
Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>

Dutch Move to Block Teen's Around-the-World Solo Sail

(Newser) - Dutch authorities have gone to court to demand custody of a 13-year-old girl to block her planned solo sail around the world, reports the BBC. The girl's parents have already been denied permission for her to miss two years of school for the adventure. Laura Dekker, who has sailed since...

Brit Gang Uses Snake to Attack Teen

(Newser) - A gang of young British toughs armed with snakes used a python to bite a teen they pinned to a wall, reports the Guardian. The 14-year-old boy is recovering with two puncture wounds in his hand. He suffered breathing difficulties, but paramedics say that was due to panic and not...

My Pen Pal, John Hughes
My Pen Pal, John Hughes

My Pen Pal, John Hughes

Teen approached iconic filmmaker, who responded with kindness, advice

(Newser) - For one teenage fan in the 1980s, John Hughes was more than just a director; he was her pen pal. "He made me feel like what I said mattered," a grieving Alison Byrne Fields writes on her blog. They corresponded for 2 years, and "he loved...

Teen Beaten to Death at Camp for Internet Addicts

Staff killed 16-year-old for running too slowly

(Newser) - A Chinese teen was beaten to death by staff at a boot camp in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the Global Times reports. The parents of Deng Senshan, 16, paid $1,024 to send him to the Guangxi Qihang Survival Training Camp to cure his Internet addiction. Deng was put in...

Kia Soul Sport Better 'Beat Box' Than Vehicle

Should score with its target market, who want 'hearing damage'

(Newser) - The 2010 Kia Soul Sport isn’t “fun to drive,” but that doesn’t mean it won’t be fun for its target drivers, “audio-obsessed teens and 20-somethings,” writes Dan Neil in the Los Angeles Times. Priced under $20,000, it’s “a cool-looking little...

Kudrow: Making Friends Was Hell

(Newser) - Funny, goofy Lisa Kudrow lived through hell making friends—back in high school. "I used to cry every night," she tells the Telegraph. "With high school, for many people, it’s just a case of trying to keep breathing and getting through it." The former Friends ...

Retailers Pitch Tweens, Moms Age-Appropriate Wares

Marketers seek positive messages for their products

(Newser) - Tween girls are a $43 billion market—but they’re not the ones with the wallets. Marketers are aiming for parents concerned about kids facing a barrage of ads that may not be “age-appropriate,” the Washington Times reports. “Many products are about making them older faster, but...

Teen Pregnancies, STDs Increase: CDC

Figures raise concerns after positive trends

(Newser) - After declining in 1991-2005, the US teen birth rate climbed in 2006 and 2007, HealthDay News reports. Crunching numbers from 2002-07, the Centers for Disease Control found a number of trends had flatlined or worsened after a period of improvement.
  • 2004 saw 745,000 pregnancies among females under 20, including

Razors Snip Pubes in Hair-Raising Trend

More men opting for 'back, crack, and sack'

(Newser) - Pornographers have proved prescient yet again: The industry’s obsession with shaving pubic hair has reached mainstream society, including teens, in a trend that’s puzzling experts and portraying the hirsute as freaks, Der Spiegel reports. One German poll found 50% of women and 25% of men trim or remove...

Girls Bond, Boys Compete: Brain Study

Scans confirm gender split on one-on-one interaction

(Newser) - Ever wonder why girls are so fixated on swapping friendship bracelets? They may just be wired that way, according to a new study. Using MRIs to look inside tweens' and teens' brains, researchers found that one-on-one interactions got girls’ synapses firing, Time reports. Boys focused less on other individuals than...

Calif. Teen Finishes Record Round-the-World Sail

Zac Sunderland, 17, breaks record for youngest person to sail around the world

(Newser) - Zac Sunderland, 17, returned to Los Angeles today, completing a 13-month journey and earning the title of youngest sailor ever to circumnavigate the globe, the Times reports. Sunderland, of Thousand Oaks, Calif., was greeted by cheering crowds aboard yachts and sailboats. He traveled 25,000 miles, crossing three oceans and...

Harry Potter Is Neutering America
 Harry Potter Is 
 Neutering America 

Harry Potter Is Neutering America

At the box office, the chaste rule, writer says

(Newser) - Remember the old teen sex comedies, where hormones ruled and no one talked about their feelings? Hollywood doesn't, ST VanAirsdale writes in Esquire. Today's sexless blockbusters—think the Harry Potter flicks and Twilight—reflect how "our PG-13 imperative has scrubbed mass culture of its libido." The new leading...

15% of Teens Expect to Die Young

Expectation linked to risky behavior

(Newser) - Teenagers who engage in risky behavior may do so because they believe they’re going to die young anyway, and may create a self-fulfilling prophecy with that belief, reports the Minneapolis Star Tribune. A study that tracked 20,000 kids in grades 7 through 12 found that 15% thought they...

Family Moves Double Teen Suicide Risk

(Newser) - Teens forced to move often by their parents’ jobs are much more likely to attempt suicide than those who stay put, MSNBC reports. Kids between 11 and 17 who moved three or more times were twice as likely to try to kill themselves as children who grew up in the...

'Gay Exorcism' at Conn. Church Draws Ire of Rights Groups

Boy, 16, thrashes and vomits in YouTube clip

(Newser) - A Connecticut church is under fire for performing a “gay exorcism,” WPIX-TV reports. A video posted on YouTube (since removed) by Manifested Glory Ministries shows priests commanding “homosexual demons” to leave the body of a 16-year-old boy. During the ritual the boy thrashes around, and even vomits....

Let's Teach Teens How to Drink (Wisely)
 Let's Teach Teens 
 How to Drink (Wisely) 

Let's Teach Teens How to Drink (Wisely)

(Newser) - It's time to stop treating underage drinking like a joke—5,000 deaths and 100,000 sexual assaults a year should make that clear—and give states the freedom to get creative with their laws, writes John McCardell in the Atlantic. The federal age-21 restriction only pushes the drinking underground...

ADHD Drugs Linked to Teen Sudden Death

Children, teens who died suddenly likelier to have been on meds that those killed in car crashes

(Newser) - A new study suggests that taking ADHD drugs like Ritalin puts young people at a higher risk of sudden cardiac death, WebMd reports. Children in the study who died suddenly and inexplicably were six to seven times likelier to have been taking ADHD medication containing stimulants.

Teen Suspect Arrested in Fla. Cat Killings

Murders spawned 1,000-member Facebook group

(Newser) - Miami police arrested a teenager today in connection with a high-profile series of cat-killings, the Miami Herald reports. Accused of mutilating and killing more than a dozen cats, Tyler Hayes Weinman, 18, was charged with animal cruelty, improperly disposing of an animal body, and burglary. Residents alerted police to Weinman,...

Blonds Have More Skin Cancer

(Newser) - Blonds and redheads are three times more likely to develop skin cancer, as are those who worked jobs outside through their teenage years, the Age reports. A new study has identified six factors that increase the likelihood of developing a melanoma, which also includes a significantly freckled upper back. For...

AIDS Victim Infected by Dad Vows to Fight On

(Newser) - Brryan Jackson wasn’t supposed to live. Injected with HIV-positive blood by his father at 11 months of age, Jackson has grown into a compassionate teenage advocate for AIDS sufferers. Graduating from high school near St. Louis yesterday, he vowed to go into politics. More remarkably, he has forgiven his...

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>