hate crime

Stories 261 - 271 | << Prev 

Dems Slam Feds for Inaction on Noose Crimes

Racial cases up since 2000, but some spurn incidents as 'pranks'

(Newser) - Dems blasted the feds this week for not pursuing a nationwide spate of noose crimes. More than a half dozen nooses left in Maryland, Memphis, New York, and Pittsburgh have prompted no arrests, the Washington Post reports. But acting Attorney General Peter Keisler claims that the FBI and Department of...

Nooses Hanging in Northeast
Nooses Hanging in Northeast

Nooses Hanging in Northeast

Jena copycat crimes continue as noose is found at Ground Zero post office this week

(Newser) - A noose found outside a New York post office this week is the latest in a spate of apparent Northeast hate crimes, CBS reports. The Jim Crow-era symbols have turned up recently at a Connecticut Coast Guard Academy, a Long Island police station, and at Columbia University—possibly inspired by...

Columbia Will Give NY Cops Noose Tape

School flip-flops on surveillance in hate-crime case

(Newser) - After holding out for more than a day, Columbia University will give New York police surveillance video that could yield clues on who left a noose on a professor's door, the New York Daily News reports. The school had told police—investigating what they're calling a hate crime against Professor...

Noose on Columbia Prof's Door Viewed as Hate Crime

Black educator teaches class on racial justice

(Newser) - Columbia University erupted today after a noose was found hanging from the door of Madonna Constantine, a black professor who often writes about racism. The New York Police Department said it is investigating the incident as a hate crime. Columbia’s president called it “an attack on all of...

Senate Bill Protects Gays Against Hate Crimes

Dems attach measure to defense bill in effort to avoid Bush veto

(Newser) - After a long battle, the Senate today approved a new measure expanding federal hate-crime laws to cover violence motivated by a victim's sexuality, gender identity, gender, or disability. In an attempt to stymie President Bush's threat to veto the legislation, the measure was attached to a defense authorization bill—which...

Six Arrested in Horrific W.Va. Abuse Case

Woman was kidnapped, tortured and sexually assaulted

(Newser) - Six people were arrested in a grisly kidnapping and assault case in rural West Virginia, and two others are still wanted. Police say an internet acquaintance delivered 23-year-old Meghan Williams to her assailants, who held her captive for at least a week, while stabbing, burning, and sexually assaulting her. “...

Tucker Carlson Claims Gay Bashed Him
Tucker Carlson Claims Gay Bashed Him

Tucker Carlson Claims Gay Bashed Him

Bow-tied talking head in row after laughing off attack on cruiser

(Newser) - After bragging on the air that he hit a gay man who “bothered” him in a mall bathroom, Tucker Carlson is angrily denying he’s a hate criminal. “It infuriates me to be called a gay-basher, since he was the predator, not me,” the conservative MSNBC host...

Cruising Senator Has Been Tough on Gay Rights

Blogs gleefully tote up Craig’s anti-gay, ‘family values’ record

(Newser) - Idaho's outed senator has long wielded his political power against gay rights, and gay advocates, having heard whispers for years, have been keeping track. Larry Craig, whose arrest for cruising in a Minneapolis airport bathroom was made public yesterday, opposes civil unions, gays in the military, and the extension of...

Ex-Klansman Gets 3 Life Terms for 1964 Murders

72-year-old cancer patient says he'll appeal

(Newser) - A 72-year-old ex-Klansman drew three life sentences today for his involvement in the 1964 murders of two black teens in Mississippi, the Clarion-Ledger reports. "Justice is ageless," the judge told James Ford Seale, who was found guilty in June of kidnapping and conspiracy in the abduction, beating, and...

Apartheid Officials Escape Jail Time in Murder Plot

(Newser) - After pleading guilty, five former security officials in South Africa received suspended jail sentences today for their involvement in a bizarre, apartheid-era murder plot. Onetime law and order minister Adriaan Volk and four others admitted they had tried to kill Frank Chikane, a priest and anti-apartheid activist, in 1989 by...

UK Gingers See Red Over Harassment
UK Gingers
See Red Over Harassment

UK Gingers See Red Over Harassment

Hair-color discrimination a burning issue, say British carrot tops

(Newser) - The UK is ignoring a vicious form of discrimination, the BBC reports—one based not on skin color but hair color. Britain's red-headed schoolkids face bullying, women feel stereotyped, and auburn-haired Britons report harassment with epithets like carrot-top, copper-top, ginger-nut, and even Ronald McDonald.

Stories 261 - 271 | << Prev