slipped through the...

'Paris Hilton' Palin Perfect Politician for Internet Age

Resignation was genius move, writes Greg Beato

(Newser) - Politics is due for a shake-up of the kind the Internet gave to music and newspapers—and Sarah Palin looks like the only politician ready to deliver, Greg Beato writes in Reason. Palin's resignation makes her a true maverick, Beato writes. Just like Paris Hilton realized you don't need to...

Bush Disses Obama, Palin in Aide's Book

Obama 'has no clue,' while Palin isn't 'remotely prepared'

(Newser) - George Bush apparently didn't think much of Barack Obama as a candidate. “This is a dangerous world, and this cat isn’t remotely qualified to handle it," he's quoted in a new book as saying. "This guy has no clue, I promise you.” GQ has excerpts...

Palin Plans Media Kiss-Off for China Talk

Foray into foreign affairs will unfold behind closed doors

(Newser) - A speech Sarah Palin plans for later this month in Hong Kong won’t leave the room, CNN reports. Not only will reporters not be allowed in, but they won’t even know what they’re missing. “We are not disclosing the topic of Sarah Palin's presentation at this...

Fey Wins Emmy for Impersonating Palin

(Newser) - Tina Fey took home an Emmy tonight for her dead-on impersonation of Sarah Palin during the campaign, reports the Hollywood Reporter. Fey's work on Saturday Night Live won a Creative Arts Emmy—these honor guest spots and technical achievements, preceding next week's main ceremony—for best guest actress in a...

Obama Takes Shot at Palin's 'Lie' on Death Panels

President takes partisan tone in denouncing 'cynical and irresponsible' opponents

(Newser) - President Obama took a shot at Sarah Palin, among others, in calling out those who say his plan for health-care reform would create so-called “death panels” to decide on end-of-life care, Brian Beutler writes for Talking Points Memo. “It is a lie, plain and simple,” Obama said...

Palin Op-Ed a Shallow Ploy for Policy Cred: Ambinder

The former governor does has not done the hard work to become a leading voice on health care

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s got “every right” to write an opinion piece on health care reform. But, plainly, she does not have the right to be an influential voice in the debate, writes Marc Ambinder for the Atlantic. Her piece contains unoriginal ideas—replacing Medicare with vouchers—and smacks of...

Dinner With Sarah Palin: eBay Bids Start at $25K

Charity auctions meal with GOP star

(Newser) - For any wealthy Sarah Palin super-fans out there, this could be your chance: eBay is hosting an auction for a private dinner with the former Alaska governor and husband Todd—provided the winner passes a background check. Bidding starts at $25,000, and proceeds go to a charity that provides...

Obamacare Will Make Us Poorer, Palin Writes

Former Alaska governor says in op-ed she won the debate on 'death panels'

(Newser) - Ahead of Barack Obama's clutch address to Congress tonight, Sarah Palin writes in the Wall Street Journal that the president's health reform plan "will increase our deficit, decrease our paychecks, and increase the power of unaccountable government technocrats." In a surprisingly wonky op-ed, the former Alaska governor lambastes...

Letterman, Not Leno, 'Gets' Real America

(Newser) - David Letterman is handily beating his new late-night rival, Conan O’Brien, in the ratings—just not in some of the key, younger demographics. And that’s due to his singular, quirky charms, writes Peter W. Kaplan in New York, calling Letterman the “last grown-up on network television.”...

Palin's Goodbye Cost Alaska $40K —at Least

Figures are 'incredibly misleading:' Palin flack

(Newser) - Early estimates put the cost of Sarah Palin's midterm resignation as Alaska governor at a minimum of $40,000, not including a special legislative session partly linked to her departure. The preliminary figures obtained by the AP show it cost the state almost $14,100 for the July 26 swearing-in...

Things the Internet's Killed
 Things the Internet's Killed 

Things the Internet's Killed

(Newser) - The efficiencies granted by the Internet have rendered many aspects of life obsolete—the Telegraph has compiled a full 50. Some highlights:
  • The art of polite disagreement. A quick look at the comment section on YouTube or any news or politics-related site will confirm this.
  • Fear that you are alone

Collins: For Once, I'm on Sarah Palin's Side

Ex-boyfriend's assessment of Palin family is a mom's nightmare

(Newser) - In Levi Johnston’s Vanity Fair interview, he says the Palin family is “much different” from a “normal family”—but maybe he’s not the best judge, given that he’s “a 19-year-old high school dropout whose mother was arrested on six felony drug counts,”...

Levi Will Pose in His Skivvies for Playgirl

(Newser) - Levi Johnston apparently wasn’t joking when he said he’d be open to doing a nude photo shoot, Gawker reports. Well, not nude exactly, but the Alaska babydaddy is going to strip to his undies for Playgirl, now a website-only operation. "They're in final negotiations to get the...

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