
Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev   Next >>

Deadly Violence Erupts in Beirut
Deadly Violence Erupts in Beirut

Deadly Violence Erupts in Beirut

Riots, gun battles in Hezbollah districts

(Newser) - Street protests over power cuts erupted yesterday into deadly violence in Hezbollah strongholds in Beirut with several people killed or wounded—some by sniper fire—as youths torched cars. The Lebanese army mobilized to stop the violence from spreading to Sunni and Christian neighborhoods, reports AFP.  Fears of more...

War Report May Sink Olmert
War Report May Sink Olmert

War Report May Sink Olmert

Foreign minister defies him ahead of Lebanon war conclusions

(Newser) - In three days, Israel's Winograd Committee will release its long-awaited findings on the abortive 2006 war with Lebanon, and the expected drubbing will increase calls for PM Ehud Olmert to resign, Haaretz reports. Foreign minister Tzipi Livni is meeting today with families of fallen soldiers who are calling for Olmert's...

Beirut Car Bomb Kills 7
Beirut Car Bomb Kills 7

Beirut Car Bomb Kills 7

Police captain among victims in Christian suburb of Lebanese capital

(Newser) - At least seven people are dead and more injured after what appeared to be a car bomb ripped through a Christian suburb of Beirut this morning. Lebanese TV showed footage of a black crater surrounded by burning, mangled vehicles. One of the victims was a captain in the country's police...

Bush Abandoned Mideast Democracy Push: Activists

He's just after political stability now, they charge

(Newser) - President Bush wound up a Middle East tour yesterday leaving many pro-democracy activists in the region bitter and disappointed, reports the Washington Post. The president and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice pressured authoritarian Arab governments for political reforms in 2005, but now activists worry that the White House is favoring...

Beirut Blast Rips US Car, Kills 4
Beirut Blast Rips US Car, Kills 4

Beirut Blast Rips US Car, Kills 4

At least 19 wounded in latest in spate of attacks on Western targets

(Newser) - An explosion blasted a US embassy car just north of Beirut today, killing at least four in a predominantly Christian neighborhood, CNN reports. It was unclear whether the car was the target of the blast or tripped a roadside bomb. The driver of the US vehicle was injured, as were...

Lebanon Rocket Strikes Israel
Lebanon Rocket Strikes Israel

Lebanon Rocket Strikes Israel

Latest violence in advance of Bush visit

(Newser) - A rocket launched from Lebanon exploded in northern Israel before dawn today, causing no injuries but serving as a potential harbinger of other attacks in advance of President Bush's three-day trip to Israel that begins tomorrow. Israeli authorities blamed the attack on the Jihadi Badr Brigades, which also attacked from...

Sarkozy Breaks Off Syria Talks
Sarkozy Breaks Off Syria Talks

Sarkozy Breaks Off Syria Talks

Stop blocking progress in Lebanese presidential stalemate, French prez warns

(Newser) - France has lost patience with Syria and has cut off mediation talks until Damascus stops obstructing the election of a new president in Lebanon, French President Nicolas Sarkozy announced yesterday. Lebanon has been without a president since November and the Syrian-backed parliamentary opposition has been accused of blocking the election...

White House Tells Lebanon, Pick a Prez!

Factions plan to meet Monday; they may have to amend constitution

(Newser) - Washington pressed Lebanon today to pick a new president after the office has been left empty for three weeks, the AP reports. The Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs David Welch said the election would “restore dignity and respect to the most important Christian office." Lebanese...

Lebanese General Killed in Blast
Lebanese General Killed in Blast

Lebanese General Killed in Blast

Death of official about to head army could jeopardize presidential deal

(Newser) - An explosion outside of the Lebanese presidential palace near Beirut has killed at least four people, including a prominent general. Gen. Francois al-Hajj had been slated to become army chief if the current leader, Michel Suleiman, becomes president. The army believes that the bomb was a coordinated attack on Hajj,...

Sex Is Okay With 'Pleasure Marriage'

Muslims date sans guilt in sanctioned trysts, and marry later

(Newser) - What Americans call dating, Muslims increasingly permit as “pleasure marriage,” Bloomberg reports. Twenty-somethings who want sex but can’t afford marriage—a problem in the Middle East, where pay is low and unemployment high—get guilt-free dating clearance with a short-term contract. Men often keep it and “...

Lebanon Backs General as Prez Candidate

Government moves to break deadlock

(Newser) - The Lebanese government is attempting to clear a deadlock over who will run the nation by approving Lebanon's army chief as a presidential candidate. Gen. Michel Suleiman has provisional support from both the right-wing Christian ruling party and the Hezbollah-led opposition. His selection would require a constitutional amendment endorsed by...

Lebanon PM Tries to Ease Fears of Unrest

He takes control as nation begins stretch without president

(Newser) - Lebanon's PM called for calm today and said his cabinet would run the nation while it remains without a president, Reuters reports. Fouad Siniora also pledged to push for quick elections. The developments come a day after President Emile Lahoud's term ended without a successor in place. Siniora rejected Lahoud's...

Lebanon Under Emergency Rule
Lebanon Under Emergency Rule

Lebanon Under Emergency Rule

At end of term, Lahoud orders controversial military takeover

(Newser) - Lebanon teetered on the brink of chaos tonight as its president declared a state of emergency just hours before his term expired and transferred power to the military. The outgoing Emile Lahoud refused to give power to his rival, PM Fouad Siniora, who immediately rejected the legality of Lahoud's move,...

Lebanon Picks No Prez Today
Lebanon Picks No Prez Today

Lebanon Picks No Prez Today

Streets quiet over civil war fears as sides negotiate

(Newser) - Lebanon's parties failed to pick a new president today, leaving them 24 hours to find a replacement before President Emile Lahoud's term ends, the Wall Street Journal reports. Lahoud has said the army chief may take over if sides remain deadlocked tomorrow at midnight—a turn that could spark blocs...

Former FBI, CIA Agent Had Hezbollah Ties

Lebanese immigrant scammed entry, snooped in FBI files

(Newser) - Lebanese native Nada Nadim Prouty overstayed her student visa, obtained US citizenship through a sham marriage, waitressed at a Detroit restaurant suspected of laundering money for Hezbollah, and became a CIA agent with access to sensitive intelligence. The case of Prouty, who tapped into government computers to obtain information about...

Cheney Amps Up Rhetoric Against Iran

Threatens 'serious consequences' over nuke program

(Newser) - Cheney threatened "serious consequences" today if Iran doesn't drop its nuclear program, Reuters reports. "Our country and the entire international community cannot stand by as a terror-supporting state fulfills its most aggressive ambitions," he told the audience at a think-tank forum. One analyst called Cheney's threat "...

Lebanon MPs Deadlock, But Deal Looms

After last week's killing, possible presidential compromise awaits

(Newser) - As expected, the Lebanese parliament deadlocked today as it tried to select a successor to outgoing president Émile Lahoud. But after last week's assassination of an anti-Syrian MP, this week brought promising signs of a compromise between the ruling party and more pro-Syrian opposition groups, including Hezbollah. Another vote...

Despite Assassination, Lebanon Will Hold Elections

Defiant government says it won't retreat

(Newser) - As the country mourns yesterday's death of anti-Syrian politician Antoine Ghanem, Lebanon's government is determined to hold presidential elections as scheduled next week, the BBC reports. "The hand of terror will not win," Prime Minister Fouad Siniora said today. "The Lebanese will … have a new president...

Car Bomb Kills Lawmaker in Lebanon
Car Bomb Kills Lawmaker in Lebanon

Car Bomb Kills Lawmaker in Lebanon

Anti-Syrian MP among victims of massive pre-election blast

(Newser) - Anti-Syrian lawmaker Antoine Ghanem was one of at least seven people killed by a car bomb in Beirut today, just days before Lebanon’s parliament is set to select a successor to pro-Syrian president Emile Lahoud. Ghanem was a member of an anti-Syrian governing coalition, which has been locked in...

Top Terror Leader Killed
Top Terror Leader Killed

Top Terror Leader Killed

Led militant fighters in refugee camp

(Newser) - Islamic militant leader Shaker al-Abssi, wanted for the murder of a US diplomat in Jordan, was killed by Lebanese troops in the bloody climax of the battle for the Nahr el-Bared refugee camp near Tripoli. Al-Abssi was one of 39 militants killed by Lebanese special forces Sunday after a three-month...

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