US military

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Taliban Is Paid to Protect US Supply Convoys
 Taliban Is Paid to Protect 
 US Supply Convoys 

Taliban Is Paid to Protect US Supply Convoys

US military funding Taliban through contractors

(Newser) - The Taliban is getting a big chunk of its financing by protecting supply convoys to the American military. Security contractors paid by the US to bring supplies into Afghanistan pay huge amounts of protection money to warlords and insurgents, an investigation by the Nation has discovered. Pentagon officials are aware...

'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Gone in 2010: Frank

Repeal will be part of next year's defense authorization bill

(Newser) - A provision repealing the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy will be included in the 2010 defense authorization bill, Rep. Barney Frank says. The authorization would see debate and a vote in spring and summer, and go into effect in October. “'Don’t ask, don’...

Nation Marks Veterans Day
 Nation Marks Veterans Day 

Nation Marks Veterans Day

Obama lays a wreath at Arlington

(Newser) - The nation honored its war veterans today at services around the country. President Obama laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington, telling vets and their families that "there is no tribute, no commemoration, no praise that can truly match the magnitude of your service and...

Body of Missing US Soldier Found in Afghan River

Second American is still missing, believed drowned

(Newser) - Military divers have found the body of a US soldier who disappeared last week with a fellow soldier as the two tried to recover airdropped supplies from a river in western Afghanistan. The two Americans, from the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, went missing Nov. 4 in Badghis...

Feds Point Fingers in Hasan Missteps

Fort Hood blame game begins

(Newser) - The FBI and the Pentagon are fighting off accusations that someone dropped the ball on Fort Hood shooter Nidal Malik Hasan. Department of Defense officials say that the FBI never notified them that Hasan had been in contact with extremist imam Anwar al-Aulaqi, while the FBI's defenders say that his...

Hasan Warned of Threat From Muslims in Military
Hasan Warned of Threat
From Muslims in Military

Hasan Warned of Threat From Muslims in Military

Fort Hood suspect spoke of suicide bombings in 2007 lecture

(Newser) - Nidal Hasan warned that "adverse events" could occur if Muslims weren't allowed to leave the US military in a bizarre presentation he gave to Army physicians in 2007 at the end of his residency at Walter Reed Medical Center. The psychiatrist lectured senior doctors on Islam, the Koran, and...

CBS: Prez Will Grant McChrystal Troop Request

White House denies decision made

(Newser) - President Obama has decided to grant Gen. Stanley McChrystal's request for a large and long-term increase in US forces in Afghanistan, according to CBS and AP , which cite "informed sources." The president will give the general almost all the troops he has asked for, boosting the size of...

At Fort Hood, Only Numbness
 At Fort Hood, Only Numbness 

At Fort Hood, Only Numbness

No big displays for 13 dead in place that has seen 8 years of death

(Newser) - Death is no stranger at Fort Hood, where eight years of war have spawned a numbness that persists even after last week's shootings. No large-scale memorials have been made in honor of the 13 dead; the only signs of the tragedy are lowered flags and a small bouquet and balloon...

Muslims in US Military Suffer Conflicts, Criticism

Face distrust from military, flak from mosques

(Newser) - As the American Muslim community takes pains to distance itself from Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the Fort Hood shootings add misery to the already complicated lives of Muslims serving in the armed forces. Drawn to the military by patriotism, Muslim soldiers arrive in Afghanistan or Iraq to find themselves confronting...

2 US Pilots Die in Iraq Chopper Crash

'Hard landing' north of Baghdad yesterday

(Newser) - A chopper's "hard landing" in Salahuddin province north of Baghdad took the lives of two US pilots yesterday, bringing the total count of Americans killed in Iraq since the war began in March 2003 to at least 4,361. The military released no further details about the crash, but...

Rattled Residents Flood Local Churches
 Rattled Residents 
 Flood Local Churches 
fort hood shooting

Rattled Residents Flood Local Churches

Some offer prayers for alleged shooter's family

(Newser) - Church attendance was up today in the area around Fort Hood, Texas, where at least one congregation heard a somewhat unexpected appeal. "Lord, we pray for Major Hasan‘s family, who find themselves in a position no one wants to be in—to try and explain the unexplainable,"...

Army Lists the 13 Victims

 Army Lists the 13 Victims 

Army Lists the 13 Victims

They range in age from 19 to 62

(Newser) - The 13 people killed at Fort Hood ranged in age from 19 to 62 and came from all parts of the country. For more details, click on the source links above at right. The victims are:
  • Maj. Libardo Caraveo, 52, Woodbridge, Va.
  • Spec. Frederick Greene, 29, Mountain City, Tenn.
  • Michael

Honor Hero Cop: End Ban on Women in Combat

Time to wrap up the military's 'failed social experiment'

(Newser) - Thursday’s shooting rampage at Fort Hood was just the latest example of how there really is no front line for US troops these days; Iraq and Afghanistan are entirely battlefields. So women are already, in effect, in combat, and anyone wanting still more proof that they can handle it...

Military Needs Muslims —and Worries About Them

Fort Hood shooter reflects conflicted loyalties, pressures

(Newser) - It's a double-bind for the US military: They desperately need more Muslims in the armed services, both for their language skills and their cultural expertise, but they worry that some soldiers might be vulnerable to co-option by insurgents or extremists. Since the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, Muslims have been...

2 American NATO Troops Missing in Afghanistan

Western region has seen a recent uptick in violence

(Newser) - Two NATO soldiers have been missing in Western Afghanistan since Wednesday after a routine supply mission went awry. “We continue exhaustive search and rescue operations to locate our missing service members,” a NATO spokesperson tells the BBC . “We are doing everything we can to find them.”...

Hero Cop Took Down Shooter in 'Amazing Performance'

Swiftly responding officer shot once as she put 4 in Hasan

(Newser) - Sgt. Kimberly Munley, a civilian police officer, has earned the highest praise for taking down the Fort Hood gunman. She and her partner responded to the scene within 3 minutes, base commander Lt. Gen. Robert Cone reports, and she pumped four bullets into Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, from just a...

Fort Hood Death Toll Hits 13
 Fort Hood Death Toll Hits 13 

Fort Hood Death Toll Hits 13

SWAT teams, FBI scour suspect's home

(Newser) - The death toll from yesterday's shootings at Fort Hood hit 13 early this morning after a woman died of her injuries, a military spokeswoman says. A SWAT team and FBI agents raided the Killeen, Texas, home of suspected shooter Nidal Malik Hasan overnight in an effort to learn what could...

12 Dead, 31 Wounded in Fort Hood Shootings

Soldier gunman is dead; two other suspects are in custody

(Newser) - Twelve people are dead and 31 wounded after a shooting spree at Fort Hood, the Texas Army base. One shooter is among the dead and two more suspects are in custody. All are US soldiers, said an Army official. All the casualties took place at the base's Soldier Readiness Center,...

US Airman Shot Dead in Mexican Strip Bar

Sergeant among 6 killed by suspected drug cartel hitmen

(Newser) - An off-duty US Air Force sergeant was among six people shot dead at a Mexican strip club last night. Hooded men armed with automatic weapons entered the club in Ciudad Juarez and sought out the victims. "It appears drugs were being sold at the place," a military official...

Manage Like a Marine

 Manage Like a Marine 
Corporate Leadership

Manage Like a Marine

Officers outline similarities between Iraq and the office

(Newser) - Marine officers Timothy Saint and Nicholas Smith "learned a lot about leadership and management that we wish someone had told us as boot lieutenants" during their service in Iraq, and most of it applies to young managers in the corporate world. They provide some guidance on Business Insider :
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