
Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>

Clinton: We Hacked Yemeni al-Qaeda Sites

Terror boasts were replaced with info on civilian deaths

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda has issued a call for "electronic jihad," but it looks like the terror group has been outgunned by State Department experts. Hillary Clinton, speaking at the Special Operations Command gala dinner last night, said that American specialists had hacked into al-Qaeda sites in Yemen that "bragged...

Doctors Abducted in Afghanistan

Also, huge bomb plot foiled

(Newser) - Two foreign doctors and their three Afghan colleagues have been kidnapped in a remote area in the extreme northeast Afghanistan, officials said today. The kidnapping occurred yesterday as the group was traveling on horseback between Yaftal and Ragh districts about 56 miles from the provincial capital of Faizabad, a Badakhshan...

Al-Qaeda Calls for 'Electronic Jihad'

Terror group compares US cybersecurity to pre-9/11 aviation

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda compares flaws in America's cybersecurity to gaps in aviation security before the 9/11 attacks in a chilling video released by the Senate Committee on Homeland Security. In the video, which was obtained by the FBI last year, an al-Qaeda operative calls for "electronic jihad" against the US...

Deadly Blasts Rock Damascus, Syrian Intel HQ
 Deadly Blasts 
 Rock Damascus, 
 Syrian Intel HQ 

Deadly Blasts Rock Damascus, Syrian Intel HQ

Officials say at least 50 dead, 370 wounded

(Newser) - At least 50 people were killed and some 370 wounded in two huge, nearly simultaneous bomb blasts in Damascus today, targeting the headquarters of the feared "Palestinian Branch" intelligence services, Syrian officials said. The bombs hit the busy al-Qazaz district, and according to an AP reporter on the scene,...

FBI: Anarchists Tried to Trigger Fake Bombs

Five men arrested for bridge plot were once associated with Occupy Cleveland

(Newser) - The five men charged with plotting to blow up an Ohio bridge actually did attempt to detonate what they believed were real explosives, the FBI alleges. The men, unknowingly working with an FBI informant, repeatedly tried to use a text-message detonation code to blow up the fake bombs, which they...

New York Man Convicted in Subway Bomb Plot

Adis Medunjanin faces life in prison

(Newser) - A New York man has been found guilty in a 2009 subway bomb plot . Adis Medunjanin, who was also convicted of training with al-Qaeda and seeking to join the Taliban, could receive life in prison, the New York Daily News reports. The conviction comes after fellow plotters Zarein Ahmedzay and...

Feds: 5 Anarchists Plotted to Bomb Ohio Bridge

FBI had an undercover agent watching them

(Newser) - The FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force arrested five men yesterday for their role in an alleged plot to blow up a bridge near Cleveland, officials revealed today. This isn't a case of international terrorism; at least three of the men are home-grown, self-proclaimed "anarchists," officials said,...

Al-Qaeda Plots Embedded in Porn

Plans to seize ships, attack Europe in memory chips that included raunchy vid

(Newser) - Extensive al-Qaeda terror plots were discovered embedded in a very un-Islamic spot: a porn movie. Plans for seizing cruise ships and European attacks similar to the assault on Mumbai were among the plots found on a digital storage device and memory cards that included a porn video called Kick Ass...

Officials Watching for 'Body Bombs' on Planes

Threat of surgically implanted bombs is real: officials

(Newser) - As the anniversary of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden looms, security for US-bound flights has been stepped up around the world. While authorities say that there is no specific information of an impending attack timed for the anniversary, one threat that officials are watching for is "body...

Gutted al-Qaeda Incapable of Another 9/11: Experts

Core 'essentially gone,' but spinoff groups a concern

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda today is mostly a spent force, unable to carry out another 9/11-style attack, said US intelligence officials yesterday, reports Reuters . The mostly anonymous assessment—in a conference call led by Robert Cardillo, deputy director of US national intelligence—came one year after the killing of Osama bin Laden , with...

Likely Terrorist Attack Strikes Ukraine

15 injured in 4 blasts in Dnipropetrovsk

(Newser) - Four blasts within minutes rocked the center of the eastern Ukrainian city of Dnipropetrovsk today, injuring at least 15 people in what prosecutors believe was a terrorist attack, officials say. The first blast occurred at a tramway stop in the center of Dnipropetrovsk, injuring five people. The second injured seven...

Shoe Bomber Strikes Deal With Prosecutors

He'll testify against NYC subway plotter Adis Medunjanin

(Newser) - British prosecutors have agreed to shave two years off the sentence of convicted would-be shoe bomber Saajid Muhammed Badat, in exchange for testimony against alleged would-be New York City subway bomber Adis Medunjanin, they announced today, in what the New York Post calls an "unprecedented deal." Badat had...

Pitt Hit With 57 Bomb Threats in 2 Months

University implements stringent security measures in response

(Newser) - Visit the University of Pittsburgh today, and you're going to spend a lot of time standing in lines. The school has implemented new regulations requiring every student and staff member to both show ID and have their bags searched before entering any campus building, the New York Times reports....

Twin Afghan Bombings Kill at Least 18

Both attacks targeted gov't buildings, including police station in Helmand

(Newser) - Two suicide bombings in Afghanistan killed at least 18 people today, including eight policemen in an attack on a police station in southern Helmand province, reports the AP . Three men with bombs tried to enter a police station. Police spotted the attack and killed one man, but the other two...

Girlfriend to Posthumously Marry Slain French Victim

President Sarkozy gives special OK for pregnant woman

(Newser) - One of the victims killed by Mohamed Merah in France will be married posthumously to his pregnant girlfriend. Abel Chennouf, a French paratrooper, was shot dead by Merah on March 15 in the town of Menoutban. Chennouf's expecting girlfriend, Caroline Monet, received a special authorization from President Nicolas Sarkozy...

Did France Miss the Warning Signs?

PM defends intelligence service's handling of Mohamed Merah

(Newser) - France is wondering whether more could have been done to prevent Mohamed Merah's deadly series of attacks. The al-Qaeda-inspired killer—who was shot dead yesterday after a 32-hour standoff —had a violent criminal record, had been put under surveillance after trips to Afghanistan and Pakistan, and was on...

'Hundreds' of Hezbollah Agents in US: Peter King

And they've been trained as terrorists by Iran, Homeland Security chair says

(Newser) - The US is crawling with Hezbollah agents, many of whom have been trained as terrorists, Rep. Peter King said in a CNN appearance today. "The American intelligence community … believes we are very much at risk for an attack by Iranian operatives, which would be Hezbollah," King said,...

Inside bin Laden's Plan to Kill Obama

Documents reveal al-Qaeda leader also wanted Petraeus dead

(Newser) - Documents taken from Osama bin Laden's compound during the US raid that killed the al-Qaeda leader reveal a plot to kill President Obama and David Petraeus. David Ignatius got a look at the documents, which will be available to the public soon, and he reports in the Washington Post...

16% of Gitmo Detainees Return to Terrorist Life

And another 12% are suspected of re-upping

(Newser) - Of the 600 detainees who have left Guantanamo Bay, just under 16% of them have re-engaged in terrorist activities—and the director of National Intelligence yesterday pointed out that's a smaller figure than the 27% a Republican congressional report cited last month. That's because the earlier report combined...

Yemeni Prez Takes Office; Terrorist Kills 25

President Hadi vowed to battle al-Qaeda hours before strike

(Newser) - A car bomb outside the gate of a presidential compound in southern Yemen killed at least 25 people hours after the country's new president was formally inaugurated and vowed to fight al-Qaeda. A security official said the attack in the city of Mukalla in Hadramout province was carried out...

Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>