Mike Huckabee

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Huckabee Foes Put Spotlight on Ethics

As he surges ahead in polls, opponents uncover past problems

(Newser) - As former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee moves to the front of the Republican field, rivals have been digging up ethics complaints from his time in office, reports Politico. Critics of Huckabee, who now trails only Mitt Romney in Iowa, have uncovered a host of  complaints against him involving his management...

Poll: Iowa Loves Huckabee
Poll: Iowa Loves Huckabee

Poll: Iowa Loves Huckabee

Eclipses rivals to challenge GOP front runner

(Newser) - Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee is making a come-from-behind surge in Iowa, sweeping past Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson and John McCain to challenge front runner Mitt Romney. Huckabee has tripled his support in Iowa since July, reports the Washington Post. His drive is being fueled by support from Christian conservatives,...

One Who Just Won't Love Huck
One Who
Just Won't
Love Huck

One Who Just Won't Love Huck

National media ignoring hokey hopeful's dirty past, says old nemesis

(Newser) - GOP longshot Mike Huckabee has a national rep for being funny and lovable, but one newspaper editor’s got a bone to pick. The Huckabee that governed Arkansas opposed the arts and evolution, pillaged government coffers, and destroyed all hard drives when he left office, writes Max Brantley in Salon....

He Could Still Be a Contender in Iowa

Folksy Huckabee is spiking in money, popularity

(Newser) - Team Huckabee’s been bringing in extra chairs to campaign events in Iowa. The Arkansas governor is busting out of the second tier there, with growing fundraising numbers and conservative popularity that could earn him a primary upset, the New York Times reports. The friendliest candidate in the GOP race...

Paul Pulls In Record Haul From Web
Paul Pulls In Record Haul From Web

Paul Pulls In Record Haul From Web

Supporters of GOP candidate raise $4.2M in single day

(Newser) - Ron Paul raised $4.2 million online yesterday, the biggest single-day haul of any Republican candidate in the field, the AP reports. Paul's supporters staged a fund-raising binge connected to the observance of Guy Fawkes Day, a 17th-century British rebel. The huge take speaks to the incredible buzz the libertarian...

Romney Rules Iowa Poll; Clinton and Obama Tied

Edwards falls off; Huckabee climbs

(Newser) - Mitt Romney continues to build a massive lead in Iowa, where his only vulnerability seems to comes from the Christian conservative dash to Mike Huckabee; Romney is up 8.4% since August to a total of 36.2% in a University of Iowa poll out today, while Huckabee has spiked...

Why Doesn’t the Right Embrace Huckabee?

Christian leaders care about tax breaks, not charity, NYT argues

(Newser) - Why is it that leaders of the religious right aren’t rallying behind authentically conservative Mike Huckabee, wonders  New York Times columnist Gail Collins. Huckabee—who Collins notes is “on his first wife and first position on abortion”—is the obvious conservative choice, she proposes, but Values Voter...

Rivals Boast Right Stuff in Fight for Conservative Cred

Who is the right-est one of all?

(Newser) - Republican presidential hopefuls fought bitterly over who has the best conservative credentials in an Orlando, Fla., forum last night. Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee cited their conservative executive experience, while John McCain and Fred Thompson touted conservative Senate voting records. Giuliani generally sparred with Thompson, and McCain with...

Values Voters Pick Romney, Barely
Values Voters Pick Romney, Barely

Values Voters Pick Romney, Barely

Straw poll puts Huckabee 2nd; Paul beats Thompson

(Newser) - Mitt Romney came home with a slim lead over Mike Huckabee in yesterday's straw poll at the Family Research Council's Values Voters Summit in Washington, reports CNN. Romney won nearly 28% of the 5,776 conservative Christian votes, with the former Arkansas governor falling just 30 votes behind. Ron Paul...

Giuliani: Fear Not, Conservatives
Giuliani: Fear Not, Conservatives

Giuliani: Fear Not, Conservatives

GOP front-runner promotes shared values on Iraq and judges, admits to differences

(Newser) - Conservatives at the Value Voters Summit in Washington, DC, gave Giuliani polite applause today as he admitted his moderate-to-liberal views on abortion and other issues, the AP reports. He stressed shared stands on Iraq, school choice and conservative judges, but kept mum about gay marriage. "We may not always...

Christian Right Isn't Singing the Praises of GOP Candidates

Evangelicals meet today to seek agreement

(Newser) - Crowded as the GOP field may be, the religious right can't  seem to find a congenial candidate. The Washington Post reports that evangelicals—today beginning a 2-day summit—remain unmoved no matter how sweetly Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, and John McCain come calling. And the idea of a Rudy Guiliani...

Brownback to Quit GOP Race
Brownback to Quit GOP Race

Brownback to Quit GOP Race

(Newser) - Sam Brownback will withdraw from the GOP primaries as early as tomorrow, sources tell the AP. The conservative senator’s fundraising abilities apparently didn't keep pace with his presidential ambitions; his campaign reported raising only $800,000 in the third quarter. “I know Senator Brownback enjoyed campaigning and meeting...

Christian Right Seeks Rudy Alternative

If the faithful can't find a candidate soon, he'll be the winner

(Newser) - The religious right’s failure to coalesce around anyone in the GOP’s top presidential tier could throw the party’s nomination to socially liberal Rudy Giuliani, the Los Angeles Times reports. By favoring unrealistic candidates such as Brownback and Huckabee, and doubting the conservative zeal of Romney and Thompson,...

Mitt's Blasts at 'Broken' Washington Risk GOP Ire

Romney distances himself from the president

(Newser) - White House hopeful Mitt Romney is distancing himself from President Bush in his TV ads and public statements—risking the ire of Republican primary voters who still support the president's most controversial policies. Romney's new theme is that the Republican party has been led off course, reports the Los Angeles ...

Still in Love With Jumpin' Jack Flash

Even GOP candidate fawns over rock stars, Washington Post says

(Newser) - Rock stars snort powders and cremated parents, promote thuggish personas, and do it all for a corporate dollar – yet we only love them all the more, says the Washington Post’s Robin Givhan. Even Mike Huckabee revealed his un-GOP admiration for Keith Richards, pardoning his reckless driving charge and...

Edwards Vows to Ax Hacks
Edwards Vows to Ax Hacks

Edwards Vows to Ax Hacks

Dem posits ‘Brownie’s Law’ as cure for cronyism

(Newser) - John Edwards added a little stand-up to his routine yesterday, drawing laughter from a New Orleans university crowd as he proposed a law against political hacks running amok in Washington. He called it “Brownie’s Law,” referring to FEMA’s Michael Brown—and Bush’s back-slapping remark: "...

GOP Is Chasing Away Latino Voters
GOP Is Chasing Away Latino Voters

GOP Is Chasing Away Latino Voters

Immigration policy hurting party, says American Prospect

(Newser) - With 69% of Latino voters going Democratic in 2006, anti-immigration sentiment among GOP presidential hopefuls may only serve to turn off the remaining 30. Meanwhile, the Latino population is growing, especially in swing states. "Even Texas could become a swing state a couple of elections from now," the...

Runner-up Huckabee Big Winner in Iowa

Showing could catapult GOP longshot into top echelon

(Newser) - Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee was a surprise winner in Iowa's straw poll yesterday when he came in a strong second, which may have catapulted him into the top tier. He pulled 18.1% of the vote to Mitt Romney’s 31.5%. Huckabee's performance is particularly impressive given that he...

From Whispers, GOP Hopefuls Aim for a Roar

Backchannel back-stabbing on rise ahead of Iowa poll

(Newser) - With second-tier candidates sensing that Saturday's straw poll may be their last, best chance to stay in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, Iowa is abuzz with whispering campaigns, Slate's John Dickerson says. The homegrown negative ads are a major tool for cash-poor politicians with names like Tancredo, Brownback...

GOP Voters Undecided, Unhappy
GOP Voters Undecided, Unhappy

GOP Voters Undecided, Unhappy

'None of the above' leads Republican hopefuls; Dems heavily favor Clinton

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani has the support of 21% of Republicans in a new poll—down from 27% in June, which is bad enough, and second to the most popular option: none of the above. John McCain stands fourth, a notch below undeclared candidate Fred Thompson, in the most recent AP-Ipsos poll,...

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