Sarah Palin

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Bristol's Baby Daddy Denies 'Shotgun Wedding' Talk

In rare interview, Johnston says he likes Obama

(Newser) - Levi Johnston is perfectly happy to be marrying Bristol Palin, he told the AP in a rare interview today. “We were planning on getting married a long time ago,” he said, “with or without the kid.” Johnston, 18, says his much-discussed MySpace page, on which he...

Smears Could Cost McCain Fla.
 Smears Could 
 Cost McCain Fla. 

Smears Could Cost McCain Fla.

Risky strategy imperils prez bid

(Newser) - The Sunshine State is looking cloudy for John McCain, whose risky moves could cost him Florida, just as Rudy Giuliani's posturing sank him in the primary, novelist Carl Hiaasen writes for the Miami Herald. Polls show McCain forfeiting his lead, and his running mate isn't helping. Sarah Palin, Hiaasen snipes,...

Furor Ignites After Ga. Rep. Blasts McCain

Civil rights icon Lewis backs off Wallace comparison, but not far

(Newser) - A day after igniting tensions in both campaigns, civil rights icon John Lewis sought to soften remarks that seemed to compare John McCain to segregationist George Wallace, Politico reports. “It was not my intention or desire to do so,” Lewis said last night. “My statement was a...

Forget Sticks, Stones; Her Words Are Bullets
Forget Sticks, Stones; Her Words Are Bullets

Forget Sticks, Stones; Her Words Are Bullets

Palin's Obama rhetoric fans racist flames

(Newser) - The McCain campaign has crossed the line from negative campaigning to “inciting vigilantism” with racist tactics that should raise alarms about Barack Obama’s safety, writes Frank Rich in the New York Times. Particularly troubling is Sarah Palin’s repeated linking of Obama to “terrorists” and her refusal...

Philly Hockey Fans Jeer Palin

Candidate and daughters smile and wave to angry crowd

(Newser) - The world's most famous hockey mom was roundly booed during an appearance at a Philadelphia Flyers hockey game, reports the New York Daily News. Sarah Palin and daughters Bristol and Piper continued to smile and wave to the booing crowd as they walked onto the ice where the vice presidential...

Ethics Report Zeroes in on Todd Palin

First Dude had 'significant influence' over state politics

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is back in the headlines with official findings that she abused her power as governor of Alaska—but her husband is the main character in the 300-page tome issued by the state legislature last week, reports AP. Alaska's “First Dude” spent half his time in Palin’s...

What Happened to the Simple 'Thank You'?
What Happened to the Simple 'Thank You'?

What Happened to the Simple 'Thank You'?

From Nobel laureates to politicians, we're a world of ingrates

(Newser) - The Nobel Prize doesn’t always elicit the most noble appreciation from recipients, notes Meghan Daum, who gently chides Japanese physicist Toshihide Maskawa for calling the prize "mundane" this week. “It seems that old-fashioned graciousness is now considered yawningly mundane,” Daum writes in the Los Angeles Times....

Confident Palin: 'You Got to Read the Report'

She says she didn't abuse her power as Alaska governor

(Newser) - Sarah Palin says she did not abuse her power as governor, despite the findings of an ethics investigation, CNN reports. “If you read the report, you will see that there was nothing unlawful or unethical about replacing a cabinet member,” she said. The report, however, did not fault...

Pentecostal Questions Haunt Palin
Pentecostal Questions
Haunt Palin

Pentecostal Questions Haunt Palin

McCain may be avoiding pastor attacks to avoid focus on Palin's beliefs

(Newser) - John McCain has so far avoided attacking Barack Obama's controversial pastor in what may be a strategy to keep Sarah Palin's preachers out of the spotlight, Time reports. Palin officially left her Pentecostal church before campaigning for lieutenant governor but has made many return visits—including one in 2005 when...

Palin Abused Power in Trying to Can Trooper, Panel Says

But firing of comish is called 'proper'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin violated an Alaska ethics law as governor by trying to fire a state trooper divorced from her sister, state lawmakers ruled today. Palin also fired a state commissioner partly because he refused to can the trooper, but the legislative panel called that firing "a proper and lawful...

Limbaugh Lashes Out at Anti-Palin Pundit
Limbaugh Lashes Out at Anti-Palin Pundit

Limbaugh Lashes Out at Anti-Palin Pundit

'Wimp' columnist climbs into the mud with 'pig' radio host

(Newser) - Going so far as to call him a “pig,” Chicago Sun-Times columnist Mary Mitchell has launched a full-on war of words with Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh called Mitchell a "racist nutball" and ridiculed her and other “drive-by journalists” for saying Sarah Palin and John McCain should...

Palin, SNL Make a Date: Oct. 25

VP candidate scheduled for October 25

(Newser) - Sarah Palin will appear on Saturday Night Live after all, New York Post gossip columnist Cindy Adams reports. The VP candidate and her endearing near-profanities are scheduled to visit Rockefeller Center Oct. 25, a little more than a week before the election. Is a reverse lampooning of Tina Fey in...

Populism Killed the Republican Party
Populism Killed the Republican Party

Populism Killed the Republican Party

Anti-elite attitude personified by Palin drove away base

(Newser) - Anti-intellectual populism has reduced the Republicans to a resentful rump party, writes David Brooks in the New York Times. A movement that once prized good ideas began to rely on bashing the educated as a political tactic. “What had been a disdain for liberal intellectuals slipped into a disdain...

Anger Growing at GOP Rallies
 Anger Growing at GOP Rallies 

Anger Growing at GOP Rallies

McCain-Palin rallies taking an angry turn

(Newser) - With the polls going south for John McCain, the anger is becoming palpable at his campaign’s rallies, reports Politico. Party supporters are not only lashing out at Barack Obama—one audence member shouted "Terrorist" when McCain mentioned him—but they're frustrated that McCain isn't going into attack mode...

Palins Piled On Pressure for Trooper's Firing

'Obsessed' pair repeatedly contacted commissioner to slam trooper

(Newser) - Sarah Palin, her husband and officials from the governor's office made dozens of phone calls to Palin's public safety commissioner and his aides denouncing state trooper Mike Wooten, the New York Times reports. Walt Monegan, whose firing Palin claims was unrelated to the matter, says the governor and her husband...

Pro-Obama Media Let Him Slide on Specifics
Pro-Obama Media Let Him Slide on Specifics

Pro-Obama Media Let Him Slide on Specifics

Media have played softball with Democratic nominee

(Newser) - The mainstream media is quick to pounce on Sarah Palin for being short on specifics, but it's happy to give Barack Obama a free ride for the same shortcoming, writes Carrie Lukas in the National Review. Obama’s stands on issues such as trade (what exactly will he do with...

Alaska Court Won't Block Palin Probe

Ruling means Troopergate report will be released tomorrow

(Newser) - The Alaska State Supreme Court refused today to halt an ethics investigation into Gov. Sarah Palin. The ruling clears the way for lawmakers to release a report tomorrow on their investigation into whether Palin abused her power by firing her public safety commissioner to settle a family dispute. Republican lawmakers...

In Email In-Boxes, Obama Wins in a Spam-Slide

Unwanted emailers 6 times less likely to mention McCain

(Newser) - Spammers love Barack Obama, or at least love writing about him: He beats John McCain  six to one in spam mentions, reports Ars Technica. Obama mentions surged during the Republican National Convention last month, even though media coverage featured McCain more frequently than his opponent. Obama emails highlight religion and...

Palin Clashed With Fired Official Over Trig's Car Seat

Todd's Troopergate statement hints at bad blood with axed commissioner

(Newser) - Deep in the statement Todd Palin wrote to Troopergate investigators is a surprise history of his wife's long-standing feud with a fired Alaska safety commissioner—including clashing over her apparent failure to use a car safety seat for her baby son, Trig. The commissioner was not axed because he refused...

Palin's Rise Proves GOP Just Doesn't Care
Palin's Rise Proves GOP
Just Doesn't Care

Palin's Rise Proves GOP Just Doesn't Care

Governing not foremost in GOP's mind

(Newser) - If the polls are right, Republicans are about to lose the election, and when that happens Sarah Palin "will reign as the party’s crown princess,” writes Jay Bookman in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. That would be a travesty, because Palin epitomizes the reason Republicans are falling from favor:...

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