Amnesty International

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Report: Apple, Microsoft Use Cobalt Mined by Kids
Report: Apple, Microsoft Use Cobalt Mined by Kids

Report: Apple, Microsoft Use Cobalt Mined by Kids

16 brands named in report couldn't verify source of cobalt

(Newser) - Kids in the Democratic Republic of Congo risk their lives to supply the batteries used in your smartphone and other gadgets, according to a new Amnesty International report. Amnesty and NGO Afrewatch note children as young as 7 mine cobalt for lithium batteries found in products made by Apple, Microsoft,...

Amnesty International: Decriminalize the Sex Trade

Group hopes recommendation will improve conditions for sex workers

(Newser) - In a move to stick up for what the head of Amnesty International describes as "one of the most marginalized groups in the world who ... face constant risk of discrimination, violence, and abuse," the organization voted today to recommend decriminalizing that group's line of work: prostitution and...

The NSA Just Got Sued by a Whole Bunch of Groups

Wikimedia, ACLU, Amnesty on same side of suit vs. 'dragnet surveillance'

(Newser) - The NSA and the Justice Department made an impressive and diverse list of enemies this morning, via a lawsuit filed over its spying. Not surprisingly filing the suit: the ACLU. But as Reuters reports, it filed Wikimedia v. NSA on behalf of: Amnesty International, the Global Fund for Women, Human...

Report: 130 Chinese Firms Export Torture Gear

Amnesty International identifies 'intrinsically cruel' equipment

(Newser) - Chinese firms are widely and in many cases "openly" distributing devices that can readily be used for torture, Amnesty International says in a new report. The number of companies involved has surged from 28 to more than 130 in the past decade, the activist organization notes, and most of...

Think Tank Sorry for Telling Amnesty to 'Suck It'

CSIS apologizes, says intern thought he was using personal account

(Newser) - An intern at a Washington, DC, think tank was just supposed to monitor its Twitter account, not tell Amnesty International to "suck it." The human rights organization was making a point about the uproar in Ferguson, Mo., over the shooting death of Michael Brown, tweeting yesterday: "US...

Report: Conditions Inhuman at 'Alcatraz of Rockies'

Amnesty International: solitary confinement must be rolled back at ADX

(Newser) - At the nation's most restrictive prison, most inmates are allowed nearly zero social interaction—in one extreme case, a prisoner who killed a fellow inmate at another prison gets just one minute per day of contact with other people. In a report out today, Amnesty International says the Administrative...

With Eye on June 4, China Rounds Up Activists

At least 20 detained ahead of Tiananmen anniversary, Amnesty says

(Newser) - Chinese authorities have detained at least 20 activists amid increasingly intense efforts to suppress commemorations of next week's 25th anniversary of the 1989 crackdown on the Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests. The latest detainee, a founder of the Southern Street Movement, which calls for an end to one-party rule, was...

CAR's Muslims Fleeing Relentless 'Ethnic Cleansing'

'Muslim exodus' leads to food shortage

(Newser) - A "Muslim exodus of historic proportions" is occurring in the Central African Republic , says a new report from Amnesty International , because "International peacekeepers have failed to prevent the ethnic cleansing of Muslim civilians." The troops, from France and several African countries, have allowed vigilantes "to fill...

Inmates Dug Own Graves in North Korea: Ex-Guard

And one prison is expanding, per new Amnesty International report

(Newser) - More horrific tales have emerged from North Korea via a new Amnesty International report that indicates the country's prison camps are expanding. Satellite images from May of this year indicate one of the largest sites, camp 15, features new housing blocks and production facilities; a review of images...

Only 5 Lawmakers Listen to Drone Survivors Testify

Story of grandmother's death brings translator to tears

(Newser) - The Congressional testimony of a Pakistani elementary school teacher and his children about the killing of his mother by a US drone brought the translator tasked with relaying their story to tears yesterday. The number of lawmakers who showed up to listen? Five, the Guardian reports. Rafiq ur Rehman told...

Amnesty: US Drone Deaths Could Be War Crimes

Hits on Pakistani civilians need to be investigated, group warns

(Newser) - The US should comply with international law and fully investigate reports of civilians killed and wounded by CIA drone strikes in Pakistan, Amnesty International says in a report released today. It provided new details about the alleged victims of such attacks, including a 68-year-old grandmother hit while farming with her...

Manning Asks Obama for Pardon

Amnesty seeks clemency as longshot request submitted

(Newser) - Chelsea Manning has formally put in a request for a presidential pardon, though few believe the private formerly known as Bradley has any chance of success. When Manning was sentenced to 35 years last month for the biggest intelligence leak in American history, her lawyer said the request would include...

Satellite Pics Show Destruction of Aleppo

Amnesty International: Photos reveal 'relentless bombardment'

(Newser) - Death, from above: Satellite photos of a city at the heart of the Syrian uprising are "emblematic of the relentless bombardment" by government forces, says Amnesty International. Taken earlier this year, the images make destroyed houses in Aleppo look like piles of white powder amid a gray mass—but...

Bono, Ireland, Nobels to Fete Suu Kyi

Burma opposition leader getting top Amnesty honor

(Newser) - It'll be a busy week for Aung San Suu Kyi: On June 17, she's headed to Oslo to belatedly pick up the Nobel Peace Prize she was awarded in 1991. The next day, she heads to Dublin to receive Amnesty International's top honor, presented by Bono at...

Home of America&#39;s Cruelest Prisons: Arizona
 Home of America's 
 Cruelest Prisons: Arizona 
in case you missed it

Home of America's Cruelest Prisons: Arizona

Amnesty International report cites state's overuse of solitary confinement

(Newser) - Of all the places to commit a crime, you may want to avoid Arizona. Amnesty International today released a report blasting the state's "cruel isolation" practices. It claims that Arizona's state prisons overuse solitary confinement, with prisoners spending as long as 15 years alone in a windowless...

US World's No. 5 Executioner: Amnesty

Executions surge in Middle East

(Newser) - Fewer countries than ever are executing people, but those countries are doing so with gusto, according to a new report from Amnesty International. Just 20 nations still use the death penalty. The US executed 43 people last year, making it 5th globally, and the only Western democracy on the list,...

Russia: We Won't Stop Arming Assad

Assad's forces capture Free Syrian Army stronghold of Idlib

(Newser) - Russia has rejected calls to stop arming and training Bashar al-Assad's regime, despite evidence that its weapons are being used against civilians. "Russia enjoys good and strong military technical co-operation with Syria, and we see no reason today to reconsider it," Russia's deputy defense minister said...

Libyan Detainees Tortured to Death: Amnesty

Doctors Without Borders suspends work over 'exploitation'

(Newser) - Some of Libya's reported 8,500 detainees have died following torture, says Amnesty International, citing patients with open head, limb, and back wounds. "The torture is being carried out by officially recognized military and security entities as well as by a multitude of armed militias operating outside any...

Saudi Arabia Takes Heat Over Beheading of 'Witch'

Amnesty International condemns move

(Newser) - It sounds like something out of the wrong century, but Amnesty International finds itself condemning Saudi Arabia for beheading a woman accused of being a witch. Amina bin Salem Nasser was decapitated yesterday after being convicted on charges of "witchcraft and sorcery," though the government didn't spell...

Amnesty Demands Bush's Arrest

African countries should seize president 'responsible for torture'

(Newser) - George W. Bush should be arrested for his role in waterboarding, Amnesty International says, and his trip to Africa presents an opportunity for that. “International law requires that there be no safe haven for those responsible for torture; Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia must seize this opportunity to fulfill their...

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