
Stories 941 - 960 | << Prev   Next >>

Danish Embassy Bomb Kills 8 in Pakistan

Strike could be linked to flap over Muhammad cartoons

(Newser) - At least eight people were killed and more than a dozen wounded when a car bomb exploded outside the Danish embassy in Islamabad today, reports the BBC. At least one embassy worker was among the dead, but no Danish nationals. The attack may be linked to a series of threats...

Rogue al-Qaeda Backers Call for Nuke Attack in Online Video

But no evidence of specific plot, says FBI

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda supporters will use an Internet video to call for the use of biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons in a new attack on civilians in the West, reports ABC News. FBI officials have alerted US law enforcement of the tape, said a spokesman, but emphasized that there is no evidence...

Biden Backs Obama on Talking to Foes
Biden Backs Obama on Talking to Foes

Biden Backs Obama on Talking to Foes

Diplomacy takes 'more than a great solider.' It takes 'a wise leader.'

(Newser) - Joe Biden takes on Senate colleague Joe Lieberman in the Wall Street Journal today. Lieberman charged earlier this week that Democrats have lost the thread on FDR-style internationalism; Biden counters that it’s Bush who's lost it, with careless saber-rattling and a poorly targeted war on terror, both of which...

Obama Pledges Support for Israel to Fla. Jews

Seeks support in Jewish community

(Newser) - Barack Obama sought to quell skepticism about him in the Jewish community yesterday by addressing a tough audience of older Jewish voters in a Conservative synagogue in Boca Raton, Florida. He asked the audience not to judge him by his 'funny name' or his skin color, to ignore the erroneous...

Brit Cafe Bomber 'Preyed On by Extremists'

Radicals took advantage of mentally ill Islamic convert: cops

(Newser) - British police believe a mentally ill man who tried to blow himself up in a restaurant yesterday was taken advantage of by Islamic extremists, the Guardian reports. The recent convert to Islam walked into a busy restaurant in the West Country city of Exeter and exploded a device. The only...

France Arrests Basque Terror Group's Leader

ETA's No. 1 busted in joint police sting with Spanish

(Newser) - The suspected leader of the ETA, the Basque separatist group and terrorist organization, has been arrested by a joint Spanish and French police operation. Some 30 armed officers raided the Bordeaux apartment of Javier López Peña, who is believed to have headed the ETA since 2004. López...

Taliban 'Narco Terrorist' Convicted in US Court

Afghan plotted to use drug profits to fight US

(Newser) - A Taliban militant has become the first person convicted under a "narco-terrorism" provision of the Patriot Act, Reuters reports. The Afghan man was busted by DEA agents for plotting to ship heroin to the US and use the proceeds to buy weapons to use against American and coalition forces....

6 Ways the GOP Can Get Back on Its Feet
 6 Ways the GOP
 Can Get Back on Its Feet 

6 Ways the GOP Can Get Back on Its Feet

Insiders speak as GOP prepares for a losing November

(Newser) - Six months before an election in which some estimate Republicans could lose 20 seats in the House and five in the Senate, insiders tell Politico how the GOP can pick itself up:
  • Write some policy. “It’s critical that our candidates have a very clear set of principles,”

Italian PM Fair Game in Trial Involving US Rendition

Berlusconi can be called to testify on secret matters in kidnap trial, judge rules

(Newser) - Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi can be called to testify in the upcoming trial of US and Italian spies, an Italian judge ruled today. A CIA-led group is accused of kidnapping a suspected terrorist off the streets of Milan and torturing him for four years under the US' "extraordinary...

Bush Sacrificed Golf to 'Honor War Dead'

Says he did it for moms who lost their sons

(Newser) - President Bush gave up playing golf five years ago because he felt it was inappropriate to play while families mourned loved ones killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, he revealed in an interview with Politico. Bush was lampooned for playing golf while discussing terrorism in Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911.

Charges Dropped Against '20th Hijacker'

Case against other accused 9/11 planners will go forward

(Newser) - The US has dropped charges against Mohammed al-Qahtani, who allegedly planned to be the “20th hijacker” in the 9/11 attacks, Reuters reports. The US military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay rejected the charges against Qahtani “without prejudice,” meaning that the Saudi citizen may yet face prosecution. The charges...

Coordinated Bomb Attack Kills 50 in India

Seven explosions rip ancient Jaipur; at least 150 wounded

(Newser) - A series of nearly simultaneous explosions ripped through a popular Indian tourist destination today, killing at least 50 and wounding 150 others, CNN reports. The first explosion came around 7:30pm (10am ET) in the ancient city of Jaipur. Within 12 minutes, seven bombs had exploded, most placed in crowded...

Scientists Close In on Antidote to Neurotoxin

Cure would block feared bioweapon that causes paralysis

(Newser) - Scientists are one step closer to developing an antidote to botulinum, a potentially devastating biological weapon, the BBC reports. Terrorists have tried, so far unsuccessfully, to deploy the neurotoxin, which is also the culprit in botulism and the secret behind Botox. A botulinum vaccine already exists, but the new drug...

Government's Spy Powers Up, But Terror Arrests Down

Civil-liberty groups squawk; feds say numbers don't tell whole story

(Newser) - Big Brother is watching … but hasn’t found much, the Los Angeles Times reports. Despite vastly increased domestic spying activities, terrorism prosecutions have plummeted 50% since 2002; last year alone saw a 19% drop, despite a 9% increase in eavesdropping warrants. The Bush administration, meanwhile, is pushing for even...

False Alarm: Al-Qaeda Boss Still Loose in Iraq

Iraqis got the wrong guy, military says

(Newser) - Iraqi officials jumped the gun yesterday when they announced the capture of the top commander of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, the US military said today. It turns out the man they captured isn’t Abu Ayyub al-Masri; he just has a similar name. The hunt for the real al-Masri, who has...

Iraqi Army Nabs Key Militant Leader

Soldiers in Mosul arrest chief of Al-Qaeda in Iraq

(Newser) - The Iraqi army has arrested the leader of the terrorist group Al-Qaeda in Iraq, the AP reports today. Defense officials said they took Abu Ayyub al-Masri into custody in Mosul. He has led the group—which last month called for stepped-up attacks against US forces—since 2006. Masri helped set...

Freed From Gitmo—to Kill in Iraq

Release detainee becomes suicide bomber

(Newser) - One of the suicide bombers responsible for a series of attacks in the Iraqi city of Mosul last month is a former detainee at Guantanamo Bay, reports the New York Times. The Kuwaiti, originally detained in Afghanistan, is said to have traveled to Iraq via Syria to join jihadists after...

Hospitals Can't Handle Terror Attack: Study

Trauma centers couldn't treat influx of victims

(Newser) - Hospitals in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and other major US cities don't have the emergency room capacity to handle even a moderate terrorist attack, a congressional committee says. A survey last month of 34 hospitals revealed they could not handle a sudden surge of trauma victims, a situation described...

Al-Qaeda Is Still Worst Terrorist Threat: US

Safe havens in Pakistan have helped group recharge

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda remains the terrorist group that most threatens the US, Reuters reports. An annual State Department survey of worldwide terrorist activity, out today, said the group killed 5,400 civilians—50% Muslims—in 2007. Though weaker now than in 2001 due to multilateral anti-terrorism efforts, the group has used the...

Bus Bomb Kills 24 in Sri Lanka

Rebel Tamil Tigers again responsible for rush-hour attack, government claims

(Newser) - A bomb blast on a public bus killed 24 and injured 52 people today in Sri Lanka, the BBC reports. The device exploded in a vehicle full of rush-hour commuters; government officials blamed the separatist Tamil Tigers for the attack.

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