
Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>

Wall Street Protest Showdown Looms Today
 Wall Street Cleanup Postponed 

Wall Street Cleanup Postponed

Prior to postponement, showdown loomed

(Newser) - Protesters in the park at the heart of the Occupy Wall Street demonstration were bracing for a showdown with police this morning, but they appear to have been granted a reprieve. The protesters had vowed to defy orders to leave Zuccotti Park by 6am so it could be cleaned . The...

For Occupiers, Feeding the Army Is Cake

'Kitchen' in park is seemingly always full with donations

(Newser) - So how do all those protesters living in Manhattan's Zuccotti Park manage to feed themselves day after day? Surprisingly well, reports the New York Times . The park at the heart of Occupy Wall Street has a makeshift kitchen of sorts at its center (no open flames allowed) that is...

Occupy Arrests Hit Capitol
 Occupy Arrests Hit Capitol 

Occupy Arrests Hit Capitol

6 arrested inside the Hart Senate Office Building

(Newser) - Toting banners that read "Cure Electile Dysfunction," more than 100 protesters entered the atrium of the Hart Senate Office Building in the Capitol around 11:30am today—and six got arrested for their troubles. Politico reports that the group was a noisy one, whose shouting members pledged to...

100 Arrested at Occupy Boston
 100 Arrested at Occupy Boston 

100 Arrested at Occupy Boston

Officials feared harm to nearby shrubbery

(Newser) - Police descended on the Occupy Boston protest at around 1:20am today, dispersing a second tent city that had sprung up on the Rose Kennedy Greenway, across the street from the first. A line of veterans carrying American flags tried to stand between police and the protesters, but police advanced...

Bloomberg: 'Occupiers' Can Stay Indefinitely

'People want to express themselves': mayor

(Newser) - Turns out our huddled masses can breathe free as long as they want to. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said today that "Occupy Wall Street" protesters can continue to use Zuccotti Park as home base indefinitely, reports Politico via the Wall Street Journal . The park is just a few...

Michael Daly: Jail Bankers, Not Occupy Wall Street Protesters

 Bust Bankers, 
 Not Protesters 

Bust Bankers, Not Protesters

Wall Street occupiers jailed when bankers are the real criminals: Michael Daly

(Newser) - The big banks’ financial maneuvers brought our economy to the brink of collapse, but you don’t see any bankers behind bars. Instead, it’s the Occupy Wall Street protesters who are getting arrested—for such heinous crimes as stopping traffic, writes Michael Daly in the Daily Beast . Goldman Sachs...

Occupy Wall Street: Mob or Movement?
 Occupy Wall Street: 
 Mob or Movement? 

Occupy Wall Street: Mob or Movement?

Two columnists have different takes on what's going on

(Newser) - If Occupy Wall Street is indeed at a tipping point , will it tip into obscurity or be a genuine political force? Two views today:
  • 'Losers': Ann Coulter says this is no political movement, it's merely a "mob" of "directionless losers" spouting "random liberal cliches lacking

Occupy Wall Street Stages Big NYC Rally

This time, union members add to the crowds

(Newser) - The protesters of Occupy Wall Street have begun what could be their biggest rally yet in New York City, their ranks swelled by union members and others who weren't part of the original group camping out at Zuccotti Park, reports AP . Click for more updates . Ezra Klein at the...

Labor Unions Get Behind Occupy Wall Street

Union support could bring movement into the mainstream

(Newser) - First they got support from the Marines , and now labor unions are coming to back up the Occupy Wall Street protesters. A transport workers union went to court to stop the NYPD from commandeering city buses for use in transporting arrested protesters. A healthcare workers union is sending food and...

Marines Head to Wall Street—to Protect Protesters

Veteran issues call to pals to shield demonstrators

(Newser) - NYPD cops better watch it when they get tough with Occupy Wall Street protesters from now on, because the Marines are coming—to help protect the demonstrators. "I'm heading up there tonight in my dress blues," announced a Marine veteran in a message reposted by another anti-war...

Wall Street Protesters Refuse to Fade

They even have a makeshift hospital

(Newser) - The spirits of Wall Street protesters are apparently riding high despite yesterday's 700 arrests, the AP reports. Still camped out in New York's Financial District after more than two weeks, they're running laptops on a portable generator, eating donated food, and using a makeshift hospital. They even...

Wall Street Protest Snarls Brooklyn Bridge; 700 Arrested

Occupy Wall Street demonstrators have biggest clash yet

(Newser) - New York City police say about 700 Occupy Wall Street protesters were arrested after they swarmed the Brooklyn Bridge and shut down a lane of traffic for several hours. Police say some demonstrators spilled onto the roadway after being told to stay on the pedestrian pathway. The majority of those...

Protesters Descend on Wall Street—and Don't Leave

Inspired by global demonstrations, they plan to stick around

(Newser) - Some 5,000 people gathered in New York's Financial District for a "Day of Rage" on Saturday, and though just a few hundred remain, those still protesting say they're planning to stick around, reports ABC News . The group, calling itself Occupy Wall Street , fell well short of...

London Cops Clash With 1K Right-Wing Protesters

1,500 come out in counter-demonstration

(Newser) - Ignoring a government ban on marches in London, hundreds of far-right activists held a protest in the capital today and some clashed with police. It was the first large-scale protest in London since a wave of looting and riots shook it and other major British cities in early August . Police...

Hyatt Turns Heat Lamps on Above Picketers

In Chicago ... during a heat wave ...

(Newser) - Things got extra heated during an employee strike outside a Hyatt hotel in Chicago yesterday, when a manager turned on 10 heat lamps that were hanging above picketers—and left them on for nearly an hour, reports the Chicago Tribune . "This is one of the hottest days of the...

Smackdown by Murdoch's Wife Steals the Show

A glimpse into the life of Wendi Deng

(Newser) - When a protester launched a pie at Rupert Murdoch today , his wife leaped to his rescue, pushing others aside before bashing the assailant on the head. Where did 42-year-old Wendi Deng get such guts—and such reflexes? Born in China, she grew up at a tough time in the country’...

Romanian Protester Sets Himself on Fire

Another protester threatens suicide over poor living conditions

(Newser) - A retired Romanian set himself on fire and another man threatened to commit suicide outside the presidential palace in what appeared to be protests over living conditions. The 59-year-old was hospitalized with burns in stabile condition. He shouted a slogan against the president before setting himself on fire, reports the...

Cops Slam, Choke Dancers at Jefferson Memorial

Park police do a number on demonstrating dancers

(Newser) - An investigation has been launched after DC park cops were filmed roughing up Jefferson Memorial ... dancers. Some 5 people slowly danced among amused spectators over the weekend to protest a court decision banning dancing at the memorial. When police asked dancers to identify their leader, one pointed to the statue...

Inspired by Arab Spring, Spanish Protesters Defy Ban

Young demonstrators angry over lack of jobs

(Newser) - Because regional elections take place in Spain tomorrow, today is supposed to be a national "day of reflection," with no protests or public gatherings. Try explaining that to the tens of thousands of demonstrators who continue to pack city squares in Madrid, Barcelona, and other major cities. Police...

VIDEO: Protester Dumps Glitter Confetti on Newt Gingrich, Wife
 Protester Showers 
 Gingrich With Glitter 
'Feel the rainbow, Newt'

Protester Showers Gingrich With Glitter

Prankster wants politician to 'stop anti-gay politics'

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich’s presidential campaign is off to kind of an embarrassing start . The latest incident: A protester at a Minneapolis book signing yesterday dumped glitter confetti all over Gingrich and his wife. "Feel the rainbow, Newt! Stop the hate! Stop anti-gay politics!" said the man, who told...

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>