Mike Huckabee

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Poll: Clinton Still Ahead but Obama Support Surging

GOP field still wide open, Rudy's numbers slipping

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is still in first place among Democratic presidential hopefuls nationwide, despite a substantial 12% leap in support for Barack Obama since early December, finds  the latest Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll. Clinton leads Obama 42% to 33%, with John Edwards trailing at 11%. Asked to pick between Clinton and...

NY State of Mind? Rudy Has Florida Headache

Poll shows onetime leader third in state

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani’s campaign continues to crumble in Florida, the Miami Herald reports. The GOP challenger has slipped to third in a new poll among likely Florida voters, putting him in a tie with virtual no-show Mike Huckabee. Despite weeks of vigorous campaigning in the state, Giuliani “has virtually...

Wonks Ponder Thompson Fallout
Wonks Ponder Thompson Fallout

Wonks Ponder Thompson Fallout

Romney, Huckabee likely to benefit, unless he endorses McCain

(Newser) - Pollsters are placing bets on who disbanded Thompsonites will turn to in Florida. With most calling themselves "very conservative" evangelicals, they will likely support Huckabee or Romney, one pollster says. But Thompson could throw a curve and endorse John McCain, his old Senate buddy, the Washington Post reports.

'Likable, Schmikable'... Right?
'Likable, Schmikable'... Right?

'Likable, Schmikable'... Right?

What are voters responding to in evaluating a candidate's likability?

(Newser) - “Likable, schmikable. Isn't the nation at war?” asks the Chicago Tribune's Julia Keller. Yet America's love for likable candidates (think George W. Bush) took center stage at a recent debate when Barack Obama defended Hillary Clinton's likability. Some candidates have won without it, but it gives voters "a...

Huckabee May Cut Losses, Bail on Fla.

Cash-strapped campaign weighs focusing on other states

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee is starting to hedge his bets in Florida. He's no longer making travel arrangements for journalists and may leave the state before Tuesday's primary to focus on his best Super Duper Tuesday prospects. “I don’t want to abandon Florida yet,” he said last night, but...

King's Church Rings With Praise
King's Church Rings With Praise

King's Church Rings With Praise

Bill Clinton, Huckabee pay respects to civil rights leader

(Newser) - The Atlanta church where Martin Luther King Jr. preached his message of racial equality rang with praise today for the slain civil rights leader, reports the AP. Hundreds of notables, including Bill Clinton, Mike Huckabee, and Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin, crammed into Ebenezer Baptist Church. "King's legacy gives light...

Fla. Holds the Key for GOP
Fla. Holds the Key for GOP

Fla. Holds the Key for GOP

Sunshine State can boost, dash electoral dreams

(Newser) - The Republican field has made a mad dash for wide-open Florida, where Mike Huckabee prays for the Panhandle pious, John McCain hustles veterans, and Rudy Giuliani reminds ex-New Yorkers how much he did for them. The Jan. 29 primary is the first closed contest, meaning McCain can’t rely on...

Huckabee Sets Sights on Texas, Newly Relevant

Sidekick Norris calls McCain too old to be president

(Newser) - The odds are increasingly good that despite Super Tuesday's upgrade to "Duper," no obvious winner in either party will emerge by February 5. That means the March 4 Texas primary, largely written off earlier, may play a critical role in deciding nominees for both parties. Huckabee hosted the...

Rudy Scrambles to Catch Up in Florida

As rivals edge up in polls, Giuliani's focus on single state is questioned

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani's strategy of skipping ahead to Florida could still pay off big, or could leave him dead in the Gulf Coast water, reports the Guardian. Giuliani is now pulling out all the stops as he sinks behind John McCain in polls, and the rest of the field joins the...

Thompson Isn't Out of It&mdash;Yet
Thompson Isn't Out of It—Yet

Thompson Isn't Out of It—Yet

Disappointing result for GOP hopeful SC but he's not giving up yet

(Newser) - GOP presidential hopeful Fred Thompson said yesterday he needed a win in South Carolina to keep his campaign alive, but he hasn't officially pulled out—yet—despite a distant third-place 16% of the vote to frontrunner John McCain's 33%. But the writing seems to be on the wall, reports the...

McCain Wins Tight Race in SC
McCain Wins Tight Race in SC

McCain Wins Tight Race in SC

He edges Huckabee in nation's first Southern primary

(Newser) - John McCain reclaimed the ever-elusive momentum in the GOP race tonight with a narrow victory over Mike Huckabee in South Carolina, the State reports. McCain got 33% of the vote to Huckabee's 30%. Fred Thompson, for whom South Carolina was a make-or-break state, finished a distant third (16%), just ahead...

'08 Prez Campaigns Going Broke
'08 Prez Campaigns Going Broke

'08 Prez Campaigns Going Broke

Early spending saps all coffers ... except Romney's

(Newser) - Despite record fund-raising, top presidential hopefuls in both parties have blown almost all of their cash, the New York Times reports. Efforts to knock out opponents early have cost candidates at least $320 million, or 80% of what they have raised. With Super Tuesday fast approaching, “there is definitely...

Romney Wins Silver State Caucuses
Romney Wins Silver State Caucuses

Romney Wins Silver State Caucuses

Ron Paul takes second place in surprise finish

(Newser) - Mitt Romney won the Nevada Republican caucuses today, the AP reports, his second straight victory. Romney nabbed 51% of the vote with nearly all returns in. In a surprise, Ron Paul (14%) edged past John McCain (13) to take second place. Fred Thompson and Mike Huckabee both got 8%, and...

Rain Turns Out for GOP SC Primary, Too

Bland candidates, not weather, may keep voters at home

(Newser) - Today's forecast for parts of South Carolina calls for up to 3 inches of snow, but analysts say if turnout is low in today’s GOP primary, it’ll be because of the candidates, not the weather. Times have changed: “People would have walked through broken glass in their...

Huckabee Aims to Strike Balance
Huckabee Aims to Strike Balance

Huckabee Aims to Strike Balance

After SC, ex-preacher must reach beyond evangelical base

(Newser) - As he looks beyond South Carolina, Mike Huckabee strives to balance his evangelicalism with a more secular image, hoping to win support across the spectrum, the New York Times reports. Though a Christian vote even bigger than Iowa's could carry him in today's primary, the ex-preacher will soon face voters...

Black Dem Voters Like Obama by 28%
Black Dem Voters Like Obama by 28%

Black Dem Voters Like Obama by 28%

Hopeful passes Clinton after strong runs in Iowa, New Hampshire

(Newser) - Black Democrats are now backing Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton by 28% after he won in Iowa and took a close second in New Hampshire, according to a new national poll. "Now they believe" he can win the presidency, a CNN analyst said. But both hopefuls lost ground among...

Huckabee Bids for SC Bounce
Huckabee Bids for SC Bounce

Huckabee Bids for SC Bounce

GOP hopeful's comments in spotlight as polls show tie with McCain

(Newser) - With Mike Huckabee drawing attention in South Carolina for remarks about the Confederate flag and gay marriage, new polls have the former Arkansas governor drawing even with—or ahead of—John McCain ahead of tomorrow's Republican presidential primary. Huckabee stood up yesterday for the right of sons of the South...

McCain, Clinton Lead Polls on Eve of Votes

Candidates hope for edge in SC primary, Nev. caucuses

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and John McCain lead their fields 1 day before important contests in Nevada and South Carolina, Reuters reports. In Nevada, a Reuters/Zogby poll puts Clinton up 42% to 37% over Barack Obama, with John Edwards at 12%. In South Carolina, the poll has John McCain at 29%, ahead...

National Effort Straining Huck
National Effort Straining Huck

National Effort Straining Huck

Early success leaves campaign stretched thin for countrywide push

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee's campaign is still in post-Iowa shock, trying to figure how it can run nationally with a miniature war chest and paltry organization. The GOP candidate has no offices in any of the 21 states that vote Feb. 5—save in hometown Little Rock—and his third-place finish in...

McCain Leads in 2 SC Polls
McCain Leads in 2 SC Polls

McCain Leads in 2 SC Polls

Three new studies give berth to Arizona senator

(Newser) - John McCain leads the pack in the GOP race for South Carolina, two new polls show, with Mike Huckabee in second place, the State reports. A Reuters/C-Span/Zogby poll updated today gives McCain 29% of voters to Huckabee's 22%; Fred Thompson follows with 14% and Mitt Romney 12%. Clemson University also...

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