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Van Halen: Roth Reunion Solid, New Music on Way
Van Halen: Roth Reunion Solid, New Music on Way

Van Halen: Roth Reunion Solid, New Music on Way

(Newser) - After grossing $93 million on tour with former frontman David Lee Roth, Eddie Van Halen tells Rolling Stone he wants the band back together permanently: “Dave was a blast. And next time we go out, we’re going to have some new stuff, too.” He plans a summer...

UK Charges Wen Jibao's Shoe-Tosser

Faces public disorder charge; China sweeps incident under rug

(Newser) - The Cambridge University protester who yesterday chucked a gray sneaker at the Chinese premier—and missed by a solid 3 feet—has been slapped with a public disorder charge for his trouble, reports the Telegraph. The 27-year-old will appear in British court next Tuesday. China voiced its continued ire over...

UK Protester Lobs Shoe at China's Wen

Protester calls premier a 'dictator' during speech at Cambridge

(Newser) - A protester threw a shoe at China’s premier while he was giving a speech at Cambridge University in England today, the BBC reports. The young man shouted “how can the university prostrate itself with this dictator—how can you listen to the lies he’s telling?" before hurling...

First First Lady Was No Frump
First First Lady Was No Frump

First First Lady Was No Frump

Forget the unflattering paintings; Martha Washington was quite the fox

(Newser) - Chances are when you think of Martha Washington, you imagine a frumpy old fat lady smothered in lace. Not so, say those who study her and her husband. If you ignore the unflattering images painted years after her death, and instead focus on tailors' records and letters from Martha's youth,...

Cobblers in Stitches Thanks to Recession

Dwindling trade gets boost as Americans pinch pennies

(Newser) - If this recession reaches Great Depression levels, there may not be enough cobblers to go around. There are only 7,000 of them left in the US—down from 120,000 in the 1920s—and their business is piling up faster than they can manage as strapped Americans repair shoes...

Iraq Takes Down Shoe Sculpture

Government rejects monument's 'political motives'

(Newser) - The large, shoe-shaped sculpture made to honor an Iraqi journalist’s gesture of defiance against former President Bush was removed from the garden of a Tikrit orphanage just a day after it was put up, CNN reports. The government requested the removal, and sent police to supervise. “We will...

Iraq Artist With Sole Honors Bush Shoe Hurler

Incident 'source of pride,' says sculptor

(Newser) - A copper sculpture of a shoe with a bush growing from it has been unveiled in Saddam Hussein's hometown of Tikrit to honor the journalist who hurled his shoes at President Bush. TV reporter Muntadar al-Zeidi missed, but his action hit it off with some Iraqis. Artist Laith al-Amari insists...

Man Sues Over Smack From Stripper's Shoe

Wants $25K in damages after flying footwear hit him in face

(Newser) - An Ohio man is suing a strip club for $25,000 after a stripper’s shoe flew off and clocked him in the nose, the Daily Telegraph reports. A year after the incident, he says he’ll need surgery and can only breath from one nostril. “When the boot...

Shoe-Hurler Wants Swiss Asylum

Lawyer says al-Zaidi is in danger if he remains in Iraq

(Newser) - A Swiss lawyer working on behalf of the Iraqi journalist who threw shoes at President Bush said today his client will seek political asylum in Switzerland. The Geneva-based lawyer said Muntadhar al-Zaidi's life is in danger if he stays in Iraq. Al-Zaidi has been detained in an Iraqi jail awaiting...

Bizarre Political Moments of '08

Weird doings with Hillary, Huck and a chucked shoe

(Newser) - Oh-eight was a banner year for politics, and half the time it was a really strange banner. Politico looks back on the weirdest moments in a topsy-turvy year.
  • Mike Huckabee holds a news conference to announce he won’t run a negative ad, then plays the ad for everyone.
  • Desperate

Lost Soles Clog Miami Highway
 Lost Soles Clog Miami Highway 

Lost Soles Clog Miami Highway

Police look for charity for shoes that tripped up commuters

(Newser) - Thousands of shoes snarled traffic this morning on a Miami highway, the Sun-Sentinel reports. “It’s not getting better. It’s still backed up,” one official said as crews cleared the unclaimed shoes, which fell from a truck. Police hope to donate the lost soles to charity and...

Shoe-Thrower Tortured Into Writing Apology

Zaidi 'would do it again,' will sue Iraqi police for abuse, brother says

(Newser) - Muntadar al-Zaidi, now famous for throwing his shoes at George W. Bush during a press conference in Iraq, was tortured into writing a letter of apology to the American president, his brother told the Guardian today. Zaidi has allegedly suffered cigarette burns to his ears, is missing a tooth, and...

Maker of 'Bush Shoe' Sees Orders Soar

Demand from Iraq, US creates 100 new jobs at Turkish manufacturer

(Newser) - Muntadar al-Zaidi may be languishing in jail after throwing his shoes at President Bush, but one man has found a bonanza in the Iraqi's unorthodox protest. The owner of the Baydan Shoe Company in Istanbul has insisted that his company made the black leather shoes that nearly conked the president....

Iraqi Judge: Shoe-Tosser Was Beaten
Iraqi Judge: Shoe-Tosser Was Beaten

Iraqi Judge: Shoe-Tosser Was Beaten

He opens probe, says case against journalist could be dropped

(Newser) - The Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at President Bush was beaten afterward and had bruises on his face and around his eyes, a judge said today. Judge Dhia al-Kinani, the magistrate investigating the incident, said the court has opened an investigation into the treatment of Muntadhar al-Zaidi. "We...

Laura Bush Unamused by Shoe 'Assault'

(Newser) - Laura Bush is not among those laughing along at her husband's recent shoe-dodging moves. "As a wife, I saw it as an assault, and that's what it was," she told USA Today. "So I didn't laugh it off." The first lady did, however, have an insight...

Shoe-Tosser to Maliki: Pardon Me

Journalist appeals to Iraqi PM's 'fatherly feelings'

(Newser) - The Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at President Bush is appealing to PM Nouri al-Maliki for a pardon, the Guardian reports. Calling on Maliki's "fatherly feelings," Muntadar al-Zaidi expressed remorse, saying the "big ugly act cannot be excused," Maliki's office said. He also reminded the...

What Not To Do in Foreign Lands

Tabloid offers how-to guide for provoking international incidents

(Newser) - Taking its cue from the infamous shoe-toss of an Iraqi journalist—a sign of high contempt in his culture—the Daily Mirror presents a how-to guide for provoking international incidents:
  • Buddhist countries: Nothing raises eyebrows or ire more than a pat on the head, as that's where locals believe the

More Shoes Tossed at White House Protest

Demonstrators demand Iraqi journalist's release

(Newser) - Americans expressed solidarity with Iraqi shoe-thrower Muntadar al-Zaidi by mimicking him in front of the White House today. A dozen protesters tossed footwear at a Bush impersonator while demanding the president be jailed instead of the journalist, the Raw Story reports. Members of the anti-war group Code Pink also lined...

Bush Shoe Toss Goes Viral
 Bush Shoe Toss Goes Viral 

Bush Shoe Toss Goes Viral

Infamous Iraq shoe dodge spawns online games

(Newser) - President Bush's shoe-dodging Iraq press conference has the internet's legions of animators kicking up their heels, Wired reports. Dozens of games—including one called "Sock and Awe"—were rapidly created after the incident, allowing players to be a shoe-ducking president, a shoe-chucking journalist, or a shoe-shooting Secret Service...

Perino Back&mdash;With Shiner
 Perino Back—With Shiner 

Perino Back—With Shiner

Press secretary takes a hit during shoe melee

(Newser) - White House Press Secretary Dana Perino took a hit for her boss during the Iraq shoe fiasco, Gawker reports. The unsung victim came home with collateral damage—a black eye she's dubbed her "shoe-venir." Perino was hit by a microphone pole sent flying by Bush's lead agent as...

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