
Stories 781 - 800 | << Prev   Next >>

8 Die as Pakistan Gunmen Attack Sri Lankan Cricket Team

5 cops killed, at least 8 team members injured

(Newser) - A dozen masked gunmen armed with rocket launchers and rifles opened fire in Pakistan today on a bus carrying Sri Lanka's national cricket team, killing five police officers and injuring at least eight team members. Gunmen rushed the bus as it headed to a stadium in Lahore for a match...

Obama Approves Afghan Troop Surge

(Newser) - President Obama has approved an increase in troop levels in Afghanistan, which could put 17,000 more soldiers and Marines on the ground in the coming months, the AP reports. Insiders say they should be in place by the volatile summer period, when warmer weather and upcoming elections are expected...

Stimulus Will Hit Fast: Axelrod
Stimulus Will Hit Fast: Axelrod

Stimulus Will Hit Fast: Axelrod

Obama aide defends Geithner; Graham: country 'screwed' if this is bipartisanship

(Newser) - Calling Tim Geithner’s economic rescue plan “a very thoughtful strategy,” David Axelrod said the economic stimulus will be felt soon and defended the treasury secretary today on NBC’s Meet the Press. President Obama’s senior adviser said Wall Street’s expectations were unrealistic and that the...

Spy Chief: Economic Crisis a Greater Threat than Terror

Security assessment warns that downturn could cause widespread instability

(Newser) - The new director of national intelligence warned Congress yesterday that the global economic crisis poses a graver and more immediate threat to the US than international terror, the New York Times reports. The crisis could undermine national governments and cause widespread civil unrest as it spreads and deepens, causing serious...

Gunmen Kill 19 in Kabul Attacks

(Newser) - Gunmen launched coordinated suicide attacks on three government buildings in Afghanistan’s capital today, killing at least 19 and injuring more than 50, the BBC reports. Attackers armed with AK-47s, grenades, and in some cases explosive vests hit the prison directorate and the justice and education ministries. The Taliban claimed...

Yemen Releases 170 al-Qaeda Suspects

Prepares for sweep of al-Qaeda base

(Newser) - Yemen has freed 170 men suspected of having ties to al-Qaeda, reports AP. The men were released to tribal chiefs after signing pledges to renounce terrorism. Yemeni military spokesmen say troops are poised to sweep through the al-Qaeda stronghold of Marib. Though such releases have often raised US hackles, Yemeni...

Afghan War 'Tougher Than Iraq': Envoy

'I have never seen anything like the mess we have inherited'

(Newser) - The fight to combat terrorism in Afghanistan is “going to be much tougher than Iraq,” President Obama’s envoy to Afghanistan predicted today. “It is going to be a long, difficult struggle,” Richard Holbrooke added while speaking in Munich. The comments come as two US soldiers...

Cheney: Soft Obama Makes Terror Attack More Likely

Says fighting extremists 'a tough, mean, dirty, nasty business'

(Newser) - Dick Cheney thinks there’s a “high probability” terrorists will attack the US with a biological or nuclear weapon, and that Barack Obama’s policies will likely only increase those odds. Fighting terrorism is “a tough mean, dirty, nasty business,” the former vice president told Politico. “...

Al-Qaeda 'Decimated' in Pakistan: US Officials

(Newser) - CIA-directed air raids into Pakistan have “decimated” al-Qaeda’s senior leadership, killing up to a dozen high-level targets, senior US military officials tell NPR. They say a “complete al-Qaeda defeat” there is now entirely possible. “The enemy is really, really struggling,” says one official. “These...

'War on Terror' Phrase Fading Under Obama

Phrase on the skids as prez hopes to rewrite US-Muslim relations

(Newser) - Barack Obama is rephrasing the "war on terror," the AP reports. As campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan continue—as do broader US efforts to hunt down extremists—Obama is apparently letting the Bush catchphrase go out of style. The new president instead invokes  “ongoing struggle” and “...

Yemen Is New Haven for al-Qaeda
Yemen Is
New Haven
for al-Qaeda

Yemen Is New Haven for al-Qaeda

Group's numbers likely to see boost from freed Gitmo inmates

(Newser) - As the US prepares to close the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Yemen presents a problem: Despite government efforts, the country is becoming a safe haven for al-Qaeda operatives, the Economist reports. Rebuffed by anti-terror initiatives in Saudi Arabia and Iraq, jihadists have flocked to Yemen, where rugged countryside, weak...

McGovern to Obama: Call 'Time-Out on War'

War not the best solution to terrorism, ex-candidate argues

(Newser) - George McGovern would like to take the “war” out of the war on terror. The 1972 Democratic presidential nominee, writing in the Washington Post, cautions President Obama against diving headlong into Afghanistan, a battleground that has broken two empires already. “Let me suggest a truly audacious hope for...

Pakistan Arrests Suspect in '05 London Attacks

Al-Qaeda commander nabbed after tip from US intelligence

(Newser) - Pakistani police have arrested an al-Qaeda suspect believed to have links to the 2005 London transit bombings, acting on a tip from the US. Zabi ul Taifi, a Saudi national, was among seven al-Qaeda suspects caught in a raid near Peshawar, reports the AP. An unmanned spy plane and three...

Powder Mailed to Journal, Dershowitz Is Harmless

(Newser) - White powder mailed to executives of the Wall Street Journal and to Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz is harmless, authorities say. Authorities have no suspects or motive, but the Journal notes that Dershowitz wrote an essay for the paper earlier this month defending Israel's assault on Gaza. The Journal got a...

White Powder Sent to Wall Street Journal

More than a dozen NYC-based executives get envelopes with Tenn. postmark

(Newser) - The Wall Street Journal received more than a dozen envelopes filled with an unidentified white powder today, addressed to various New York-based executives at the newspaper. Police and hazardous-materials crews are investigating, according to a spokesman, and the floor used by paper execs and editorial-page employees has been evacuated. All...

Patriot Act Treats Unruly Passengers as Terrorists

In-flight ruckus can draw felony conviction

(Newser) - What sounds like a fair punishment for spanking your children on a plane and having an argument with a flight attendant? How about a felony conviction, 3 months in prison, and the loss of custody of your children? As unreal as it sounds, that’s exactly what happened to one...

Obama Rebukes Bush, Assures World in Speech

Rejects policies, advocates diplomacy, warns enemies

(Newser) - Barack Obama offered a clear rebuke of George Bush's policies and signaled a sharp break with his predecessor's strategy abroad in his inaugural address today. “We reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals,” the new president said, referring obviously to torture of detainees and...

Bin Laden Son Leaves Iran for Pakistan

US thinks Tehran held Saad as leverage against attacks

(Newser) - American officials say Saad bin Laden, a son of Osama and an al-Qaeda operative, is free from years of house arrest in Iran and is now in Pakistan, the New York Times reports. The circumstances of his enforced stay in Iran are unclear, as are those surrounding his release, or...

'War on Terror' Approach a Big Mistake: UK Official

Foreign sec Miliband rips Bush label

(Newser) - The notion of a "war on terror" is ill-conceived and may have done more harm than good in the fight against extremism, according to the British foreign secretary. There is no "unified transnational enemy," and the phrase coined by President Bush led officials to believe that...

Pakistan Busts 124 Linked to Mumbai Attacks

Founder of group fingered in attacks among detained

(Newser) - Pakistan has arrested 124 people in a crackdown on groups linked to November's Mumbai terror attacks, reports AP. India has insisted that the days-long siege of its commercial capital that killed 164 was plotted in Pakistan. But Pakistan's Interior Minister Rehman Malik said today that India needed to provide more...

Stories 781 - 800 | << Prev   Next >>