
Stories 1041 - 1060 | << Prev   Next >>

Bush: Hillary Will Fall to GOP in 2008

Prez sees senator taking primary but not White House

(Newser) - President Bush predicts that Hillary Clinton will beat her Democratic rivals for the nomination but will fall to a Republican in a “tough” general election. Breaking a longstanding promise not to be the “prognosticator in chief,” he says her name and fundraising will hold sway in the...

Blackwater May Have Smuggled Weapons in Iraq

Prosecutors think the company gave equipment to terrorists

(Newser) - Controversy-magnet Blackwater USA may have smuggled weapons into Iraq, the BBC reports. Federal prosecutors are investigating charges that employees of the private security firm shipped unlicensed weapons to terrorist groups. Blackwater, blamed for  civilian deaths in a Baghdad gunfight last week, confirmed that it fired two employees  for stealing company...

Bush's AG Pick Has History With Terror Trials

Blind sheik case gave preview of security issues facing Mukasey

(Newser) - Before America was paying attention, Judge Michael Mukasey tried a landmark terrorism case. The 1995-96 trial of blind sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, convicted with nine others of plotting a massive "day of terror" at three New York sites, forced Mukasey, now President Bush's nominee for US attorney general, to...

Habeas Corpus Bill Withers in Senate

Combatants' rights measure lacks enough support to force a vote

(Newser) - A bill to allow terrorism suspects to challenge indefinite detention faltered in Washington today as only 56 Senate votes could be mustered to cut off debate on the habeas corpus measure. Sixty are needed for bills to move forward for a vote in the upper chamber; supporters said they might...

Al Qaeda Expands With "Corporate Takeovers"

Gives groups arms, training, and support

(Newser) - Al Qaeda is expanding its size and abilities through "corporate-style takeovers" of regional extremist groups—offering arms, training, and support in return for allegiance. Analysts say this expansion represents a huge threat to the West, as the terrorist organization gains thousands of willing foot soldiers.  "They are...

Al-Qaeda Threat Worse Than Before 9/11

British think tank says they've rebuilt ability for major US attack

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda has revived and is capable of pulling off another 9/11, a London think tank has concluded. The US has “failed to deal a death blow to al-Qaeda,” which has extended its influence and is now stronger than it was six years ago, the British strategic institute warned...

Ad Hoc Security Doesn't Cut it at Home

6 years later, US safeguards still off the mark, Slate argues

(Newser) - America’s ad hoc security is still off the mark, says Slate’s Daniel Byman: It fosters fears, ignores US Muslims and never plans from a terrorist’s point of view. “The very concept of homeland security is new for Americans,” Byman writes, “and the department was...

US Agencies Aided German Terror Probe

Capture of suspects in bomb plot a joint effort with the CIA

(Newser) - The CIA and NSA played a marquee role in last week’s capture of three men suspected of planning major terror attacks in Germany. For several months, Angela Merkel’s chief of staff held a weekly meeting about the plotters, Der Spiegel reports, and the cooperation was so significant that...

WTC Victims' Families Grieve All Over Again

Remains continue to be found and identified, even 6 years later

(Newser) - Many of those affected by the 9/11 attacks are still burying loved ones as remains are found and slowly identified, making closure hard to achieve, the Boston Globe reports. "How many times are you going to bury somebody?" asks the widow of a man killed in the World Trade...

Bin Laden Will Roll Out 9/11 Vid
Bin Laden Will Roll Out 9/11 Vid

Bin Laden Will Roll Out 9/11 Vid

Even Qaeda caught up in summer sequel craze

(Newser) - A video of Osama bin Laden presenting the last testament of one of the Sept. 11th hijackers is set to be released tomorrow, the sixth anniversary of the attacks. Al-Sahab, the media production division of al-Qaeda, announced the video today on an Islamist website, the AP reports.

Osama Tape 'Sophomoric' and Bizarre

'I expect more from a terrorist mastermind,' says National Review

(Newser) - Osama’s latest tape is “a great disappointment,” as sophomoric as it is bizarre, says James Robbins in the National Review. The terrorist’s invitation for Americans to convert to Islam – which would force “warmongering corporations” to spend energy converting people back – is as odd...

Kean Slams US Security Effort Since 9/11

Americans are no safer, says commission head; foreign policy a disaster

(Newser) - Six years after 9/11 and three years after the 9/11 Commission report, commission chairman Thomas Kean assesses the nation's progress in protecting itself against the threat of terrorism.  On the domestic front, our defenses are better, he writes in the Washington Post., but internationally we have lost ground to...

Osama's New Tape Combed for Meaning

Experts say bin Laden alive, plotting, and struggling for relevance

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden’s latest tape, designed to coincide with the anniversary of 9/11, is being mined for clues as to al Qaeda's robustness. Noting bin Laden’s unnaturally black beard, Newsweek says the leader may have dyed his own to demonstrate vigor, or donned a fake beard, after shaving...

3 Arrested in German Terror Plot
3 Arrested in German Terror Plot

3 Arrested in German Terror Plot

Militants planned to bomb Frankfurt airport and American military base

(Newser) - German officials have arrested three suspected Islamic militants involved in a "massive" and "imminent" plot to bomb the Frankfurt Airport and the Ramstein Air Base, a U.S. and NATO military hub, the AP reported this morning. The men had gathered 1,500 lbs of hydrogen peroxide. "...

Danish Police Arrest 8, Foil Terror Plot

Officials say the men, with Mideastern backgrounds, are tied to Al Qaeda

(Newser) - Danish police have arrested eight men they say were plotting a terror attack and were tied to Al Qaeda. The arrest comes after months of surveillance, an intelligence official told a press conference in Copenhagen today, but he declined to say what country was the target of the attack. "...

North Korea Off Terror List
North Korea
Off Terror List

North Korea Off Terror List

Rogue state claims US removed from blacklist after bilateral talks, nuke agreements

(Newser) - The US has agreed to remove North Korea from an official list of state sponsors of terror, according to the authoritarian country's foreign ministry. The BBC reports that the move followed bilateral talks last week, and was one of many provisions traded for a dismantling of Kim Jong-Il's nuclear program.

Explosives Charges Raise Terrorism Fears

Fla. college students busted in SC allegedly had pipe bomb

(Newser) - Two Florida college students who had an explosive device in the trunk of their car when they were stopped for speeding have been indicted on federal explosives charges, and one faces a charge of supporting terrorism, the Tampa Tribune reports. A legal expert called the indictment, unsealed today, "very...

US May Take North Korea Off Terror List

Status change could come before nukes are dismantled

(Newser) - The US may be willing to remove North Korea from the list of state sponsors of terrorism, qualifying the country for American aid and World Bank loans, before Pyongyang has dismantled its nuclear weapons program. In the run-up to talks with North Korean officials in Geneva this weekend, the lead...

Anti-Terror Squads Probe Fires
Anti-Terror Squads Probe Fires

Anti-Terror Squads Probe Fires

As blazes continue, police call for increased powers

(Newser) - As fires continues to ravage Greece, the government has used anti-terrorist forces to question 32 suspects arrested for alleged arson. New fires continue to break out, and Greek authorities are now offering a $2 milion reward to catch arsonists. The blazes have killed at least 60 people since Friday and...

30 Dead in India Bombings
30 Dead in India Bombings

30 Dead in India Bombings

Explosions rip through Hyderabad; at least 30 killed, 60 wounded

(Newser) - Three bombings today at crowded public places in a southern Indian metropolis killed at least 34 people and wounded 60 more, the Reuters reports. An Indian minister said the explosions that detonated minutes apart in Hyderabad were terrorism. Two ripped through an amusement park during a laser show, and the...

Stories 1041 - 1060 | << Prev   Next >>