
Stories 481 - 500 | << Prev   Next >>

US Teen Births Rise for First Time in 15 Years

Some experts are blaming abstinence-only sex ed

(Newser) - Teenage births have risen in the US for the first time in 15 years, say government statisticians. CDC officials say it's too early to tell whether the data represent a statistical blip or a real trend. But some experts blame the spike on the administration's focus on abstinence-only sex education,...

NZ Teenager Is Alleged Hacker Mastermind

'AKILL' was under 18 when he reportedly led hacks that cost $20M

(Newser) - New Zealand police working with FBI today took into custody an 18-year-old accused of leading a cybercrime network responsible for $20 million worth of damage. Known by the name “AKILL,” the alleged teenaged mastermind wrote software that could control computers and then sold his skills to other hackers....

UK Teens Guilty of Cocaine Smuggling in Ghana

16-year-olds may spend three years in detention

(Newser) - Two 16-year-olds were found guilty today of attempting to sneak $600,000 of cocaine from Ghana to Britain, the Times reports. The conviction could mean up to three years in a Ghanaian juvenile detention center for the British girls, who claimed they had been set up when they were arrested...

Bullying Cases Spike in Japan
Bullying Cases Spike in Japan

Bullying Cases Spike in Japan

Six students commit suicide, 125K cases reported despite government plan

(Newser) - School bullying cases have spiked sixfold in Japan this year, according to a new survey that highlights a dark issue in Japanese education. Officials blame the 125,000 cases on a recent, broader definition of bullying and the addition of more schools to the tally—but admit to six student...

Techno Savvy Teens Turn Backs on Email

Online chatting, text messages dominate youth communication

(Newser) - If snail mail is going the way of the dodo, then it looks like, among teenagers, email is going the way of, well, the snail: half of all teens prefer instant messaging to old-fashioned emails; and while overall use increased six percent last year, e-missives among the "Facebook generation"...

I Dumped U For Yr Sister, Oops GTG ...

Teens depend on IM to say what they wouldn't face to face, poll finds

(Newser) - Usurping the old note passed in study hall, about 40% of teens now depend on instant messaging to say things they wouldn't in person, according to a new poll. "If they freak out or something, you don't see it," one high schooler tells AP. The survey also found—...

Stripper Spanks Schoolboy While Class Watches

British teen gets real birthday 'surprise'

(Newser) - A British teenager who was supposed to get a "gorilla-gram" for his birthday instead got a spanking from a stripper dressed as a policewoman in front of his teacher and classmates, reports Sky News. The boy's mother had arranged for an unidentified agency to give her son the "...

Abstinence Ed. Isn't Slowing Teen Sex

Celibacy-only programs have little 'positive impact,' study argues

(Newser) - Abstinence-only sex-education courses funded by the federal government are no match for teenage libido, according to a new study from a non-partisan group seeking to reduce teen pregnancy. The study found such programs had less “positive impact” than more comprehensive curricula, the AP reports, and dismissed as myth the...

Superbug Shuts Down Entire School District

23 schools disinfected after single case of drug-resistant staph

(Newser) - A single confirmed infection of antibiotic-resistant staph has convinced officials to shut down all 23 schools of an eastern Kentucky district so cleaners can scour classrooms, cafeterias, locker rooms, buses and playgrounds. The district superintendent called the massive disinfection a "preventive measure" to ward off a large-scale outbreak of...

Freed Wilson Set on College
Freed Wilson Set on College

Freed Wilson Set on College

Determined to "succeed in life" after two years behind bars for teen sex conviction

(Newser) - "I've got a new life," Genarlow Wilson said yesterday as he left prison after two years behind bars for a teen sex conviction. "You will not be disappointed," he vowed to his supporters. "I plan on succeeding in life." Wilson was released after the...

Teen Smokers More Likely to Drink, Do Drugs: Study

Also at higher risk for depression, anxiety

(Newser) - Teenagers who smoke cigarettes are five times more likely to drink and 13 times more likely to smoke pot, according to a new study by a Columbia University addiction center. The report also linked adolescent smoking to higher rates of binge drinking and hard drug use, along with a greater...

HS Football Players Hide Head Injuries

Concussions more risky for teens who don't know—or don't tell

(Newser) - Behind the Americana of high school football lurks the deadly consequences of concussions. In the last 10 years some 50 players have sustained serious head injuries on the gridiron—some fatal, the New York Times reports. And teenage players, whose brains are more fragile, often don't know what a concussion...

Yawning Gap in Sleep Time Linked to Work, Cell Phones

Study also finds preschoolers with less sleep are more hyperactive

(Newser) - Cell phones and long work hours are the biggest thieves of sleep, according to new studies in the journal Sleep. People who slept 4.5 hours or less per night worked about 1.5 hours more per weekday and nearly two hours more on weekends, researchers found. Almost two-thirds of...

Women Overtake Men Online
Women Overtake Men Online

Women Overtake Men Online

Women's web usage beats men's, UK study says

(Newser) - British women aged 25 to 49 are spending more time online than men for the first time ever, a significant shift that may reverberate across the Web, the Guardian reports. The stereotype of youth ruling cyberspace also takes a hit in a new study—people over 65 average 42 hours...

Rowling Goes Easy on Teen Translator
Rowling Goes Easy on Teen Translator

Rowling Goes Easy on Teen Translator

16-year-old who couldn't wait for the French edition won't be punished

(Newser) - JK Rowling has agreed not to prosecute a 16-year-old who got the jump on France’s October “Deathly Hallows” release date by posting his own translation online. The young Frenchman said he never attempted to make money from his work, the BBC reported .

Sacre Bleu! Harry Potter Translator Pinched

Teen suspected in illicit French version

(Newser) - A French boy suspected of posting a translation of the latest Harry Potter novel was arrested Monday, the AP reported today. The 16-year-old didn't appear to have financial gain in mind, a prosecutor said—with the French version not due until October, "he just wanted to get the book...

Wal-Mart Mexico Pays Teen Baggers Nada

Retail giant calls young, uncompensated workers 'volunteers'

(Newser) - Wal-Mart has 4,300 teenagers bagging merchandise for free in its Mexican stores, Newsweek reports. The retail giant isn't doing anything illegal, since the kids aren't technically workers but "volunteers" who donate their time in exchange for gratuities from customers. But labor activists say the notoriously bottom-line-minded company is...

In Virtual Graveyard, Friends, Voyeurs Gather

MyDeathSpace collects obits, profiles and more

(Newser) - A site that collects obituaries, often of young people, and links to their social-network profiles is gaining traction, the AP reports. MyDeathSpace.com lists more than 2,700 deaths and receives more than 100,000 hits daily. "This site does kind of let you look into the heart of...

Falling Teen Sex Rates Stall
Falling Teen
Sex Rates Stall

Falling Teen Sex Rates Stall

Experts worry plateau could signal start of increased activity and more teen pregnancies

(Newser) - After steadily dropping for a decade, the US teenage sex rate leveled off in 2001 and has stalled there since, according to a government study. What caused the halt in the trend is unclear, but it coincides with the beginning of increased funding for abstinence-only sex education and may reflect...

Text Messaging Steers Teens Into Trouble

More than a quarter admit to texting while driving

(Newser) - Text messaging is growing into a serious hazard for young people, ABC reports. A new study showed that teens are texting at rates that border on addiction—some sending thousands of messages a month. Most alarmingly, however, a full 28% of teens admitted to texting while driving, a dangerous practice...

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