
Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>

Mousavi Will Attend Public Services Friday

(Newser) - Iranian opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi vowed not to let the blood of protesters killed in postelection crackdown go in vain as he met with the family of a young man shot to death during the turmoil, a reformist Web site reported today. He also announced that he will attend...

Iranian Police Suppress Student Protest

(Newser) - Riot police swarmed around Tehran University today, dispersing anyone attempting to gather in protest with batons, shields, and pepper spray, the Washington Post reports. “There are 300 of us in a small alley, and we are under attack by dozens of security forces,” one witness reported. Others say...

Ousted Zelaya Heads to DC to Meet Clinton

Aims to shore up backing for return to power in Honduras

(Newser) - Diplomatic efforts to restore Manuel Zelaya to Honduras' presidency shifted back to Washington today as his supporters threatened to escalate protests and disrupt business across the empoverished Central American nation. A day after failing to land in Honduras to confront the interim government that ousted him, Zelaya boarded a plane...

Iraq Protesters Burn US Flag During Biden Visit

Supporters of Muqtada al-Sadr mock veep's reconciliation tour

(Newser) - Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to promote reconciliation among Iraqis was met today with protests by supporters of cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, Reuters reports. Demonstrators burned American flags and shouted anti-US slogans. Biden plans to meet with PM Nouri al-Maliki and President Jalal Talabani to assess plans to heal the...

Iran 'Retires' Soccer Players Over Protest

Banned for life for wristbands showing Mousavi support

(Newser) - Iran has barred four of its national soccer players from the field for life after they wore green wristbands during a match last week in apparent support of opposition presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi, an Iranian pro-government newspaper said. Six players wore the bands; most took them off at halftime,...

Neda Mourned Privately as Iran Bans Memorials

Slain 26-year-old lover of music, travel 'couldn't stand injustice'

(Newser) - Neda Agha-Soltan has become the face of the Iranian protests but friends say she was never an activist before the disputed election, the Los Angeles Times reports. The 26-year-old, a music lover who was studying for a career in tourism, was shot dead by a sniper on her way to...

Vote Stands, Declares Iran Council

(Newser) - Iran's official Guardian Council has declared absolutely that the nation's controversial presidential election will stand, reports CNN. "If a major breach occurs in an election, the Guardian Council may annul the votes," said a spokesman. "Fortunately, we found no witness of major fraud or breach in the...

Mousavi: I'm 'Ready for Martyrdom'
 Mousavi: I'm 'Ready 
 for Martyrdom' 

Mousavi: I'm 'Ready for Martyrdom'

Iranian opposition leader calls for election 'annulment'

(Newser) - As thousands of Iranian dissidents defied the decree of the supreme leader to end their demonstrations, the symbolic face of the protests told supporters in Tehran today that he is "ready for martyrdom,” the New York Times reports. Mir Hossein Mousavi urged protesters to stage a general strike...

Obama Boxes Himself In to False Choice on Iran
Obama Boxes Himself In
to False Choice on Iran

Obama Boxes Himself In to False Choice on Iran

(Newser) - President Obama talks a lot about "false choices," and he's usually just blowing smoke rhetorically, but now he's got one regarding Iran, writes Fred Barnes in the Weekly Standard. “The president thinks he’s stuck with a dilemma,” Barnes writes: “Either support the democratic forces”...

Photos Reveal 'Amazon Tiananmen'

Photos from Peru add weight to claims government covered up massacre

(Newser) - Graphic photographs taken by aid workers reveal the extent of violence Peru's military used to crush a land-rights protest by indigenous people earlier this month, the Independent reports. Police are seen pulling injured protesters from ambulances and beating them and bodies are seen piled by the roadside, adding weight to...

Mousavi Plans 'Day of Mourning' as Protests Spread
 Mousavi Plans 
 'Day of Mourning' 
 as Protests Spread 
iran election dispute

Mousavi Plans 'Day of Mourning' as Protests Spread

Demonstrations may be largest yet; violence reaches across country

(Newser) - The Iranian regime is resorting to more extreme measures against supporters of Mir Hossein Mousavi and other reformers, reports the Times of London, as the opposition planned yet another massive rally against alleged electoral fraud. Despite dozens of high-profile arrests and raids on universities, thousands are expected to join Mousavi...

Iran Accuses US of Meddling
 Iran Accuses US of Meddling  

Iran Accuses US of Meddling

(Newser) - As protesters clogged the streets of Tehran for a fifth consecutive day, the Iranian government accused the US of “intolerable” meddling, reports the Wall Street Journal. The government summoned the Swiss ambassador, who represents American interests in the country, to complain about “interventionist” statements made by US officials,...

Iran: Foreign Media Speaks for 'Hooligans'

Journalists 'damaging the Islamic republic'

(Newser) - Iran has slammed foreign journalists for sparking unrest in the country as the “mouthpieces” of “hooligans,” CNN reports. The foreign ministry said “hundreds” of foreigners had been allowed into Iran in “a sign of the total transparency in the trends of the elections,” but...

'Fire Dave!,' Chant Protesters
 'Fire Dave!,' Chant Protesters 

'Fire Dave!,' Chant Protesters

(Newser) - It wasn't exactly a throng, but a group of protesters showed up outside the Ed Sullivan Theater in New York today to urge CBS to dump David Letterman, reports the Daily News. "Fire Dave! Fire Dave!," chanted the group, which numbered about 50 at its max. Letterman, who...

Nervous Peace Prevails After Peru Cops Quell Unrest

Curfew in place after clashes kill dozens of indigenous people, police

(Newser) - An uneasy peace has returned to northeast Peru after 3 days of clashes between indigenous people and security forces that left dozens dead, CNN reports. A curfew is holding, and both police and protesters say they want to settle their dispute through nonviolent means. The leader of the indigenous rights...

Peru Army Cracks Down on Amazon Eco Uprising

(Newser) - The Peruvian Army has imposed a curfew and set up checkpoints following deadly clashes with indigenous tribes protesting plans to drill for oil and gas in ancestral homelands in the Amazon region, reports the BBC. Dozens of people, both police and protesters, were killed in the clashes that mark the...

Gay-Marriage Supporters Take to Streets After Ruling

Opponents of marriage ban sad but not surprised

(Newser) - Supporters of same-sex marriage were disappointed but not surprised by the California Supreme Court’s decision today to uphold Proposition 8, the San Francisco Chronicle reports, as a crowd that had gathered at the state courthouse moved through city streets, blocking traffic and prompting arrest. “This is a serious...

Anti-Abortion 'Extremists' Got Nothing on Prez
'Extremists' Got
Nothing on Prez

Anti-Abortion 'Extremists' Got Nothing on Prez

Zealous Notre Dame protests will further hurt their cause

(Newser) - Randall Terry and other “Catholic extremists” will lead protests against President Obama’s speech at Notre Dame today—but their anti-abortion zealotry will only continue to hurt their cause, writes Frances Kissling in Salon. “The idea that anything goes in fighting abortion died” in the ‘90s when...

Tamil Protesters Shut Down Toronto Highway

(Newser) - Canadian Tamil demonstrators protesting fighting in Sri Lanka shut down a highway in Toronto for several hours, reports CNN. Some estimated the crowd at several thousands. As many as 70,000 people have been killed in Sri Lanka's civil war. Government troops are pressing a final assault on the rebel...

Crowd Attacks Afghan Women Protesting New Marriage Laws

(Newser) - A group of some 1000 Afghans today swarmed a demonstration of 300 women in Kabul protesting a new conservative marriage law. The women were pelted with small stones as police struggled to keep the two groups apart. The law, passed last month, says a husband can demand sex from his...

Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>