
Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>

Annan: Risk of 'All-Out Civil War' Growing in Syria

He says world needs action, not words, from Assad

(Newser) - Kofi Annan's plan may be Syria's last hope for peace, but Annan himself didn't sound too optimistic today. "The specter of all-out civil war, with a worrying sectarian dimension, grows by the day," the UN envoy told a meeting of the Arab League in Qatar....

Syrian Violence Spills Into Lebanon

Gun battles rage in Beirut

(Newser) - Don't look now, but the Syrian conflict might not be confined to Syria anymore. Gun battles broke out in Beirut today between factions supporting and opposed to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the New York Times reports, in Lebanon's most intense outbreak of violence since the Syrian uprising began....

Syria Studding Refugee Routes With Mines

Human Rights Watch cites eyewitness near Turkey, Lebanon

(Newser) - Earlier reports accused Syria of planting landmines along its Lebanese border, and according to witnesses, the practice shows no sign of waning. Mines are being placed along the routes refugees typically use to flee into neighboring Lebanon and Turkey, Human Rights Watch said today, citing eyewitness reports. One former...

Trapped French Journalists Escape Syria

Edith Bouvier, William Daniels arrive in Lebanon

(Newser) - After being trapped for more than a week in Homs, a pair of French journalists have been smuggled out of Syria. "Edith Bouvier and William Daniels are currently safe on Lebanese territory and will within moments be under the protection of our embassy in Beirut," Nicolas Sarkozy told...

CIA Spies Captured in Middle East

Officials fear they will be executed

(Newser) - More than a dozen CIA spies have been caught in Lebanon and Iran over the last six months, and the US worries they’ll be executed—or already have been. "If they were genuine spies, spying against Hezbollah, I don't think we'll ever see them again,"...

As People Try to Flee, Syria Plants Mines Along Border

Exodus to Lebanon an embarrassment for Bashar Assad, notes AP

(Newser) - Syria is burying landmines along its border with Lebanon in what one official says is an effort to deter arms trafficking—but which the AP notes comes amidst an exodus of refugees fleeing the country to avoid the regime's violent crackdown on dissent. "Syria has undertaken many measures...

Only 10% of Arab World Likes Obama

US more unpopular there now than it was under Bush

(Newser) - You know President Obama’s plan to reach out and win hearts and minds in the Middle East? It’s not going well. In a stunning new Pew Poll spotted by Glenn Greenwald of Salon , only 10% of residents in Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates...

Gaga Album Banned in Lebanon

Shipments of 'Born This Way' impounded: HuffPo

(Newser) - Lady Gaga's new album has had insane sales , but apparently not in Lebanon, the Sun reports. The Middle Eastern country banned Born This Way from its stores and impounded a shipment of the album. The government, which had already banned her song "Judas" from the radio, reportedly finds...

Ohio Couple Pleads Guilty in Terror Funding Case

Deal allows Hor and Amera Akl to escape life sentences

(Newser) - An Ohio husband and wife pleaded guilty today to charges that they plotted to help finance a Mideast terrorist group, under a deal that spares them from potential life sentences. Hor and Amera Akl, dual citizens of the US and Lebanon, were arrested in June 2010 after authorities said an...

Egypt Forces Clash With Pro-Palestinian Protesters

353 injured outside Israeli embassy in Cairo

(Newser) - Egyptian police fired live ammo and tear gas at pro-Palestinian protesters today as violence continued following yesterday's clashes at Israel's borders. More than 350 protesters were injured, one critically, outside the Israeli embassy in Cairo, AP reports. At least 16 people were killed yesterday when Israeli troops opened...

16 Killed in Israel Border Clashes

Israeli troops clash with Arab protesters

(Newser) - Israeli troops clashed with Arab protesters today along three hostile borders, including the frontier with Syria, leaving 16 people dead and dozens more wounded in an unprecedented wave of demonstrations marking a Palestinian day of mourning for their defeat at Israel's hands in 1948. Along Israel's border with...

Lebanon Turns Back Fleeing Syrians

Security forces round up refugees

(Newser) - Syrians fleeing across the border into Lebanon this weekend got a rude awakening: Lebanese security forces rounded them up and sent them right back. Hundreds of residents of the town of Tell Kalakh—including some wounded in Bashar al-Assad’s violent crackdown—came across the border hoping for refuge from...

Libya's Revolt Could Solve Riddle of Missing Cleric

Moussa al-Sadr disappeared in 1978

(Newser) - Thanks to the Libyan revolution, Lebanon thinks it may finally learn the answer to a mystery that’s been vexing it for decades: What happened to Moussa al-Sadr? The cleric, a seminal figure in the Shiite empowerment movement, disappeared during a trip to Tripoli in 1978, the AP explains. Now,...

Protests Erupt as Hezbollah Picks Lebanese PM

Najib MIqati to form new government

(Newser) - Hezbollah's chosen candidate has won enough support to be appointed as Lebanon's new prime minister, sparking angry protests across the country and warnings of chaos to come. The government Najib Miqati forms may end up strongly resembling previous governments, but the symbolism of Hezbollah, once a shadowy militant group, picking...

Hezbollah Moves Closer to Power In Lebanon

Druze leader throws crucial support behind group

(Newser) - The militant Shia group Hezbollah has been given a boost in its efforts to form a coalition government in Lebanon, reports the BBC . Influential Druze leader Walid Jumblatt indicated he will support the group when parliamentary talks begin Monday to pick a new prime minister. Current PM Saad Hariri’s...

US Pledges Support as Lebanon Government Fails

Hezbollah pulls out ahead of expected indictments in assassination

(Newser) - President Obama and Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri today declared their commitment to strengthening Lebanon's independence even as Hezbollah ministers forced the year-old unity government to collapse. Hariri cut today's White House visit short amid his nation's political crisis and immediately left for France to consult with Nicolas Sarkozy before...

Hezbollah Threatens to Break Lebanese Government

Tribunal's upcoming indictments in Hariri assassination spark turmoil

(Newser) - Hezbollah is threatening to withdraw from Lebanon’s uneasy unity government, collapsing it and plunging the country into its worst political crisis since 2008. A government official tells the New York Times that 11 of the country’s 30 cabinet members will resign today, complaining that the cabinet hasn’t...

The Unique (and Growing) Role of Joe Biden

VP fights for White House in Congress, abroad

(Newser) - If it seems like Joe Biden was just waxing poetic about “the first mainstream" black guy who's "bright and clean," then you probably won't recognize the fierce veep who defended the boss last week, shouting at whining Dems, "There's no goddamned way I'm going to stand...

WikiLeaks: US Failing to Stop Flow of Mideast Arms

Hezbollah now has 50K Syrian-supplied rockets, missiles

(Newser) - American efforts to prevent a buildup of arms in the Middle East have been largely frustrated, according to diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks. In one cable, the State Department accuses Syria of breaking a promise to not provide Hezbollah militants in Lebanon with new missiles, the New York Times reports....

Lebanon-Israel Border Clash Kills 4 Soldiers

Exchange of fire at border may have been over tree removal

(Newser) - Three Lebanese soldiers, one Israeli soldier, and a Lebanese journalist were killed as Israeli and Lebanese troops fired on each other near the border today in their most serious confrontation since the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah war. The clash began when Israeli troops tried to remove a tree near or across the...

Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>