
11 Stories

When Other Pets Die, Cats Go Into Mourning
When Pets in the House
Die, Cats Go Into Mourning

When Pets in the House Die, Cats Go Into Mourning

New research suggests kitties grieve the loss of other pets they live with, both cats and dogs

(Newser) - Past studies have suggested that cats aren't as aloof and uncaring about what's going on around them as they might seem, and now a new one lends some weight to that. Researchers out of Michigan's Oakland University say that when other pets in the household die, cats...

Toronto Is Running Out of Burial Space
Toronto Is Running Out
of Burial Space

Toronto Is Running Out of Burial Space

The Local looks at the complex dynamics at play in the bereavement industry

(Newser) - Residents of Toronto who aim to be buried in their city better be planning ahead. Because as Inori Roy reports in the Local , the city is quickly running out of burial space. Advocates have been raising the alarm for years, and the issue is coming to a head. The city...

Vatican Bends Its Rules Regarding Ashes of the Dead

Families may request to keep a small portion, so long as the rest resides in a sacred space

(Newser) - The Vatican has slightly softened its stance when it comes to the ashes of the dead, saying Tuesday that Catholic families may keep a small portion of their relative's cremated ashes in a "place of significance" to them rather than in a church or cemetery. It's the...

Exhibit: Mrs. Lincoln's 'Erratic' Behavior Was Due to Grief

She wasn't insane, just feeling deep loss of her husband, 3 children, per exhibit at Lincoln museum

(Newser) - After Abraham Lincoln's assassination in April 1865, his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, descended into a cycle of what calls "erratic" behavior, complete with "unearthly shrieks" and "terrible convulsions." This behavior, considered an improper attention-grab at the time for women of her stature, led...

NZ OKs Paid Leave for Parents Grieving 'Strange, Secret Birth'

Kiwis approve legislation that gives couples 3 days off to deal with loss after miscarriage or stillbirth

(Newser) - "A miscarriage is a strange, secret birth that is also a death," wrote Kathryn van Beek in 2018 after suffering her own. That's why the New Zealand author is celebrating this week after her country's Parliament gave the green light to legislation that will offer three...

Getting Fired Can Be Harder Than Losing a Spouse
Getting Fired Can Be Harder
Than Losing a Spouse

Getting Fired Can Be Harder Than Losing a Spouse

Unemployment is a blip on the record that doesn't go away

(Newser) - Here's something you might not want to forward to your significant other: You're likely to recover from losing him or her faster than you would recover from losing your job. So say researchers at the University of East Anglia and the What Works Center for Wellbeing in the...

Facebook to Employees: Take Time to Grieve

Extends paid bereavement leave to 20 days for immediate family, 10 days for extended

(Newser) - When Sheryl Sandberg's husband, Dave Goldberg, died unexpectedly nearly two years ago, the Facebook executive's life was completely upended. During her time away from work as she mourned, she realized how important it was for her to be spending that time with her children. "Amid the nightmare...

American Airlines Drops Bereavement Discounts

Move puts it in sync with new partner US Airways

(Newser) - American Airlines has ended its policy of extending special fares to passengers who must book a last-minute flight because of a relative's death. The move brings American in line with the policy at merger partner US Airways , which does not offer bereavement fares. American didn't have a specific...

William Opens Up on Loss of 'Mummy'

He becomes patron of child bereavement charity

(Newser) - Prince William makes his first public acknowledgment about the grief he felt after losing his mother in a Daily Mirror essay. "Never being able to say the word 'Mummy' again in your life sounds like a small thing," he writes. "However, for many, including me, it's now...

You Can Die of a Broken Heart: Studies

Elderly at risk when spouse dies; 'it's about connection'

(Newser) - Turns out you can die of a broken heart, especially if you’re elderly and your longtime partner passes first, MSNBC reports. More studies are buttressing what had long been an anecdotal belief: that bereaved spouses face an increased risk of death within months of their partner passing. The leading...

Wounded Warriors Saluted at Pentagon

Quiet indoor ceremony honors injured

(Newser) - A poignant and little-known ceremony featuring wounded vets is held privately indoors at the Pentagon every six weeks, reports the Wall Street Journal. It's called the "Wounded Warrior March." Hundreds of Defense Department employees line the corridors of the Pentagon to applaud, cheer, shake hands, or hug servicemen...

11 Stories